GEMINI (Twins)
May 22 to June 21
Gemini is an air sign, ruled by the planet Mercury. They are characterized by a double, fluctuating nature and fondness for opposites. People born under this sign are bright and highly intelligent and tend to be multi-talented.
Gemstones for the sign of Gemini are: agate, aquamarine, amethyst, aventurine, apophyllite, citrine, chalcedony, chrysoberyl, chrysocol, chrysoprase, amber, calcite, carnelian, crystal with tourmaline, obsidian, rose gold, sapphire, sardonyx, serpentine, sagenite, topaz , tourmaline (green), tiger's eye, turquoise, vltavine (moldavite).

Amber bracelet chopped large nuggets the color of cognac

Tiger eye bracelet plate round wide

Calcite yellow drummed Afghanistan 1

Turquoise Buddha bracelet

Raw Turquoise Iran 1

Amber natural necklace honey color

Orgonite chakra pendant with star semi-precious stones

Orgonite chakra pendant with semi-precious stones and Tree of Life

Orgonite chakra pendant with semi-precious stones drop

Amber natural bracelet satin Rainbow multicolor baroque limited collection

Tiger's eye cross bracelet

Set of 2 pull-on fashion bracelets with glass beads and hearts

Spiny oyster conch earrings silver Ag 925 E771

Amber natural bracelet large polished beads butter color

Calcite yellow drummed Afghanistan 2

Amber pendant Ag 925

Turquoise Raw Iran 2

Amber natural necklace multicolor

Feng Shui pendant Chakra heart