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How to activate chakras? [Chakra unblocking]

Chakras - unblocking

This time we have prepared an article for you on how to activate the chakras. Although chakra unblocking is a topic for a specific group of people, it does not mean that it cannot be engaging or that it is uninteresting to anyone else.

Chakras refer to various energy sites in the body that correspond to specific nerve bundles and internal organs. If the chakras are blocked, then it can indicate negative physical or mental symptoms. One way to unlock chakras is to practice certain yoga positions. Each position has its own name that expresses it. Part of the name is the term "asana", which means sitting in a position that is relaxing and can be stayed in for a long time. Asanas are perceived as physical exercises, their alternation and transitions between them in order to improve physical condition, ie stretching muscles, tendons, increasing joint mobility, improving body flexibility, relaxation and concentration. Exercise can take place with the technique of controlled breathing.

Do not speak during exercise, concentrate on individual asanas, breathing, keep your eyes closed if you do not have a problem with balance in positions where it is necessary, especially standing.

It should be noted that there are, or may be, many limiting factors for practicing yoga, such as inexperience in the first place, where improper exercise can lead to muscle strain and thus inflammation and pain, or various diseases, especially of the joint apparatus. which can be made worse by exercise. A limiting factor is, for example, pregnancy, when it is necessary to modify a number of exercises. It is also important to keep in mind that every start is difficult and you should hurry slowly. At least in the beginning, you should practice yoga with an instructor.
And that you don't have the time or patience to do so? Does this joint and that joint hurt you? Can't you bend over because your back hurts? Are you having trouble breathing?

Enough excuses. If you want, almost everything goes. The goal of exercise is to eliminate some health ailments, at least alleviate some and prevent others.

An overview of selected asanas for individual chakras.

Are you thinking about how to unblock the chakras, how to release the chakras, how to open the chakras? Whatever terminology is used, it is still the same thing.

The first chakra - unblocking
The basic, root chakra connects us to the physical world. It gives us the strength to assert ourselves and persevere. The basic chakra is the vital basis and source of vital force for the higher chakras.

How to unlock the basic chakra? The following asanas are used for unlocking.

Vrksasaana - the position of the tree

acre basic - vrksasana

To ensure balance, focus on one point of your choice. If you have a balance problem, you can lean against the wall. If you do not have a balance problem, you can do the exercise with your eyes closed.
Stand up straight, with your feet together. Simultaneously with the exhalation, lift the left nova, bend at the knee and rest as much as possible with the foot on the inside of the thigh of the right leg. Bend the knee of the left leg to the side.
Simultaneously with the breath, raise both arms by raising them above your head, joining your palms.
Hold 5 - 10 breaths in position, slowly lower your bent left leg and then your arms along your body. After that exercise, repeat in reverse - with the right leg bent.
Throughout the exercise, the shoulders should be relaxed, breathing regular, concentrating on the position.
Pros: calming the mind, promoting concentration and better stability.

Tadásana - hour
acre basic - tadasana

Stand upright with your head in the axis of your spine, looking ahead, your chin slightly down, as if someone were pulling you. Loosen your shoulders and thighs, pushing your pubic bone towards the ground. The muscles in this position should be relaxed.
Position variations: arms joined by palms at chest level or arms raised with a look upwards.
Pros: correct posture, support of concentration and balance.

The second chakra - is connected to the reproductive area and is responsible for our creativity and sensuality.

Sacral chakra - unblocking. The following asanas are used for unlocking:

Setu Bandha Sarvangásana - bridge position

acra sacral - setu sarvangásana

Lie on your back with your knees bent and your heels pulled back to your buttocks, your hands along your body. The next step is to lift the coccyx - press the heel and arm into the mat. Lift so that the thighs are horizontal with the mat. You can join your hands by intertwining your fingers to form a support.

Hold this position for a minute - count to 60. Then slowly place the spine back on the mat, bring your knees together, relax and breathe deeply.

