Smokers and censers
Enjoying pleasant aromas, relaxing and achieving inner peace, without stress and everyday problems, that is the meaning of smoking. For this, we use fragrant woods , fine resins and balms, various spices and herbs , which are burned on hot coals in smoking bowls and censers .
We recommend using the fumigation method also to clean stones or amulets .

Basilica mixture of resins

Tulasi sacred basil stem

Tonka seeds

Incense Greek Temple Magnolia Smoke Mix

Greek Temple Incense Cedar Smoke Mix 20 g

Magic Ritual Smoking Compound from Nephertitis


Galgan root

Incense Greek Temple Jerusalem Smoke Mix

Incense Greek Temple Lavender Smoke Mix

Abalone shell polished smoking bowl L 16 to 18 cm


Incense Greek temple Saharan flower fumes

Incense Greek temple Byzantium smoking mixture

Incense Greek temple Nazareth smoking mixture

Greek temple incense Pine fumes 20 g

Greek Temple Incense Honey Smoke Mix 20 g

Incense Greek temple acacia fumigant

Concentration according to Nefertitis smoking mixture

Ragweed fragrant hearts