Symbols - Buddhism
A symbol is a visual sign or sign, sign, pictogram or emblem to which a meaning is attached. There are symbols denoting currency, road signs, symbols for handling packaging, cosmetics, for timekeeping ... Even animals, birds and flowers represent symbolism, eg an owl is considered a symbol of wisdom, a cat is a symbol of courage to explore the unknown and find balance, dragonfly is a symbol of beauty, happiness and courage, jasmine is a symbol of love, beauty and sensuality, the mythical unicorn is a symbol of magic, miracles and magic. The skull is a symbol of strength, courage, wisdom. The symbolism is attributed to elements such as fire, earth, wood, water and metal and individual colors. The tradition of symbols varies in length, their meaning is more or less important, and is crucial for a group of people of different sizes.
In this article, we will describe some selected traditional symbols of Buddhism.
The origins of Buddhism date back to more than 2,500 years ago. According to legend , Prince Siddharta Gautama became a Buddha after six years of meditation under the Bodhi tree (sacred fig tree leaves), where he attained enlightenment.
Buddhist symbolism is complex because it involves a large number of schools and thus directions. Although Gautama Buddha probably died in the 5th century. BC, the first surviving Buddhist symbols date back to the 3rd century BC
Especially in Tibetan Buddhism, the Eight Lucky Symbols (Ashtamangala) are often depicted. The symbols are depicted, among other things, on a traditional Tibetan cymbal, the sounds of which are intended to encourage attention and concentration during Buddhist rituals or meditations. They can be displayed individually or all together.
The goblet symbolizes the richness of Buddhist teaching (Dharma), longevity and prosperity.
The lotus symbolizes transformation on the spiritual path. Just as it turns into a beautiful flower, so negative human qualities turn into love, compassion and wisdom.
The victorious battalion symbolizes complete victory over the negative, destructive forces within ourselves.
The parasol symbolizes the protection that Dharma offers to all living beings by protecting them from negative forces, diseases, obstacles, accidents, etc.
The wheel of Dharma (dharmachakra) symbolizes the Buddha's teaching and its spread.
Pisces symbolizes the fact that people who practice the Dharma do not have to fear suffering because they can live through their own understanding and action.
The infinite knot symbolizes the interdependence of all phenomena, an aspect of the Buddha's wisdom.
The clockwise shell symbolizes the supportive sound of the Dharma, which dispels the suffering of living beings.
Dharmachakra - the wheel of dharma, which symbolizes the eight-part path, the symbol representing dharma - the teachings of the Buddha and his path to awakening. Dharma in free translation means law or way, a term used in Far Eastern religions. It represents the path to universal truth and truth itself.
The traditional Buddhist symbols used in Buddhism or Hinduism are mudras, ie gestures that are depicted in bodhisattvas (that is, those who seek enlightenment) and Buddhas. Gestures are formed by the palms and fingers, exceptionally with the whole body, and are used in yoga exercises.
Among the most famous is the ghumisparsha-mudra , a gesture of touching the earth.
Dharmachakra-mudra is a gesture of the wheel of the law and symbolizes the moment when the Buddha first explained the 4 noble truths, spinning the wheel of dharma. The right hand signifies the transmission of the Buddha's teachings, the left hand symbolizes wisdom and inner awareness.
Varada-mudra is a gesture of kindness and symbolizes generosity and mercy.
Abhaja-mudra is a sacred hand gesture used during yoga practice or meditation as a means of directing the flow of life energy known as prana. It is a symbol of security, protection, peace and security.
Andžali-mudra gesture, which is expressed with palms clasped together, with fingers pointing upwards, thumbs towards the chest. It is used as a common greeting in Hindu culture and is known as fatty, literally: I bow to you.
Mudras - selected examples
Are you interested in symbols and their meaning? If the goal of your interest is esotericism or esotericism, you can read more here.
She wrote the article for you on January 8, 2022: Mgr. Radka Brichcínová
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