Smokers and censers
Enjoying pleasant aromas, relaxing and achieving inner peace, without stress and everyday problems, that is the meaning of smoking. For this, we use fragrant woods , fine resins and balms, various spices and herbs , which are burned on hot coals in smoking bowls and censers .
We recommend using the fumigation method also to clean stones or amulets .

Smoke mixture Smoke strength - Anti-handling 60 ml

Chamomile flower

Cinnamon and orange 30 g in a can

Ceramic incense burner with dragons

White sage

Brass censer with Yggrasil handle

White sage and juniper smoking bundle 10 cm

Brass incense burner Selena

Rosemary rosemary smoking bundle 10 cm

Metal oven Lumiel

Smoke mixture Smoke strength - Forgiveness 60 ml

Copper bowl diameter 10 cm

Heating set for a peaceful sleep

A smoking mixture for harmonizing the sacral chakra - Svádhisthana

Heating set for home cleaning

Wall bracket for hanging brass censers

Smoking mixture The power of smoking - Home cleaning 60 ml

Peak and aroma talc lamp with flowers

Financial Prosperity Smoke Compound from Nefertitis

Combustion mixture for harmonizing the frontal chakra - Ajna