IntroductionMagazineStone AtlasShungite and its use

Shungite and its use

Shungite is a polymineralic, carbonaceous rock estimated to be around 2 billion years old. It is almost pure carbon combined with almost all minerals from the periodic table of elements. It contains fullerenes, which are almost spherical molecules made up of several carbon atoms, the smallest of which is the fullerene made up of 20 carbon atoms and the most stable is the fullerene of 60 atoms, which is also the most common, they are also called buckyball clusters. However, shungite containing almost 100% carbon is rare, it is commonly found with a much lower proportion.

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The name shungite is derived from the place where it was found for the first time, i.e. in the village of Šunga on the shores of Lake Onega in Karelia.
Shungite began to be used in the 18th century, and was also used in the construction of several Russian cathedrals. It is used as an insulating material, as an adsorbent in water purification where oil is processed.

How to recognize real shungite

Raw, untreated shungite is grey-black, polished pieces are black with maps or small cracks.

How to use shungite at home?

Shungite can be used to purify water, as it acts as an adsorbent, which means that it binds to itself surface-active substances, chlorine, ammonia, etc. It therefore has the same capabilities as, for example, activated carbon, which is used industrially to purify drinking water.

How to prepare water purified with shungite?

Pour drinking water into a glass container and put the washed shungite pieces in it. About 100 g of shungite per 1 liter of water.
Leave in a dark place for about 1 day. After that, pour the water into a clean container, leaving about 1.5 dcl of water together with the shungite in the original container. Wash the shungites with clean water and they are thus ready for further use. With frequent use, it is recommended to replace the shungites with new ones after about 0.5 years.
Used shungites can be given as gifts, used as talismans, as black crystals, minerals and stones are a symbol of strength and protection.

The article was written for you on 19 March 2022 by: Mgr. Radka Brichcínová

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