Stones, minerals with a 30% discount
aquamarine (21)beige (146)white (190)black (251)red (214)dark red (12)clear (91)rainbow (4)purple (294)Brown (295)amber (14)creamy (6)copper (2)honey (8)milky (5)blue (224)blue-white (33)blue-green (31)multicolored (136)olive (1)Orange (65)transparent (55)transparent (33)transparent (55)purple (113)pink (199)silver (3)silvery black (4)Light blue (59)scarlet (5)grey (233)dark green (83)turquoise (22)green (299)green-brown (28)golden (88)yellow (303)
Stone type
Agate (63)Agate lagoon lace (84) (2)Actinolite (1)Aquamarine (20)Amazonite (7)Ametrine (2)Amethyst (142)Ancestralite (1)Andalusian (1)Angelite (3)Anthophyllite (1)Apatite (4)Aragonite (10)Arfvedsonite (1)Auralite (1)Adventurous (13)Azurite (1)Barite (1)Bismuth (1)Bornit (1)Bronze (3)Bustamite (1)Bull's eye (1)Celestine/Celestit (15)Citrine (25)To enchant (25)Danburite (10)Diopside (1)Dioptas (2)Dolomites (1)Ravage (1)Dumortierite (2)Epidote (1)Eudialyte in syenite (1)Eudialyte/Eudialite (1)Fluorite (42)Phosphosiderite (2)Fuchsite (5)Gagat/Jet (2)Galena (1)Sunflower (2)Garnet/Garnet (3)Garnet/Grosular (2)Heliotrope/Crevel (1)Hematite (5)Hematoid quartz (10)Howlite white/Magnesite (3)Blue Howlite/Tyrkenite (1)Hypersthene (1)Chalcedony (3)Chalcopyrite (1)Chiastolite (1)Chromium diopside (18)Chrysocolla (14)Chrysoprase (14)Chrysotile (2)Jade (1)Jadeite/Nephrite (18)Amber (14)Jasper (55)Calcite (30)Capillititis (1)Cornelian (28)Kimberlite (1)Cobaltocalcite (6)Coral (4)Corundum (1)Crystal with rutile (22)Crystal with tourmaline (11)Crystal/Quartz (87)Kunzite (15)Kyanite (8)Labradorite (63)Lapis Lazuli (4)Larimar/Pectolite (28)Larvikitis (1)Lava stone (1)Lepidolite (6)Lizardite (10)Magnetite (1)Malachite (54)Copper (2)Moon stone (4)Moonstone/Opalite (3)Meteorite (1)Moqui Marbles (1)Morganite (5)Marble (1)Mtorolite (1)Nundoorit (1)Obsidian (14)Olivine/Peridot (1)Onyx (2)Opal (42)Orpiment (1)Orthoclase (1)Flint (1)Pietersit (10)Pinolite (1)I'm a pig (1)Rot (9)Rot with Epidote (1)Purpurite (3)Pyrite (20)Pyrite in slate (1)Pyrolusite (1)Quantum quattro (1)Rhodochrosite (7)Rhodonite (13)Rubellite (2)Ruby (27)Ruby in Zoisite (9)Ruby in Fuchsite (2)Rosenín (26)Rhyolite (1)Gypsum plasterer (7)Sapphire (3)Sagenite (22)Sardonyx (2)Saussurite (1)Selenite (5)Septaria (108)Seraphinite (5)Serpentine (6)Shattuckit (3)Sillimanite (1)Sunstone (3)Emerald (3)Sodalite (6)hawk eye (1)Staurolite (3)Stich (32)Stilbite (4)Stromatolite (1)Strontyanite (1)Sugilite/Luvulite (10)Shiva lingham (1)Shungite (3)Tanzanite (8)Tektite/Libyan Desert Glass (8)thulit (2)Tiffany (1)Topaz (9)Triplet (1)Tourmaline (18)Turritela/fossils (1)Tiger's eye (6)Turquoise (5)Unakit (1)Vanadinite (1)Variscite (1)To pay (1) (1)Vltavín (1)Wagnerite (1)A mess (17)Petrified wood (8)Zoisit (2)Granite/Azurite (1)

Drummed pyrite in slate - is a stone of harmony and positive energy. Pyrite in Feng Shui represents the energy of the earth, the energy of stability, patience, honesty, balance and resourcefulness.
Pyrite in shale tumbled
XL - approx. 3 - 4 cm
in stock
7.71 €

According to folk traditions, crystal with tourmaline supports the harmonization of soul and mind, it is said that it helps in solving and eliminating problems.
Tumbled tourmaline crystal
L - approx. 2,5 - 3 cm
in stock
3.09 €

