IntroductionMagazineWorking with stonesStones for peaceful sleep, against insomnia

Stones for peaceful sleep, against insomnia

Do you know which stones are suitable to have under the pillow or on the bedside table for a restful sleep, against insomnia?

The most common causes of insomnia are fear, anxiety, remorse, depression, pain, or incorrect use of certain medications, e.g. ginkgo biloba, cough suppressants, colds, etc. It is important to try to eliminate the cause of insomnia, either by using medicinal products in the correct time of day, by adjusting lifestyle or for a temporary period by using sleep-inducing drugs, i.e. hypnotics.

The Greek playwright Menandros said, "A sick body needs a physician, a sick soul a friend."
And why couldn't an imaginary friend or talisman be just one of the precious stones?

The following stones are traditionally used for peaceful sleep and against insomnia :

amethyst, celestite, cinnabar/cinnabarite, hematite, chrysoprase, green and blue jadeite, lapis lazuli, lepidolite, moonstone, muscovite, selenite, mica, sodalite, vesuvianite, zoisite

Amethyst is considered a powerful protective stone. It is used to calm stress and negative emotions, fear, anger and worry.

Amethyst is mainly used to suppress negative energy, harmonizes the frontal and crown chakra , supports thinking, intuition and psychic abilities. It is considered a stone of wisdom and understanding. Amethyst carries a powerful energy that affects the frontal chakra – the center of our perception and command.

Cinnabar is a stone suitable for meditation. It supports creativity, communication and access to innate inner self-knowledge, which also promotes self-confidence. It encourages thinking in a spiritually creative way, it can be used to balance the chakras, calm fear and resentment. It is considered a very powerful healing stone with a positive effect on the physical level and to strengthen the life force.


Hematite is a protective stone, harmonizing body, mind and spirit. It is used to induce calmness, peace and harmony, suppress negative energy and improve concentration.

Chrysoprase calms, increases pleasure, reduces tension and stress. It is traditionally used as a talisman to increase success, to induce restful sleep and against nightmares.

Lapis Lazuli is a spiritual stone, suitable for meditation, promoting calmness and peace, to suppress anxiety and stress.

The moonstone is used for peaceful sleep, to calm turbulent emotions, suppresses emotional reactions and negative energy.

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Sodalite is used as a meditation stone, to calm the mind, suppress confusion, sadness and stress. It is suitable for increasing creativity, imagination and concentration.


You can have stones in the form of drums, jewelry, whether pendants, bracelets, earrings or rings, in the form of angel figurines or perhaps as candlesticks on the bedside table.

Important notice: all the information given here about the healing properties of precious stones, semi-precious stones and minerals is only informative, drawn from generally known information and sources. They are not instructions on how to bypass classical treatment and the use of medicinal products. Always remember that the use of precious healing stones is not an alternative method to conventional medical care! If you feel symptoms of any illness, always see your doctor! Use healing stone abilities only as a supplement and psychic support to conventional treatment, not as a replacement.

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