IntroductionJewelryJewelry with gemstonesStone braceletsPlate bracelets made of semi-precious stones

Plate bracelets made of semi-precious stones

0 €
60 €
Agate Indian plate bracelet extra
A bracelet made of Indian variegated agate rectangles is said to bring emotional, physical and mental balance. It is also said to strengthen love and security.

Agate Indian plate bracelet extra

circuit approx. 18 to 22 cm
in stock
13.46 €
Plate bracelet with pieces of amethyst
Resin plate bracelet with amethyst pieces. Amethyst is a stone of love, passion, understanding and humility.

Plate bracelet with pieces of amethyst

circuit approx. 16 to 21 cm
in stock
14.23 €
Plate bracelet with pieces of pyrite
Plate bracelet made of resin with pieces of pyrite. Pyrite is a stone for positively influencing the mind and harmonizing emotional imbalances.

Plate bracelet with pieces of pyrite

circuit approx. 16 to 21 cm
in stock
15.39 €
Plate bracelet with pieces of malachite
Plate bracelet made of resin with pieces of malachite. Malachite soothes and promotes restful sleep.

Plate bracelet with pieces of malachite

circuit approx. 16 to 21 cm
in stock
14.23 €
Aventurine green polished extra oval plate bracelet
A bracelet made of cut plates of green aventurine, according to tradition, increases sensitivity, endurance, creativity and brings luck and wealth.

Aventurine green polished extra oval plate bracelet

circuit approx. 17 to 21 cm
in stock
16.55 €
Lapis Lazuli polished extra oval plate bracelet
A bracelet made of cut lapis lazuli plates is said to bring calm and peace, protect. In Feng Shui, it represents the energy of water, which is said to have a calming force.

Lapis Lazuli polished extra oval plate bracelet

circuit approx. 17 to 22 cm
in stock
15.39 €
Amethyst polished extra oval plate bracelet
A beautiful bracelet made of cut amethyst plates. Amethyst is a stone of love, passion, understanding and humility.

Amethyst polished extra oval plate bracelet

circuit approx. 16 to 21 cm
in stock
17.32 €
Morganite - beryl pink emerald bracelet extra plate
A charming morganite bracelet brings love, togetherness and mutual understanding between partners. It is a stone of divine love.

Morganite - beryl pink emerald bracelet extra plate

circumference approx. 16 to 22 cm
in stock
50.10 €
Aventurine blue polished extra oval plate bracelet
A bracelet made of blue aventurine plates is said to increase endurance, is a protective stone, and brings good luck.

Aventurine blue polished extra oval plate bracelet

circuit approx. 17 to 22 cm
in stock
16.55 €
Tiger's, bull's and falcon's eye cut bracelet with extra plate ovals
Exclusive bracelet made of cut tiger's eye, bull's eye and hawk's eye plates. Tiger's eye protects, strengthens willpower, brings prosperity and happiness.

Tiger's, bull's and falcon's eye cut bracelet with extra plate ovals

circuit approx. 17 to 21 cm
in stock
17.32 €
Howlit white polished bracelet plate extra ovals
A bracelet made of cut white howlite plates is said to bring peace, harmony and relaxation, suppressing stress.

Howlit white polished bracelet plate extra ovals

circuit approx. 16 to 22 cm
in stock
16.55 €
Rose quartz cut bracelet with extra plate rectangles
A beautiful bracelet made of cut rosary plates on a rubber band. Rose quartz is a symbol of love, beauty and healing.

Rose quartz cut bracelet with extra plate rectangles

circuit approx. 17 to 22 cm
in stock
15.39 €
Burnt polished plate bracelet with extra ovals
A bracelet made of shaped plates of cut opal promotes sociability and helps us to tune in to the emotional waves of other people.

Burnt polished plate bracelet with extra ovals

circuit approx. 16 to 22 cm
in stock
16.55 €
Tiger's eye polished extra oval plate bracelet
Exclusive bracelet made of cut tiger plates. Tiger's eye protects, strengthens willpower, brings prosperity and happiness.

Tiger's eye polished extra oval plate bracelet

circuit approx. 17 to 21 cm
in stock
15.39 €
Unakit polished extra oval plate bracelet
Luxury bracelet made of cut unakite plates. Unakit is considered a stone that is said to bring a calming and pleasant energy to the surroundings.

Unakit polished extra oval plate bracelet

circuit approx. 18 to 22 cm
in stock
16.55 €
Rosewood bracelet extra plate square
Beautiful bracelet made of flat rosemary plates on an elastic band. Rosary is a symbol of love, beauty and healing.

Rosewood bracelet extra plate square

circumference approx. 16 to 22 cm
in stock
17.32 €10.77 €
Discount -38%
Tiger and bull's eye cut extra plate bracelet
Exclusive bracelet made of cut tiger and bull's eye plates. The tiger's eye protects, strengthens willpower, and brings prosperity and happiness.

Tiger and bull's eye cut extra plate bracelet

circuit approx. 17 to 22 cm
in stock
15.39 €
Crystal cut extra oval plate bracelet
A luxurious bracelet made of cut crystal plates is said to protect against all evil and negativity and promote restful sleep.

Crystal cut extra oval plate bracelet

circuit approx. 17 to 22 cm
in stock
17.32 €
Falcon eye plate bracelet
Blue-colored falcon-eye bracelet. The falcon's eye protects, strengthens willpower, and brings prosperity and happiness.

Falcon eye plate bracelet

circuit approx. 16 to 20 cm
not in stock
13.46 €
Aventurine sun bracelet plate wide
A wide bracelet made of solar aventurine plates is said to increase sensitivity, endurance, creativity and bring luck and wealth.

Aventurine sun bracelet plate wide

approx. 16 to 19 cm
not in stock
9.60 €
Rodonit polished extra oval plate bracelet
An exclusive bracelet made of cut rhodonite plates brings emotional balance, induces a feeling of love and gives confidence in our actions.

Rodonit polished extra oval plate bracelet

circuit approx. 18 to 22 cm
not in stock
15.39 €
Tiger eye bracelet plate round wide
Exclusive bracelet made of oval tiger eye plates. The tiger's eye protects, strengthens willpower, and brings prosperity and happiness.

Tiger eye bracelet plate round wide

circuit approx. 16 to 20 cm
not in stock
12.69 €
Citrine cut bracelet plate extra ovals
An exclusive bracelet made of cut citrine plates gives happiness, abundance and prosperity, gives self-confidence and positive thinking.

Citrine cut bracelet plate extra ovals

circuit approx. 16 to 22 cm
not in stock
16.55 €
Rose quartz cut bracelet plate extra ovals
A beautiful bracelet made of cut rose gold quartz. Rose quartz is a symbol of love, beauty and healing.

Rose quartz cut bracelet plate extra ovals

circuit approx. 16 to 21 cm
not in stock
15.39 €
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