IntroductionMagazineSpiritual developmentHow to meditate [simple INSTRUCTIONS]

How to meditate [simple INSTRUCTIONS]


In the article Meditation - types, ways, possibilities ... we described in more detail angelic, Vedic and Zen meditation, including meditation for beginners.

Meditation is everything that leads to increased concentration, whether it is quiet contemplation, sounds or even exercise.

In this article, we will approach Buddhist meditation.

How to meditate, how to meditate

To create a pleasant environment, we recommend scenting the air with essential oils or scented waxes, whether through an aroma lamp, aroma diffuser or scented spray.

Buddhist meditation

Buddhist meditation is a meditation practice in Buddhism. The words in the classical languages of Buddhism that are closest to the meaning of meditation are bhavana, which means mental development, and jhana / dhyana, which is a mental exercise leading to a calm and clear mind.

Buddhists meditate to free themselves from defilements, clings, and desires on the path to liberation, also called awakening, which results in attaining Nirvana. It is a series of meditation techniques, including breathing exercises, developing kindness, compassion, composure, concentration, calm, understanding, etc.

There are a number of Buddhist schools and thus a considerable variety of meditation techniques used. Buddhists give up family life, becoming wandering monks. The rules of good behavior also include morality and inner strength, masculinity and effort. All this together form preparatory procedures. Restraint means the ability to control reactions to sensory stimuli, not to submit to desires.

We describe Buddhist meditation as it can be applied in everyday life, in the lives of most of us, if we are stressed, under pressure, we can't keep up with what we set out to do, we "fight" over time, we have bad eating habits, we suffer from insomnia.

Just a few minutes a day, which you will devote only to meditation, ie only to yourself. The goal of meditation is the ability to concentrate and be calm.

Attention-focused meditation

In this type of meditation, the meditator will focus on one thing - breathing, as we have already mentioned in meditation for beginners: it is necessary not to run away either physically or with thoughts. Inhalations and exhalations should be counted, for example, from 1 to 10, with counting continuing again from 1, although you will certainly tend to count 11, 12, etc. This type of meditation helps to deepen concentration and endurance. An example is meditation zen meditation zazen.

Zen meditation
The goal of meditation in a quiet place is to achieve peace and emptiness of mind.

ZAZEN meditation
Zen = achieving a clear mind and using it. It means love and help to those around you, the ability to understand the real truth, the essence of things, to see the world as it really is - to see, to feel, to listen. Is it necessary to detach oneself from one's opinions and thoughts, because the opinions of different people differ and which one is better? The mind must detach itself from everything it clings to.
The truth can be known through "awakening" most often during meditation, in the position of the lotus flower with the hands placed in the lap (left in the right), with the thumbs connected. Spine erect, body relaxed, eyes closed, concentration on breathing, with exhalation slightly longer than breath. It is possible to use a round pillow for the position.
Regular meditation can stimulate the perception of life. The goal is to keep the mind calm and focused in daily life. Meditation and relaxation can help you better manage stress.

Open meditation
In this type of meditation, the meditator does not focus on just one thing. You let the porosity "flow" and just watch what they focus on. You can perceive breath, warmth, coldness, auditory and olfactory sensations, thought processes, etc. Let thoughts flow freely and just notice your own feelings. If you feel scattered, start counting inhales and exhales to calm your mind.

Vipassana also vipasjana
It is translated as insight or intuitive knowledge. It is an insight into the transience, unsatisfaction and impersonality of all physical and mental phenomena, leading to a state known as nibbana (nirvana). The technique is not subject to religious teaching, it does not involve chanting texts, it does not include visualization. The technique makes it possible to cultivate experiences at the level of thoughts, feelings and bodily perceptions, because in life we react according to learned patterns of behavior - either we are afraid of what will come or we desire or cling to something and if it does not happen expected, we suffer and suffer. We should learn to observe experiences, and learn not to respond to them with desire or resistance.

The technique is most often performed in a sitting position, in a position that is uncomfortable, where the meditator gradually gets used to the discomfort and pain, tries to capture all feelings and tries not to react to them. Over time, the meditator is able to soften all feelings.

Vipassana, like zazen, is suitable for beginners.

Benevolence meditation
In this meditation, the meditator concentrates on inhales and exhales and repeats the past day, trying to develop goodness, empathy, positive emotions, trying to discover love for himself. Through this meditation, it is possible to experience the four positives of love - kindness, compassion, shared joy and composure.

Learn to feel kindness and kindness in mind and heart, develop love for yourself. Meditation will help alleviate the strictness of oneself and others, help increase insight, help self-control, and can help with insomnia if the cause is difficulty self-control.

There are a plethora of meditation techniques. Choose according to the purpose you want to achieve, according to the difficulty for yourself, according to the possibilities. Remember, just a few minutes a day is enough to feel relaxed, focused and at ease.

She wrote the article for you on September 27, 2021: Mgr. Radka Brichcínová

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