IntroductionMagazineWorking with stonesHealing stones and minerals according to diseases
Healing stones and minerals according to diseases
We have prepared for you a comprehensive overview of healing stones and minerals according to the diseases for which healing stones are traditionally used.
Acne - Amethyst
Allergies – danburite, carnelian , lepidolite, blue agate, muscovite, smithsonite, zircon
Anemia (anemia) – garnet, hedenbergite, heliotrope/crevel, hematite, kunzite, ruby, tiger's eye, tourmaline
Anorexia - grossular (green garnet), lepidolite, rhodochrosite, rose quartz, pink topaz
Arthritis (joint inflammation) - blue lacy agate, charoite, diopside, fluorite , garnet, chrysocolla, amber, malachite, moonstone, pyrite, rhodonite, scapolite, black tourmaline (scoryl)
Asthma - Blue Lace Agate, Azurite, Beryl, Amber, Carnelian, Coral, Lapis Lazuli, Larimar, Malachite, Morganite, Tiger's Eye
Pains - General: Brazilian Agate, Dendritic Agate, Blue Lace Agate, Amethyst, Aragonite, Charoite, Dioptas, Amber, Yellow Jasper, Carnelian, Crystal/Quartz, Lapis Lazuli, Magnetite, Malachite, Rose Quartz , Pink Smithsonite, Sodalite, Turquoise
Headaches - General: Blue Lace Agate, Amethyst, Citrine, Charoite, Dioptas, Blue Fluorite, Gagate/Jet, Hematite, Amber, Lapis Lazuli, Larimar, Moonstone, Sugilite, Turquoise
Headaches - migraines: amethyst , blue fluorite, indigolite, amber, kunzite, lapis lazuli, nuumite, rhodochrosite, rose quartz, sugilite, turquoise, blue sunstone
Sore throat – adamite, angelite, beryl, blue and green fluorite, green fluorite, amber, indigolite, cavansite, covelite, kunzite, lapis lazuli, morganite, nuummite, rhodonite, sunstone, stilbite, blue feldspar (synthetic sunstone), seraphinite
Abdominal discomfort
- colic: blue lace agate
- release of pressure and tension: garnet , variscite
- in general: chrysolite, morganite, wulfenite
Bulimia - garnet, grossular (green variety of garnet), orthoclase, rosinite, stibnite
Dehydration - moss agate, breccia jasper, red jasper, mookaite jasper, mica, stilbite
Detoxification of the organism - Botswana agate, amethyst, charoite, danburite, heliotrope/crevel, heulandite, chlorite in crystal, jadeite, amber, obsidian - Apache tears, calcite, carnelian, lapis lazuli, malachite, peridot, emerald, topaz, zeolites (e.g. chabazite, mesolite, natrolite)
Gout (podagra) – charoite, topaz, tourmaline
Nasal cavities (inflammation) - blue lace agate, aquamarine, azurite, larimar
Emphysema (accumulation of air in tissues, e.g. lungs - popularly known as "emphysema", or in the subcutaneous tissue) - amethyst, aqua aura, beryl, dioptas, amber, larimar, malachite, morganite, rhodonite, rose gold, emerald, tiger's eye
Healing, general recovery - moss agate, fire agate, amethyst, aquamarine , apophyllite, aragonite, green aventurine, bustamite, fluorite, jadeite, amber, cacoxene (super 7), cacoxenite, calcite, asterite crystal, larimar, magnetite, moonstone, obsidian mahogany peridot (recovery) selenite septaria serpentine turquoise turquoise
Fever – chalcopyrite, jet, chiastolite, coral, crystal , opal, ruby, emerald
Immune system - amethyst, aragonite, eudialyte, jadeite, cobaltocalcite, crystal, kunzite, lapis lazuli , lazulite, malachite, manganocalcite, moqui marbles, guantum quattro, rhodonite, smaragd, smithsonite, tanzanite , tourmaline
Bacterial and Viral Infections - Mossy Agate, Blue Lace Agate, Green Fluorite, Gatate/Jet, Galena, Chalcopyrite, Green Calcite, Carnelian, Malachite, Copper, Opal, Rhodochrosite, Selenite, Sulfur
Sciatica (lumbago) – malachite, sapphire, tourmaline
Liver Disease - Aquamarine, Azurite with Malachite, Charoite, Danburite, Yellow Fluorite, Garnet, Jadeite, Blue Calcite, Carnelian, Lazuli, Manganocalcite, Moonstone, Peridot, Sphalerite, Emerald, Sodalite, Stilbite, Zircon
Cough - aquamarine, amber, topaz
Motion sickness (motion sickness) – Sapphire
Joints – amazonite , aragonite, aventurine, azurite, bustamite (a calcium-rich variety of rhodonite), cavansite, cinnabar/cinnabarite, creedite, danburite, dioptas, dolomite, hematite, chrysocol, iolite, calcite, kunzite, lepidolite, magnetite, malachite, moonstone stone, morganite, muscovite, rhodonite, selenite, smithsonite, stilbite, tourmaline, tiger's eye
- pains: apophyllite, heulandite, onyx, sunstone, blackness
- for strengthening: azurite, aquamarine, garnet, jasper, ruby, amethyst
- spasms: hematite
