IntroductionBlack FridayItems with 60 % off

Items with 60 % off

0 €
50 €
Heart Feng Shui cut clear crystal
A beautiful Feng Shui window crystal in the shape of a cut heart brings happiness, love and harmony to partner relationships.

Heart Feng Shui cut clear crystal

approx. 5 cm
in stock
6.13 €
Amethyst and crystal brass pendulum
Amethyst Crystal Healing Pendulum - Find answers to questions, support decision making and judgement.

Amethyst and crystal brass pendulum

4,5 cm
in stock
11.53 €
Feng Shui hanging decoration with wooden elephants
Feng Shui hanging decoration with elephants and a bell to calm the mind, to suppress stress and tension. Also suitable for a children's room.

Feng Shui hanging decoration with wooden elephants

length approx. 80 cm
in stock
6.36 €
Orgonite Pyramid with Dragonstone Rune Teiwaz
Attractive orgonite pyramid with dragonstone Rune Teiwaz - Týr, god of war and heaven. The rune symbolizes courage, victory, justice and the willingness to sacrifice one's own interests to achieve a higher good.

Orgonite Pyramid with Dragonstone Rune Teiwaz

6 x 6 x 6,2 cm
in stock
23.10 €
Lotus flower Feng Shui crystal window curtain
The beautiful Feng Shui window curtain made of cut crystals with a lotus flower brings not only the sparkling color of its crystals to the space, but also beauty and relaxation.

Lotus flower Feng Shui crystal window curtain

approx 31 cm
in stock
14.23 €
Pyramid extra of seven semi-precious stones
A beautiful large pyramid with seven types of semi-precious stones and a chakra harmonizing crystal with a crystal tip recharges and harmonizes the energies of the seven main chakras.

Pyramid extra of seven semi-precious stones

approx. 4,5 to 5 x 4,5 to 5 cm
in stock
19.25 €
Feng Shui curtain Tree of Life with a mix of semi-precious stones
Feng Shui curtain Tree of Life with a mix of semi-precious stones. The Tree of Life is a protective talisman of the strong for life energy, strength and vitality.

Feng Shui curtain Tree of Life with a mix of semi-precious stones

approx. 40 cm
in stock
11.53 €
Cone Feng Shui cut crystal iridescent metallized Bright pearl
Feng Shui crystal in the shape of a cone harmonizes the environment, maintains balance in it, brings positive energy and activity

Cone Feng Shui cut crystal iridescent metallized Bright pearl

53 mm
in stock
7.67 €
Orgonite chakra pyramid in the shape of a cone
Orgonite pyramid in the shape of a cone with seven types of semi-precious stones for harmonizing chakras. Increases positive energy and neutralizes harmful radiation.

Orgonite chakra pyramid in the shape of a cone

approx. 6 cm
in stock
15 €
Tree of Life Feng Shui Hanging Seven Chakras
A beautiful Feng Shui chakra window curtain with glass ornaments not only brings sparkling color, beauty to the space and contributes to overall harmony.

Tree of Life Feng Shui Hanging Seven Chakras

length approx. 36 cm
in stock
13.46 €
Ball Feng Shui cut crystal
The Feng Shui cut crystal in the shape of a sphere carries the gentle feminine energy of Jin, which harmonizes and activates the subtle energy.

Ball Feng Shui cut crystal

30 mm
in stock
5.36 €
Orgonite crystal pendant with red jasper
Orgonite pendant made of red jasper, according to folk traditions brings the wearer health and strength. Protects and stabilizes. Protects against negativity.

Orgonite crystal pendant with red jasper

approx. 3,5 cm
in stock
3.43 €2.40 €
Discount -30%
Orgonite pyramid with sodalite Runa Laguz
Attractive orgonite pyramid with sodalite Runa Laguz - lake. Laguz means intuition, purification and deep emotional experience.

Orgonite pyramid with sodalite Runa Laguz

6 x 6 x 6,2 cm
in stock
23.10 €
Orgonite pyramid with multicolored fluorite extra
Orgonite pyramid with fluorite according to folk traditions banishes stress and negative emotions, supports a passion for life

Orgonite pyramid with multicolored fluorite extra

approx. 4 x 4 cm
in stock
14.23 €
Orgonite pyramid Flower of life with garnet and crystal
Enchanting Orgonite Pyramid Flower of Life with garnet, colored quartz and crystal to promote positive energy.

Orgonite pyramid Flower of life with garnet and crystal

5 x 5 x 5,5 cm
in stock
13.46 €
Orgonite pendant crystal with amethyst
The orgonite pendant in the shape of a crystal with natural amethyst supposedly suppresses negative influences around the wearer, has strong protective and cleansing power.

Orgonite pendant crystal with amethyst

approx. 3.5 cm
in stock
3.82 €2.67 €
Discount -30%
Orgonite pendant crystal with lapis lazuli
Orgonite pendant in the shape of a crystal with natural lapis lazuli traditionally brings courage, calm and peace, protects. It works against depression and stress.

Orgonite pendant crystal with lapis lazuli

approx. 3.5 cm
in stock
3.82 €2.67 €
Discount -30%
Protective curtain with dorje and elephant
Protective curtain with dorje and elephant against fear, negativity and to promote stability.

Protective curtain with dorje and elephant

length approx. 20 cm
in stock
8.83 €
Feng Shui pendant Heart made of rose quartz
Feng Shui curtain Heart made of rose quartz - home, office, conservatory or car. Use the curtain to suppress negative feelings, to support love and patience.

Feng Shui pendant Heart made of rose quartz

approx. 31 cm
in stock
13.46 €
Lotus flower for Feng Shui made of rainbow crystal large
Feng Shui crystal in the shape of a lotus flower is a symbol of rebirth, beauty, life, happiness, purity and spirituality and harmony.

Lotus flower for Feng Shui made of rainbow crystal large

approx. 9 cm
in stock
13.46 €
Rose quartz and crystal brass pendulum
Rose quartz and Crystal Healing Pendulum - Find answers to questions, support decision-making and judgement.

Rose quartz and crystal brass pendulum

4,5 cm
in stock
11.53 €
Feng Shui ball cut crystal XXL
Feng Shui cut ball-shaped crystal carries the gentle feminine energy of Jin, which harmonizes and activates the subtle energy

Feng Shui ball cut crystal XXL

70 mm
in stock
30.82 €
Lapis lazuli pendulum
Lapis Lazuli Healing Pendulum - find answers to questions, support decision-making and judgement.

Lapis lazuli pendulum

3,8 cm
in stock
7.67 €
Black obsidian balls in a gift box
Blue Kyanite Orb in Gift Box. Obsidian is among the protective talismans against negativity.

Black obsidian balls in a gift box

approx. 5 cm
in stock
32.78 €
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