IntroductionAccessoriesSmokers and censersFuel mixtures

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80 €
Smoking set Nine resins
Smoking set Nine resins. Let yourself be pampered by the scents of selected resins and their mixtures, enter the world of aromatherapy, relax, rest, meditate...

Smoking set Nine resins

not in stock
46.24 €32.37 €
Discount -30%
Smoking incense mixture Lemongrass and spices 40 g in a glass
Luxurious charming smoking mixture with lemon grass and spices such as cloves, star anise and cinnamon. Refreshing and warm at the same time.

Smoking incense mixture Lemongrass and spices 40 g in a glass

25 g
not in stock
9.60 €5.75 €
Discount -40%
Smoke mixture Smoke strength - Anti-shadow 60 ml
Smoking mixture The power of smoking - Against the shadows contains: mistletoe, elderberry, rhododendron, Sahumerio digger, etc.

Smoke mixture Smoke strength - Anti-shadow 60 ml

60 ml
not in stock
6.90 €4.83 €
Discount -30%
Dhanvantari smoke blend for health promotion
Support health and a calm mind with a pleasantly fresh citrus scent with notes of resin and honey.

Dhanvantari smoke blend for health promotion

68 g
not in stock
8.83 €6.18 €
Discount -30%
Smoke mixture Frankincense and myrrh 100 g in a glass
Luxurious charming smoking mixture with lemon grass and spices such as cloves, star anise and cinnamon. Refreshing and warm at the same time.

Smoke mixture Frankincense and myrrh 100 g in a glass

100 g
not in stock
9.99 €6.99 €
Discount -30%
Lakshmi smoking compound for wealth and prosperity
You gain prosperity, happiness and with it wealth by smoking this wonderful mixture, full of aromas of citrus, lavender and resins

Lakshmi smoking compound for wealth and prosperity

68 g
not in stock
8.83 €6.18 €
Discount -30%
Energy chakras smoking resin mixture 60 g
The smoking mixture of resins helps to harmonize the chakras, creates a pleasant mood and brings relaxation to the mind and body

Energy chakras smoking resin mixture 60 g

60 g
not in stock
7.67 €5.37 €
Discount -30%
Fumes mixture The power of fumes - Demonstration of demons 60 ml
Smoking mixture The power of smoking - The banishment of demons includes: Sahumerio digger, devil's shit - Ferula assa foetida, dragon's blood, earthworms, pepper berries, etc.

Fumes mixture The power of fumes - Demonstration of demons 60 ml

60 ml
not in stock
7.29 €5.10 €
Discount -30%
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