IntroductionBlack FridayStones, minerals with a 30% discount

Stones, minerals with a 30% discount

0 €
670 €
Stone type
Agate (63)Agate lagoon lace (84) (2)Actinolite (1)Aquamarine (20)Amazonite (7)Ametrine (2)Amethyst (142)Ancestralite (1)Andalusian (1)Angelite (3)Anthophyllite (1)Apatite (4)Aragonite (10)Arfvedsonite (1)Auralite (1)Adventurous (13)Azurite (1)Barite (1)Bismuth (1)Bornit (1)Bronze (3)Bustamite (1)Bull's eye (1)Celestine/Celestit (15)Citrine (25)To enchant (25)Danburite (10)Diopside (1)Dioptas (2)Dolomites (1)Ravage (1)Dumortierite (2)Epidote (1)Eudialyte in syenite (1)Eudialyte/Eudialite (1)Fluorite (42)Phosphosiderite (2)Fuchsite (5)Gagat/Jet (2)Galena (1)Sunflower (2)Garnet/Garnet (3)Garnet/Grosular (2)Heliotrope/Crevel (1)Hematite (5)Hematoid quartz (10)Howlite white/Magnesite (3)Blue Howlite/Tyrkenite (1)Hypersthene (1)Chalcedony (3)Chalcopyrite (1)Chiastolite (1)Chromium diopside (18)Chrysocolla (14)Chrysoprase (14)Chrysotile (2)Jade (1)Jadeite/Nephrite (18)Amber (14)Jasper (55)Calcite (30)Capillititis (1)Cornelian (28)Kimberlite (1)Cobaltocalcite (6)Coral (4)Corundum (1)Crystal with rutile (22)Crystal with tourmaline (11)Crystal/Quartz (87)Kunzite (15)Kyanite (8)Labradorite (63)Lapis Lazuli (4)Larimar/Pectolite (28)Larvikitis (1)Lava stone (1)Lepidolite (6)Lizardite (10)Magnetite (1)Malachite (54)Copper (2)Moon stone (4)Moonstone/Opalite (3)Meteorite (1)Moqui Marbles (1)Morganite (5)Marble (1)Mtorolite (1)Nundoorit (1)Obsidian (14)Olivine/Peridot (1)Onyx (2)Opal (42)Orpiment (1)Orthoclase (1)Flint (1)Pietersit (10)Pinolite (1)I'm a pig (1)Rot (9)Rot with Epidote (1)Purpurite (3)Pyrite (20)Pyrite in slate (1)Pyrolusite (1)Quantum quattro (1)Rhodochrosite (7)Rhodonite (13)Rubellite (2)Ruby (27)Ruby in Zoisite (9)Ruby in Fuchsite (2)Rosenín (26)Rhyolite (1)Gypsum plasterer (7)Sapphire (3)Sagenite (22)Sardonyx (2)Saussurite (1)Selenite (5)Septaria (108)Seraphinite (5)Serpentine (6)Shattuckit (3)Sillimanite (1)Sunstone (3)Emerald (3)Sodalite (6)hawk eye (1)Staurolite (3)Stich (32)Stilbite (4)Stromatolite (1)Strontyanite (1)Sugilite/Luvulite (10)Shiva lingham (1)Shungite (3)Tanzanite (8)Tektite/Libyan Desert Glass (8)thulit (2)Tiffany (1)Topaz (9)Triplet (1)Tourmaline (18)Turritela/fossils (1)Tiger's eye (6)Turquoise (5)Unakit (1)Vanadinite (1)Variscite (1)To pay (1) (1)Vltavín (1)Wagnerite (1)A mess (17)Petrified wood (8)Zoisit (2)Granite/Azurite (1)
Opalite patty
The opaline patty promotes sociability and strengthens relationships with other people. Soothes and suppresses insomnia.

Opalite patty

approx. 3 - 4 cm
in stock
3.09 €
Drummed lemon magnesite
Drummed lemon magnesite. Lemon magnesite harmonizes the heart chakra. It is a helper for supporting spiritual growth and moving new beginnings towards a higher goal.

Drummed lemon magnesite

XL - approx. 3 - 4 cmXXL - approx. 4 - 5 cm
in stock
3.47 €
Apatite raw Brazil
Raw apatite from Brazil. Apatite is a mineral that helps overcome apathy and negativity, gives motivation and self-confidence to achieve goals

Apatite raw Brazil

XL - approx. 3 - 4 cm+2 versions
in stock
3.47 €
Jadeite tumbled A quality 7633
Jadeite is said to be a stone that is said to attract love and financial stability, giving positive energy, wisdom, harmony, happiness and friendship. Protects.

Jadeite tumbled A quality 7633

XXL - approx. 4 - 5 cm+2 versions
in stock
5.01 €
Fire agate tumbled
Agate of fire is a beautiful stone, which in folk traditions is considered a stone of safety and security. It is said to stimulate vitality and promote love activity. He also allegedly removes fear.

Fire agate tumbled

L - approx. 2,5 - 3 cm
in stock
2.70 €
Chalcopyrite raw Mexico
Crude chalcopyrite from Mexico. Chalcopyrite is a stone suitable for meditation, supports receptivity, opens and cleans the crown chakra.