Bones – amazonite, apatite, aventurine, axinite, bustamite (a calcium-rich variety of rhodonite), cinnabar/cinnabarite, creedite, danburite, dioptas, dolomite, fluorite, hematite, howlite, chrysocol, iolite, amber, calcite, kunzite, lapis lazuli, lepidolite, magnetite, malachite, moonstone, morganite, muscovite, onyx, ruby in zoisite, gypsum, selenite, scapulite, smithsonite, stilbite, tourmaline, tiger's eye
Hips - azurite, petrified wood
Blood, blood pressure, circulation, bleeding
- blood pressure/circulation: moss agate, fire agate, red aventurine, bustamite, citrine, charoite, dioptas, eudialite, garnet, heliotrope/crevel, chrysoprase, red jasper, cacoxen (super 7), cacoxenite, moonstone, jade, rhodochrosite , ruby, scapolite, emerald, sodalite, tektite
- blood diseases: moss agate, amethyst, azurite, galena, garnet, carnelian, manganocalcite, moonstone, ruby, sodalite
- bleeding: heliotrope/crevel, ruby, thulite, black tourmaline (scoryl), blue tiger's eye
Nail skin - moss agate (locally as elixir), aventurine, azurite with malachite, bustamite, dolomite, hedenbergite, jadeite, conichalcite, lazulite, ruby in zoisite, rose quartz, gypsum (locally as elixir), sulfur, scapolite, red spinel , pink topaz, unakite, zircon
Kidney - Cavansite, Citrine, Charoite, Fluorite, Garnet, Heliotrope/Crevel, Amber, Cacoxenite, Honey Calcite, Carnelian, Crystal, Moonstone, Muscovite, Nephrite, Nuummite, Ruby in Zoisite, Roseite, Septaria, Scapolite
Lymphatic system – amber, larimar, sodalite, tourmaline, zincite
Maternity/Childhood - Moss Agate, Picture Jasper, Orange Calcite, Lapis Lazuli, Malachite, Moonstone, Onyx, Peridot
Menopause – diamond, epidote, garnet, lapis lazuli, lepidolite, moonstone, ruby, stilbite
Menses (especially pain) – jet, lapis lazuli, moonstone, rose quartz, unakite
Metabolism – chrysocol, cacoxene (super 7), cacoxenite, labradorite, marcasite, rhodonite, pink topaz
Bladder, urinary tract
- bladder: cavansite, rhodochrosite
- urinary tract: blue agate, amber, jasper, red calcite, carnelian, ruby
Bruises – blue lacy agate, hematite combined with rose gold
Colds, Colds - Moss Agate, Blue Lace Agate, Rainbow Fluorite, Jet, Amber, Carnelian, Coral, Larimar, Sulphur, Emerald
Infertility (see reproductive organs) - red aventurine, cinnabar/cinnabarite, danburite, chrysoprase, jadeite, green calcite, carnelian , malachite, moonstone, rhodonite, rubellite, ruby in zoisite, rose quartz, gypsum, tiger's eye, unakite, sedum
Nervous system (relief of tension, suppression of anxiety, relaxation, suppression of stress, fear and anxiety, increased alertness, support of mental activities) - blue lace agate, amazonite, amethyst, aragonite, aventurine, azurite, citrine, chalcopyrite, chrysocol, chrysoprase, hedenbergite, hemimorphite, indigolite, amber, calcite, kunzite, labradorite, lapis lazuli, manganocalcite, pyrite, ruby, sapphire, sodalite, stilbite, tanzanite, thulite, green tourmaline, zircon
Insomnia, for restful sleep - amethyst , celestite, cinnabar/cinnabarite, hematite, chrysoprase, green and blue jadeite, lapis lazuli, lepidolite, moonstone, muscovite, selenite, mica, sodalite, vesuvianite, zoisite
Nightmares - Amethyst, Citrine, Hematite, Chalcedony, Jasper (all types), Lepidolite, Ruby, Septaria, Topaz, Turquoise, Red
Eye Disease - Blue Lace Agate, Fire Agate, Aquamarine, Apophyllite, Aqua Aura Crystal, Green Aventurine, Cythine, Blue Fluorite, Heliotrope/Crevel, Chrysoprase, Jadeite, Labradorite, Lapis Lazuli, Muscovite, Nuummite, Opal, Pearl, Peridot, Rhodonite , sapphire, scapolite, mica, emerald, pink topaz, green tourmaline, tiger's eye, turquoise, ulexite, vivianite
Abrasions – dioptas, halite, jadeite, conichalcite, stichtite, tourmaline
Haze - dolomite, eudialyte, jadeite, conichalcite, lapis lazuli
Belt haze - blue lace agate, chrysoprase, halite, lapis lazuli, rose gold
Swelling – aquamarine, aqua aura crystal, bustamite, jadeite, carnelian, moonstone, seraphinite
Heartburn – dioptas, dolomite, carnelian, crystal, peridot
Memory (Enhancement) - Mossy Agate, Cinnabar/Cinnabarite, Citrine, Fluorite, Carnelian, Crystal, Variegated (Harlequin), Pyrite, Rhodochrosite, Rhodonite, Emerald
Lungs - adamite, amazonite, ammonite, bustamite, dioptas, dolomite, fluorite, heliotrope/crevel, chrysocolla, amber, green calcite, kunzite, malachite, morganite, peridot, pyrite, rhodochrosite, rhodonite, rosenite , sagenite (crystal/quartz with rutile ), serpentine, tiger's eye
Venereal diseases – red zincite, zircon
Burns - agate, chrysoprase, crystal, lazuli, rose gold
Prostate - chrysoprase
