The resin will perfume your home with a pleasant aroma and bring a relaxed and peaceful atmosphere. Individual species have different effects and smells, affect different senses and parts of the human body. Try, for example, aloe resin, which with its slightly pungent aroma will calm the busy and chaotic life of each of us. offers a wide selection of many resins, smoking bowls , herbs and carbons .
Let peace and harmony permeate your entire spirit and home with our fragrances and smoking mixtures.

Magic ritual according to Nefertitis smoking mixture

Dragon blood resin 60 g in a can

Seven Chakra Smoking Blend by Nefertitis

Financial Prosperity Smoke Compound from Nefertitis

Seven energy smoking compound from Nephertitis

Asa foetida - Devil's shit

Camphor natural crystals 20 g

African green incense

Incense African Chad

Sal Nepal

Dragon blood Yemen

Indian incense - the highest quality

Benzoe Siamese

Peruvian Golden Smoker (Incienso)

Jerusalem 60 g in a can

Myrrh Somalia

Kamasutra fumigation mixture 70 g

Energy chakras smoking resin mixture 60 g

Black myrrh

Myrrh Yemen

Incense black Somalia