Chalcopyrite raw Mexico

XL - approx. 4 - 5 cm
in stock
9.60 €
Tumbled copper
Drummed copper. A traditional talisman of self-improvement, patience, kindness and attention.

Tumbled copper

M - approx. 2 - 2,5 cm
in stock
6.56 €
Lepidolite raw Portugal
Raw lepidolite from Portugal. In folk literature, Lepidolite is a calming stone suitable for relieving the stresses of everyday life. It is said to calm rage, anger and other negative emotions.

Lepidolite raw Portugal

XL - approx. 3 - 4 cm
in stock
3.09 €
Raw orange calcite
Orange calcite strengthens vitality and zest for life. It brings determination, confidence and activity.

Raw orange calcite

XXL - approx. 4 - 5 cmJUMBO - approx. 5 - 6 cm
in stock
2.31 €
Girasol raw Madagascar
Raw girasol from Madagascar. Girasol is said to have the powerful energy of the moon in it, it is said to be a great stone in times of change, according to tradition it stimulates the psyche, calms and creates inner balance.

Girasol raw Madagascar

XL - approx. 3 - 4 cmXXL - approx. 4 - 5 cm
in stock
3.09 €
Howlite white raw South Africa
Raw Howlite from South Africa. Howlite white brings deep peace to relaxation and meditation. It is said to provide harmony and resistance to stress.

Howlite white raw South Africa

XXL - approx. 4 - 5 cm+2 versions
in stock
4.24 €
Moonstone brown raw
Raw brown moonstone. According to rumors, the moonstone multiplies intuition, attracts love and helps to successfully solve partner problems. Ensures peaceful sleep.

Moonstone brown raw

XL - approx. 3 - 4c m+3 versions
in stock
2.31 €
Dumortierite raw Peru
Raw dumortierite from Peru. According to folk traditions, Dumortierite is a stone of hope and order. It is said to strengthen self-control, organizational skills, courage and peace of mind.

Dumortierite raw Peru

XXL - approx. 4 - 5 cm+3 versions
in stock
3.09 €
Raw carnelian with agate
Raw carnelian with agate. Carnelian is traditionally used to strengthen courage and patience for harmony and a positive outlook on life. With agate, these positive effects are amplified.

Raw carnelian with agate

L - approx. 2,5 - 3 cm+3 versions
in stock
1.54 €
Caribbean blue calcite
Caribbean blue tumbled calcite. Blue calcite is traditionally used to increase effort, it is a stone suitable for relaxation, meditation and rest.

Caribbean blue calcite

XL - approx. 3 - 4 cmXXL - approx. 4 - 5 cm
in stock
7.71 €
Aventurine green pebble with roughness
Green aventurine - pebble from Brazil. Aventurine is a lucky stone in folk traditions, it is said to bring prosperity and wealth. It is said to increase alertness and endurance.

Aventurine green pebble with roughness

XL - approx. 3 - 4 cm
in stock
3.47 €
Polychrome tumbled jasper
Tumbled, polished polychrome jasper, which is a traditional stone of calmness and stress reliever.

Polychrome tumbled jasper

XL - approx. 3 - 4 cmXXL - approx. 4 - 5 cm
in stock
5.40 €
Strontyanite drummed
Strontyanite is associated with personal strength and self-confidence, it is a stone of creativity and imagination. It harmonizes the crown chakra, the Solar plexus chakra and the Third Eye chakra.

Strontyanite drummed

L - approx. 2,5 - 3 cmXL - approx. 3 - 4 cm
in stock
6.56 €
Red tumbled jasper
Red jasper is a known stone of protection. According to folk trails, it calms the turbulent feelings. It supplies energy to the soul and mind.

Red tumbled jasper

XL - approx. 3 - 4 cm
in stock
2.70 €
Amber natural raw Borneo
Raw natural unmodified amber from Borneo. Amber has traditionally been used to increase vitality, promote positive energy, dampen bad moods, and relieve anxiety.

Amber natural raw Borneo

XXL - approx. 4 - 5 cm+2 versions
in stock
5.01 €
Apatite pebble with burr
Apatite - pebble from Brazil. Apatite is a mineral that helps overcome apathy and negativity, gives motivation and self-confidence to achieve goals

Apatite pebble with burr

L - approx. 2,5 - 3 cm+2 versions
in stock
2.70 €
Prasem drummed
Prasem drummed for harmonizing energy, promoting self-improvement and peaceful sleep. Harmonizes the heart chakra.

Prasem drummed

XL - approx. 3 - 4 cmXXL - approx. 4 -5 cm
in stock
3.47 €
Bronzite raw Brazil
Raw bronzite from Brazil. Bronzite traditionally helps to take control of our actions and lives. It is said to help suppress insecurity, it is said to be an excellent grounding stone.

Bronzite raw Brazil

XXL - approx. 4 - 5 cm+2 versions
in stock
3.47 €
Raw Madagascar Tanzanite
Raw tanzanite from Madagascar. Tanzanite crystals, a beautiful precious stone originally from Tanzania, especially suitable for the throat chakra.

Raw Madagascar Tanzanite

XS - apprpox. 1 - 1,5 cm+3 versions
in stock
6.17 €
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