Reproductive organs (see infertility) - aventurine, eudialyte, hedenbergite, carnelian, ruby in zoisite, sulfur, unakite
Rheumatism - Agate, Azurite, Fluorite, Chrysocolla, Amber, Carnelian, Malachite, Copper
Physical Body Balance - Ametrine, Fire Agate, Chiastolite, Carnelian, Crystal, Copper, Zebra Marble, Flaky Obsidian, Blackstone
Speech, ability to communicate - blue apatite, citrine, chrysocol, blue opal, shattuckite
Pancreas - blue lace agate, citrine, charoite, garnet, heliotrope/crevel, chrysocolla, amber, jasper, green calcite, carnelian, malachite, moonstone, sedum, topaz
Concentration, concentration - apatite, fluorite, hematite, onyx, pearl, topaz, tourmaline
Heart – adamite, amazonite, aqua aura, green aventurine, beryl, bustamite, dioptas, dolomite, garnet, hematite, chrysoprase, cacoxene (super 7), cacoxenite, strawberry quartz, crystal, paua shell (abalone), amber, manganocalcite, morganite , green obsidian, rhodonite, ruby in zoisite, emerald, black tourmaline (scoryl), green tourmaline
Aging - kyanite, sagenite (crystal/quartz with rutile), scapolite, verdite
Muscles (spasms, tension) – amazonite, aventurine, bustamite, chrysocol, cinnabar, creedite, danburite, dioptas, hematite, iolite, kunzite, lepidolite, magnetite, malachite, moonstone, morganite, muscovite, selenite, smithsonite, stilbite, tourmaline, tiger iron (combination of red jasper, hematite and golden-brown tiger's eye)
Small intestine - green fluorite, garnet, amber, jasper, carnelian, peridot, psilomelan, ruby, scapolite
Pregnancy (physiological condition, not a disease) – danburite, amber, ocean jasper, lapis lazuli, moonstone
Colon (detoxification) – danburite, dioptas, yellow fluorite, garnet, heliotrope/crevel, amber, blue calcite, carnelian, larimar, magnetite (magnetite), malachite, pearl, rhodochrosite, serpentine, scapolite, emerald, wulfenite
Chronic fatigue - bronzite, iolite, serpentine, zincite
Ears (pain, hearing loss) – amazonite, amethyst, celestine/celestite, hiddenite, amber, orange calcite, lapis lazuli, flake obsidian, rhodonite, sapphire, tourmaline
Ovaries – aventurine, amber, golden calcite, carnelian, onyx, topaz, vesuvianite
Exhaustion, Weakness - Apophyllite, Dendritic Agate, Bronzite, Red Garnet, Garnet Hessonite - Honey, Iolite, Cacoxen (Super 7), Cacoxenite, Calcite, Lapis Lazuli, Rose Quartz, Sagenite (Rutilated Crystal/Quartz), Tiger's Eye
Altitude sickness, vertigo – jet/jet, crystal, lapis lazuli, sapphire
Back (pain, tension)
- pain: hematite, carnelian, lapis lazuli, magnetite, vanadinite
- tension: carnelian, vanadinite
- alcohol: amethyst, iolite, tanzanite
- smoking cessation: labradorite, staurolite
- in general: barite, phenacite, blue calcite, heulandite, kunzite, labradorite, lazulite, lepidolite, pink tourmaline, smithsonite, black zeolites (okenite, apophyllite, prehnite, chabazite, natrolite)
Physical enhancement (energy support) - Botswana agate, celestine/celestite, dolomite, amber, lepidolite, magnesite, malachite, peridot, quantum quattro, black tourmaline/scoryl, unakite
Fractures – creedite, fluorite, calcite, magnetite, onyx
Teeth - Blue Lace Agate, Aquamarine, Dolomite, Fluorite, Gagate/Jet, Howlite, Amber, Lapis Lazuli, Malachite, Sagenite (Rutilated Crystal/Quartz), Thulite
Vomiting/feeling like vomiting
- feeling sick: jasper, sapphire, emerald
- vomiting: lapis lazuli, emerald
Stomach (increased appetite, improved digestion/digestion)
- stomach problems: fire agate, amethyst, green fluorite, jet, garnet, labradorite, lepidolite, moonstone , sunstone
- increasing appetite: topaz, tourmaline
- better digestion: moss agate, blue lace agate, citrine, dolomite, garnet, jasper, peridot, sunstone, pink topaz, tourmaline
Gallbladder - citrine, danburite, dolomite, fluorite, hiddenite, calcite, carnelian, green obsidian, tiger's eye
Important notice: all the information given here about the healing properties of precious stones, semi-precious stones and minerals is only informative, drawn from generally known information and sources. They are not instructions on how to bypass classical treatment and the use of medicinal products. Always remember that the use of precious healing stones is not an alternative method to conventional medical care! If you feel the symptoms of any illness, always see your doctor! Use healing stone abilities only as a supplement and psychic support to conventional treatment, not as a replacement.
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Porcelain candlestick for tea candles White angel with violin 22 cm

