VIRGO (Virgin)
August 23 to September 22
Virgo is an earth sign ruled by the planet Mercury. A sense of order and system, practicality and the ability to focus on a given task are typical for the Virgo sign. People born under this sign are inquisitive, their lives are governed by reason and expediency, order and harmony are the basis of thinking. They tend to be critical of others, but in principle they are tolerant and sensitive.
Precious stones for the sign of Virgo are: agate (especially moss), amethyst, aventurine, amazonite, beryl, citrine, charoite, dioptas, garnet, heliotrope, chrysocolla, amber, jasper, carnelian, lapis lazuli, moonstone, olivine, opal, ruby , sapphire (blue), sardonyx, sodalite, sugilite, tiger's eye.

Jasper polychrome ball Madagascar 4

Crystal heart tactile massage

Jadeite yellow satin necklace

Jade green satin necklace

Jasper polychrome freeform Madagascar 3

Set of two bracelets made of lava and howlite with Shamballa fastening

Author's bracelet Summer RB Design 162

Jasper kambaba polished Madagascar Heart M9-2

Jasper green beaded bracelet RB Design 42

Silver pendant with large cut onyx Ag 925 015657 ONY

Touch of Angels Jade Bracelet RB Design 80

Jasper red heart-shaped pendant

Himalayan salt massage tactile and heart shape soap

Jadeite purple-green and cracked crystal bracelet RB Design 140

Lepidolite polished freeform Madagascar 3

Tibetan colored jade necklace

Amethyst with Ulexity RB Design 97

Jasper green unique bracelet

RB Design 163 pink-grey jadeite bracelet

Sunstone cut and seed beads bracelet RB Design 135