IntroductionMagazineStone AtlasShiva Lingam/Shiva Lingam

Shiva Lingam/Shiva Lingam

A stone of protection and support
This stone comes from India, from the Narmado River, which is a tributary of the Ganges. The stones are collected from the riverbed during the dry season. They vary in size from small pebbles of less than 2 cm to stones of 25-30 cm in size. The elongated form and the alternation of colored surfaces are characteristic. The chemical composition is jasper with impurities, i.e. petrified river mud. Hardness - 7.
The name is a combination of the word lingam , meaning phallus, and refers to the ovoid shape of the stone (manually polished to balanced proportions). This shape in Tantra embodies male energy, dynamism and knowledge. Shiva is a Hindu god and the stone is worshiped as his embodiment. The colored areas on the stone are called yoni and represent feminine energy, wisdom and intuition.
Mystical properties: Shiva Lingam is the "stone of kundalini energy" among Indians. It awakens and activates the main energy centers (chakras) from the root to the crown, and because it unites both masculine and feminine energy and creates a harmonious unity, it is often used to suppress excess masculine (yang) energy. Those who practice yoga or meditate often use this stone to achieve Sidha, a special form of power and desire. The female part of Shiva Lingala energy stimulates the male part of energy to create.
In Feng Shui, the Shiva Lingam is used to direct energy - for example, you can hang it above the stairs that are opposite the door, so that the energy does not escape upwards into the space. Or you can place it in a place in the house where its energy will flow to all corners and create a protective, pleasant and supportive environment.
Shiva Linhgam is an excellent stone for people who had a rough childhood. It helps them process memories and heal wounds and feelings of not being loved enough (mainly by their mother). It helps them fill that void with a sense of protection and support. Overall, it harmonizes and balances.
Medicinal Uses: The Shiva Lingham is the stone of the physical body. Activates Kundalini energy. Improves sexuality, balances and suppresses intestinal spasms. If you need to process an unhappy childhood, use Chrysopras along with the Shiva Lingam. This connection will give you strength and courage and show you how your childhood memories influence your current life. For healing meditation, place Chrysopras between the root and sacral chakras.

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