Precious stones for individual diseases: How to choose the right stone for your disease

Purpurite raw

Purpurite raw Namibia

Purpurite raw Portugal box

Red-orange meditation cushion

Ritual mixture of essential oils The Four Thieves 15 ml

Rosary grape pendant with a large bead

Rosary grape pendant with angel wings

Rosary grape pendant with bijou handle

Set of five wooden candlesticks on a tray

Set of Silver Rings with Cut Chrome Diopside Ag 925 046587 DIO

Set of three candlesticks made of wood and glass on a tray

Set of three candlesticks made of wood with stones on a tray in the shape of a leaf

Set of three golden and white wooden candlesticks with rhinestones on a tray

Set of three wooden candlesticks on a tray

Shri Yantra glass candlestick for tea candles

Silver bracelet with cut emeralds Ag 925 014081 EM

Silver bracelet with cut emeralds Ag 925 015393 EM

Silver bracelet with cut emeralds Ag 925 015955 EM

Silver bracelet with cut olivines and zircons Ag 925 029704 PD

Silver earrings with cut aventurines and zircons Ag 09312 AVA

Silver earrings with cut black sapphires and zircons Ag 925 012172 BLS

Silver earrings with cut black sapphires and zircons Ag 925 08787 BLS

Silver earrings with cut blue sapphires Ag 925 034420 SAF

Silver earrings with cut blue sapphires and zircons Ag 925 015356 SAF

Silver earrings with cut blue sapphires and zircons Ag 925 020965 SAF

Silver earrings with cut blue sapphires and zircons Ag 925 022211 SAF

Silver earrings with cut blue sapphires and zircons Ag 925 043304 SAF

Silver earrings with cut blue sapphires and zircons Ag 925 045303 SAF

Silver earrings with cut emeralds Ag 033706 EM

Silver earrings with cut emeralds Ag 033750 EM

Silver earrings with cut emeralds and zircons Ag 013834 EM

Silver earrings with cut emeralds and zircons Ag 016227 EM

Silver earrings with cut emeralds and zircons Ag 016771 EM

Silver earrings with cut emeralds and zircons Ag 020965 EM

Silver earrings with cut emeralds and zircons Ag 026339 EM

Silver earrings with cut emeralds and zircons Ag 029862 EM

Silver earrings with cut emeralds and zircons Ag 043304 EM

Silver earrings with cut emeralds and zircons Ag 925 026541 EM

Silver earrings with cut olivines Ag 925 014969 PD

Silver earrings with cut olivines Ag 925 042031 PD

Silver earrings with cut olivines and zircons Ag 925 012842 PD

Silver earrings with multicolored cut sapphires and zircons Ag 925 015356 MUL-SAF

