SALE DISCOUNTS UP TO 60% on selected items. The biggest sale of quality silver jewelry with semi-precious stones and jewelry made of precious stones and minerals, home accessories, candles and other products we've ever had.

Stand for incense cones with flowing smoke Transporter Smrtka

Stand for incense sticks and cones Lotus and Om symbol

Men's black leather bracelet with a gold-colored buckle

Tiger eye Buddha had a chakra bracelet

Sagenite rutile crystal bracelet made of oval stones

Sweet Dreams essential oil mix Song of India 10 ml

Stand for incense sticks and cones Lotus in lotus

Agate bracelet made of beads 10 mm

Obsidian mahogany Labrador figurine

Stand for incense sticks and Yin and Yang meditation cones

True love surgical steel bracelet with cubic zirconia

Tibetan Cymbal with mantra

Feng Shui statue of Ganesha with flute 28 cm

Necklace Cable stainless steel in gold color with cubic zirconia 45 cm

Yoga Shanti incense sticks

Set of five bracelets - amethyst, rose gold, white jade

Brass bowl Giving hands

Feng Shui Ganesha statue with trumpet 25 cm