Drummed mineral serpentine - chytha for emotional balance, protection and harmonization of the heart chakra. It opens the heart to unconditional love and promotes self-love.
Chytha tumbled mineral
L - approx. 2,5 - 3 cm+2 versions
in stock
3.09 €

Sodalit - a massage pad to relieve tension in the muscles of the fingers and hands and as an aid to headaches for applying to the temples.
Sodalite massage cake
approx. 3,5 to 4,5 cm
in stock
5.01 €

Serpentine is a protective stone that opens the heart chakra. Balances mental and emotional imbalances.
Serpentine extra drummed
L - approx. 2,5 - 3 cmXL - approx. 3 - 4 cm
in stock
2.70 €

In the folk tradition, saffron is an excellent stone against depression and other negative emotions, which is said to help reduce stress
Tumbled with inclusions
L - approx. 2,5 - 3 cmXL - approx. 3 - 4 cm
in stock
3.86 €

Lepidolite is a soothing stone in folklore, suitable for relieving the stresses of everyday life. It is said to soothe anger, rage and other negative emotions.
Tumbled lepidolite
L - approx. 2,5 - 3 cmXL - approx. 3 - 4 cm
in stock
2.70 €

According to folk traditions, the precious stone shattuckit radiates a very subtle protective energy, brings clear visions and teaches responsibility.
Shattuckit drummed A quality
XL - approx. 3 - 4 cm
in stock
5.40 €

Select quality polished labradorite from Madagascar. Labradorite encourages confidence, intuition and perseverance.
Labradorite polished Madagascar selection
approx. 2 - 5 cm x 5 - 7 cm
in stock
11.53 €

Raw brown-red calcite from Mexico. Brown-red calcite is a stone of stability, patience and balance, it strengthens self-confidence and suppresses hesitation.
Calcite brownish red raw Mexico
approx. 4 - 5,5 cm
in stock
3.82 €

Dioptas in quartz - a relatively rare mineral that should not be missing from your collection. It is a talisman of wealth and success.
Dioptas in raw quartz
XL - approx. 3 - 4 cmXXL - approx. 4 - 5 cm
in stock
1.93 €

Raw epidote from Madagascar. Epidote is a stone for strengthening life force and energy, harmonizing the heart chakra and helping to reduce stress and tension.
Raw Madagascar epidote
XL - approx. 3 - 4 cm
in stock
3.09 €

Kunzite is a stone of peace in folk tradition. It is said to calm anger, nervousness and fear, promote concentration, and help attract love. They say it relieves stress
Drummed Kunzite
M - approx. 2 - 2,5 cmL - approx. 2,5 - 3 cm
in stock
5.40 €

Raw mahogany obsidian from the USA. Mahogany obsidian is a stone that, according to folk traditions, resonates with the earth, grounds, stabilizes, protects and empowers the mind.
Obsidian mahogany raw USA
JUMBO - approx. 5 - 6 cm+2 versions
in stock
3.86 €

Drummed Stichtite. In folk traditions, it is a talisman for life changes, the search for new paths and fulfilled wishes.
Stichtit drummed
L - approx. 2,5 - 3 cmXL - approx. 3 - 4 cm
in stock
9.26 €

Raw lapis lazuli from Afghanistan. Lapis Lazuli is a stone in folk traditions that is said to bring calm and peace. It is said to help relieve depression and relieve stress quickly. It is generally considered a protective stone
Lapis Lazuli raw Afghanistan
XL - approx. 3 - 4 cm
in stock
6.94 €

Drummed pink orthoclase as a talisman for all those who want life changes, are looking for love, happiness and joy. Harmonizes the heart chakra.
Orthoclase pink drummed
L - approx. 2,5 - 3 cmXL - approx. 3 - 4 cm
in stock
3.09 €

Green-brown aragonite - onyx from Pakistan. It supports balance and harmony, opens the mind to new visions, strengthens self-confidence and a sense of self-worth.
Aragonite - drummed onyx
M - approx. 2 - 2,5 cm+2 versions
in stock
3.47 €

Raw diopside from Brazil. Diopside gives the wearer love, confidence, flourishing, growth, calmness, balance and harmony.
Diopside raw Brazil
XXL - approx. 4 - 5 cmJUMBO - approx. 5 - 6 cm
in stock
3.47 €

Beautiful blue raw apatite is a mineral that helps overcome apathy and negativity, gives motivation and confidence to achieve goals
Raw apatite
XL - approx. 3 - 4 cm+2 versions
in stock
3.47 €

Raw fuchsite from Madagascar. According to folk traditions, fuchsite is a stone of health and well-being, which is said to help overcome addictions and help with insomnia.
Fuchsite Raw Madagascar
JUMBO - approx. 5 - 6 cm+2 versions
in stock
4.63 €