Kapotasana - the position of a pigeon

acre sacral - kapotásana - half pigeon acre sacral - kapotásana - pigeon

Kneel on your heels (Vajrasana) and with a breath rise to a high kneel and at the same time stretch your arms. Simultaneously with the exhalation, move to the position of the cat. Put your right knee between your hands and sit in the half pigeon position. If you are advanced, bend your outstretched leg at the knee with another breath and hold the instep with your hands. Breathe freely. Along with the exhalation, lower your foot and rest your palms on the ground. With another breath, move to the position of the cat, then to the high kneel and then to the kneel. Then repeat the exercise with the left knee between your hands.
Plus: support for self-confidence and determination.

The third chakra
How to unblock the solar plexus chakra? The following asanas are used for unlocking.
Navasana - boat position
acra solar plexus - navásana I acra solar plexus - navásana II
Sit on the mat, stretch your legs and place your hands a little behind your buttocks, fingers pointing forward. Put your hands in your hands and sit on the sciatic bone and coccyx. The back must not be bent, the head in extension of the body and the shoulders must point downwards. Bend your legs and start lifting your shins either horizontally with a mat or to stretch, toes to eye level. Lift your hands off the ground, leave them horizontal with the mat and stretch them.
Hold this position for a minute - count to 60, repeat 3 times.
Triconcasana - position of the triangle
akra solar plexu - trikonásana
Stand up, spread your legs so that they form the base of a triangle wider than your hips. Toes on the left foot facing forward, toes on the right foot pointing to the side. Inhale, stretch behind the left arm and bow so that the left hand is facing the ground and the right is facing up. Extend your spine with your breath and relax with your exhale.
Hold 5 breaths and exhales in this position and then repeat on the other side.
Plus: saving energy chakra manipura.
The fourth chakra
How to unblock the heart chakra? The following asanas are used for unlocking.

Gomukhasana - the position of the cow

akra srdce - gomukhásanajpg

Sit on the ground, cross your legs into a "triangle", leaving your feet next to your buttocks, do not sit on them. The back should be straight. If the right knee is over the left, then raise the left arm, bend it in the curl and point behind the back. Grasp it with your right hand from below (you can use a strap, belt, etc. if you can't put your hands together). Look ahead.
Hold this position for about 1 minute, about 10 breaths. Then rotate the sides.

Ustrasana - camel position

acres of heart - frightened camel

Sit on your heels and then into a high kneel, lean into a bend and with both hands grab both heels at once, look up. Leave the insteps on the mat.

acre of the throat - symbol 1

Fifth chakra

Neck chakra - unblocking

The neck chakra is the center of communication. The following asanas are used for unlocking.

Halásana - plow position

acre neck - halásana

Lie on your back, keep your arms along your body. Slowly start lifting your legs, buttocks and back and place your legs behind your head. Make sure your back is perpendicular to the mat. Then you put your palms together. The head should be in extension of the spine.

Matsyasana - the position of the fish

acre neck - matsjásana - fish

Sit down and put your palms under your buttocks. Start leaning by placing your scalp on the ground. The view is backwards.

Sixth chakra

How to unblock the Third Eye Chakra? The following asanas are used for unlocking.

Uttanasana A - deep forward bend

acre of the Third Eye - uttanasana

Stand up, dry, pull your spine up and start leaning forward with your hips so that your back is straight. With your abdomen, touch the thigh on the thighs, place your palms on the mat and hang your head. If it is not possible to place the palms on the ground, then the procedure is the same, but with the knees bent. If you want to keep your knees crossed, you can rest your arms. Stretch your fingers. Move the center of gravity to your hands as if you were about to fall.

Garudásana - the position of the eagle

acre of the Third Eye - garudasana

Stand up, spread your arms and cross them so that your right hand goes under your left arm. weave your hands, join your palms and put them at eye level. Wrap your right lower limb around your left lower limb and squat lightly. The lower, the better you keep your balance.

Crown chakra

How to unblock the crown chakra? The following asanas are used for unlocking.

Savasana - the position of the corpse

acre crown - savasana

Lie on your back, pull the lower ribs, leave your heels on the mat. The shoulders should be relaxed, in full width on the mat. All muscles are relaxed, keeping your chin as close to your chest as possible. This is a relaxing position.

If you are more interested in chakras, read the following article.

She wrote the article for you on August 14, 2021: Mgr. Radka Brichcínová

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