IntroductionMagazineHoroscopesFish in the color language blue

Fish in the color language blue



People born between February 21 and March 20, i.e. PISCES, are traditionally assigned precious blue stones.

Pisces is a water sign ruled by the planets Neptune and Jupiter . People born under the sign of Pisces stand out for their unselfish and sensitive approach to others. Doubts about their own abilities and lack of self-confidence are typical for them. Characteristic qualities are reliability, honesty, trustworthiness and willingness to help others.

Precious stones for Pisces are: lace agate, aquamarine, amethyst, beryl, dumortierite, fluorite, heliotrope, chrysoprase, iolite, jadeite, jasper, calcite, kunzite, labradorite, lapis lazuli, menalite, moonstone, nebula, jade, opal, olivine, ruby, sapphire, shattuckite, sunstone, smithsonite, stromatolite, sugilite, shungite, tanzanite, tiffany stone (bertrandite), tourmaline, turquoise, unakite.

Blue is the color of ice reflecting the slowly lightening blue sky, as when the sun's rays begin to penetrate the color of violets and winter begins to give way to the beginning of spring, nature awakens to new life and blue heralds the beginning of life and emotions, it is a time of trust and loyalty.

Precious stones of blue color are called stones of truth. They are used as talismans and amulets for honesty and responsibility. They are suitable for us to feel trustworthy and to be able to focus on what we need in life.

opal-australian-ring-silver-ls-1106-11 sodalite-bracelet-sekany-12 sapphire-earring-silver-oval-11 lapis-lazuli-extra-bracelet-sekany-11

Very light shades of blue stones are used to increase efforts to get rid of destructive patterns of behavior, they are suitable for alleviating anxiety, quieting grief, improving mood and detaching from a negative past.

Light blue stones reminiscent of the color of shallow waters in which the sky is reflected help to relax, think and contemplate life. They are suitable for increasing patience, and for the ability to forgive and ask for forgiveness, for calm dealings, and for reconciliation. They are excellent helpers for promoting trust, loyalty, overcoming uncertainty, maintaining stability, devotion and respect.

Opal blue Owyhee pendant silver 1 13 aquamarine-bracelet-sekany-extra-11 larimar-pendant-stribro-ls-289-11

Dark blue gemstones are good for increasing self-respect and honor. They are used if we want to show compassion, to achieve a sensitive, gentle and tender behavior, consideration and respect, prudence, kindness and helpfulness. They are the personification of efforts to focus on service to others, sensitivity to the needs of others, and consideration in our own behavior.

No matter which sign of the Zodiac you are or if you buy a stone of any color, we wish you that it gives you pleasure and that it brings you joy and good mood and drives away everything negative from you.

Healing stones

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