GEMINI (Twins)
May 22 to June 21
Gemini is an air sign, ruled by the planet Mercury. They are characterized by a double, fluctuating nature and fondness for opposites. People born under this sign are bright and highly intelligent and tend to be multi-talented.
Gemstones for the sign of Gemini are: agate, aquamarine, amethyst, aventurine, apophyllite, citrine, chalcedony, chrysoberyl, chrysocol, chrysoprase, amber, calcite, carnelian, crystal with tourmaline, obsidian, rose gold, sapphire, sardonyx, serpentine, sagenite, topaz , tourmaline (green), tiger's eye, turquoise, vltavine (moldavite).

Amber round beads for children Rainbow multicolor satin

Turquoise right tumbled

Round amber beads for children, color cognac

Calcite orange polished large freeform Madagascar 1

Set of 9 fashion bracelets made of glass beads

Orgonite chakra pendant with heart semi-precious stones

Amber beads for children with amazon limited collection

Amber beads for children satin

Polished amber Lithuania 5

Tiger Eye Buddha Bracelet

Tiger eye ring metal adjustable size

Tiger eye ring adjustable size

Set of two lava and hematite bracelets with an angel

Turquoise Norwegian green pendant silver Ag 925 39315

Amber natural bracelet large polished beads 4 colors

Orgonite chakra pendant with oval semi-precious stones

Amber beads for children with semiprecious stones cherry color

Purpurite raw Namibia

Raw Turquoise Iran 1

Turquoise Buddha bracelet