Silver necklace with cut emeralds Ag 925 015177 EM

Silver necklace with cut multicolored tourmalines Ag 925 015177 MT

Silver necklace with cut rubies Ag 925 015177 RB

Silver necklace with cut sapphires Ag 925 015177 SAF

Silver pendant Heart with cut emeralds and zircons Ag 925 021098 EM

Silver pendant with a cut emerald Ag 925 044173 EM

Silver pendant with cut black sapphire Ag 925 044173 BLS

Silver pendant with cut black sapphires and zircons Ag 925 014295 BLS

Silver pendant with cut emerald and zircon Ag 925 026584 EM

Silver pendant with cut emerald and zircons Ag 925 021831 EM

Silver pendant with cut emerald and zircons Ag 925 026951 EM

Silver pendant with cut emerald and zircons Ag 925 039244 EM

Silver pendant with cut emeralds Ag 925 014252 EM

Silver pendant with cut emeralds Ag 925 015924 EM

Silver pendant with cut emeralds Ag 925 034766 EM

Silver pendant with cut emeralds Ag 925 046600 EM

Silver pendant with cut emeralds and zircons Ag 925 010250 EM

Silver pendant with cut emeralds and zircons Ag 925 016803 EM

Silver pendant with cut emeralds and zircons Ag 925 020118 EM

Silver pendant with cut emeralds and zircons Ag 925 020166 EM

Silver Ring Set with Cut Emerald Ag 925 046587 EM

Silver ring with a cut emerald Ag 925 012722 EM

Silver ring with a cut emerald Ag 925 016796 EM

Silver ring with a cut emerald Ag 925 026069 EM

Silver ring with a cut emerald Ag 925 030163 EM

Silver ring with cut black sapphire and large zircons Ag 925 012108 BLS

Silver ring with cut black sapphire and zircons Ag 925 015090 BLS

Silver ring with cut black sapphire and zircons Ag 925 015092 BLS

Silver ring with cut blue sapphire and large zircons Ag 925 012108 BS

Silver ring with cut blue sapphire and zircon Ag 925 031121 SAF

Silver ring with cut emerald and zircon Ag 925 031121 EM

Silver ring with cut emerald and zircons Ag 925 012108 EM

Silver ring with cut emerald and zircons Ag 925 015090 EM

Silver ring with cut emerald and zircons Ag 925 015092 EM

Silver ring with cut emerald and zircons Ag 925 016430 EM

Silver ring with cut emerald and zircons Ag 925 026295 EM

Silver ring with cut emerald and zircons Ag 925 026296 EM

Silver ring with cut emerald and zircons Ag 925 031131 EM

Silver ring with cut emerald and zircons Ag 925 048101 EM

Silver ring with cut emeralds Ag 925 034710 EM

Silver ring with cut emeralds Ag 925 044627 EM

Silver ring with cut olivine and zircons Ag 925 011580 PD

Silver ring with cut olivine and zircons Ag 925 015090 PD

Silver ring with cut olivine and zircons Ag 925 030163 PD

Silver ring with cut olivine and zircons Ag 925 048101 PD

Silver ring with cut olivines and zircons Ag 925 025371 PD

Silver ring with cut olivines and zircons Ag 925 026097 PD

Silver ring with cut orange sapphire and zircon Ag 925 031121 OS

Silver ring with cut orange sapphire and zircons Ag 925 026295 OS

Silver ring with cut yellow sapphire and zircon Ag 925 026295 YS

Silver ring with cut yellow sapphire and zircon Ag 925 031121 YS

Stones and flowers - Precious stones and Bach flower essence

Tealight candle holder with rhinestones on a tray

Tiger eye fashion bracelet

Tiger eye ring

Tiger's eye keychain with heart and angel

Tiger's eye beaded bracelet in Tibetan style

White marble imitation metal candlestick

White tumbled agate

Worry doll Pink-white anti-stress doll