IntroductionMagazineFeng ShuiBlack in Feng Shui

Black in Feng Shui

Black crystals, minerals and stones are symbols of strength and protection. Black indicates the absence of light, e.g. a dark night sky among the stars. The dark night is seen as a time of unease, people are usually afraid of unknown things. Although this color is often perceived negatively and associated with something that ends, as it expresses sadness, nevertheless , stones of black color are used as amulets, protecting against restlessness, fear, apprehension and anxiety. Traditionally, a piece of black stone was placed near the entrance door to protect the dwelling. Skoryl (black tourmaline) and onyx are used as protection against physical hardship. Black should strengthen courage, physical and mental strength.

Black crystals mutually support each other in effect with green stones (personal stones of people born under the sign of Taurus, i.e. from April 20 to May 21). Together they provide safety and security.

Black in Feng Shui represents the energy of water . Stones of this color are suitable for any space that is used for rest, meditation, relaxation or prayer. Water energy is traditionally associated with the entrance or the northern part of a room, apartment or house. It is associated with the area of career and life path. If you want to keep your life moving forward towards your goals, use the energy of water elements to do so.

Water is the energy of silence, strength, peace and purification. He is the embodiment of unrealized possibilities and abilities. It is pliable and very strong. The water element brings the power of regeneration and rebirth, it is the energy of the circle of life.

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