IntroductionBlack FridayStones, minerals with a 30% discount

Stones, minerals with a 30% discount

0 €
670 €
Stone type
Agate (63)Agate lagoon lace (84) (2)Actinolite (1)Aquamarine (20)Amazonite (7)Ametrine (2)Amethyst (142)Ancestralite (1)Andalusian (1)Angelite (3)Anthophyllite (1)Apatite (4)Aragonite (10)Arfvedsonite (1)Auralite (1)Adventurous (13)Azurite (1)Barite (1)Bismuth (1)Bornit (1)Bronze (3)Bustamite (1)Bull's eye (1)Celestine/Celestit (15)Citrine (25)To enchant (25)Danburite (10)Diopside (1)Dioptas (2)Dolomites (1)Ravage (1)Dumortierite (2)Epidote (1)Eudialyte in syenite (1)Eudialyte/Eudialite (1)Fluorite (42)Phosphosiderite (2)Fuchsite (5)Gagat/Jet (2)Galena (1)Sunflower (2)Garnet/Garnet (3)Garnet/Grosular (2)Heliotrope/Crevel (1)Hematite (5)Hematoid quartz (10)Howlite white/Magnesite (3)Blue Howlite/Tyrkenite (1)Hypersthene (1)Chalcedony (3)Chalcopyrite (1)Chiastolite (1)Chromium diopside (18)Chrysocolla (14)Chrysoprase (14)Chrysotile (2)Jade (1)Jadeite/Nephrite (18)Amber (14)Jasper (55)Calcite (30)Capillititis (1)Cornelian (28)Kimberlite (1)Cobaltocalcite (6)Coral (4)Corundum (1)Crystal with rutile (22)Crystal with tourmaline (11)Crystal/Quartz (87)Kunzite (15)Kyanite (8)Labradorite (63)Lapis Lazuli (4)Larimar/Pectolite (28)Larvikitis (1)Lava stone (1)Lepidolite (6)Lizardite (10)Magnetite (1)Malachite (54)Copper (2)Moon stone (4)Moonstone/Opalite (3)Meteorite (1)Moqui Marbles (1)Morganite (5)Marble (1)Mtorolite (1)Nundoorit (1)Obsidian (14)Olivine/Peridot (1)Onyx (2)Opal (42)Orpiment (1)Orthoclase (1)Flint (1)Pietersit (10)Pinolite (1)I'm a pig (1)Rot (9)Rot with Epidote (1)Purpurite (3)Pyrite (20)Pyrite in slate (1)Pyrolusite (1)Quantum quattro (1)Rhodochrosite (7)Rhodonite (13)Rubellite (2)Ruby (27)Ruby in Zoisite (9)Ruby in Fuchsite (2)Rosenín (26)Rhyolite (1)Gypsum plasterer (7)Sapphire (3)Sagenite (22)Sardonyx (2)Saussurite (1)Selenite (5)Septaria (108)Seraphinite (5)Serpentine (6)Shattuckit (3)Sillimanite (1)Sunstone (3)Emerald (3)Sodalite (6)hawk eye (1)Staurolite (3)Stich (32)Stilbite (4)Stromatolite (1)Strontyanite (1)Sugilite/Luvulite (10)Shiva lingham (1)Shungite (3)Tanzanite (8)Tektite/Libyan Desert Glass (8)thulit (2)Tiffany (1)Topaz (9)Triplet (1)Tourmaline (18)Turritela/fossils (1)Tiger's eye (6)Turquoise (5)Unakit (1)Vanadinite (1)Variscite (1)To pay (1) (1)Vltavín (1)Wagnerite (1)A mess (17)Petrified wood (8)Zoisit (2)Granite/Azurite (1)
Vanadinite crystals Morocco
Vanadinite crystals from Morocco. Vanadinite is an excellent meditation stone, suitable for supporting creativity and the ability to focus on a given task.

Vanadinite crystals Morocco

2,5 cm
not in stock
4.59 €
Amethyst cactus druse JAR 8
Amethyst cactus druse from South Africa. Since ancient times, people have believed that amethyst has a strong supporting and purifying power, banishes insomnia and nightmares, induces restful sleep, and strengthens fidelity.

Amethyst cactus druse JAR 8

4,7 x 6 cm
not in stock
26.23 €
Charoit tumbled Siberia 8
Hand-drummed charoite in premium quality. Charoite is a beautiful stone of transformation. It affects the soul and overcomes fear. Suppresses stress and anxiety, harmonizes.

Charoit tumbled Siberia 8

2,4 x 3,3 cm
not in stock
67.84 €
Larimar drummed Dominican Republic 9
Polished semi-precious stone Larimar from the Dominican Republic. Larimar is one of the rarest semi-precious stones, traditionally used as a love talisman.

Larimar drummed Dominican Republic 9

2,2 x 3 cm
not in stock
34.67 €
Chrysanthemum Stone China 5
Chrysanthemum stone from China. In folk traditions, the stone chrysanthemum is considered a calming stone that gives the wearer confidence. This stone is said to help you enjoy the present moment.

Chrysanthemum Stone China 5

6,3 x 6,7 cm
not in stock
38.53 €
Carnelian Madagascar heart 5 cm
A beautiful, smooth heart made of carnelian from Madagascar. It brings love and harmony into life. Red is the color of passion, love, energy and courage.

Carnelian Madagascar heart 5 cm

approx. 5 x 6,6 cm
not in stock
23.10 €
Chrome diopside tumbled Yakutia 5
Hand-tumbled chrome diopside from Yakutsk. Chromium diopside gives the wearer love, confidence, flourishing, growth, calmness, serenity and harmony.

Chrome diopside tumbled Yakutia 5

2,5 x 3,3 cm
not in stock
30.04 €
Druze Druze and Sagenite Brazil 1
Druze of black and sagenite from Brazil. In folk tradition, saffron is an excellent stone against sadness and other negative emotions, which is said to help reduce stress

Druze Druze and Sagenite Brazil 1

5 x 7,2 cm
not in stock
52.45 €
Calcite blue Egg Madagascar 2
Blue calcite egg from Madagascar. A mineral that encourages patience, trust, devotion. In Feng Shui, it represents the element of Water.

Calcite blue Egg Madagascar 2

4,4 cm
not in stock
12.69 €
Labradorite polished Madagascar 80
Select quality polished labradorite from Madagascar. Labradorite encourages confidence, intuition and perseverance.

Labradorite polished Madagascar 80

approx. 4,1 x 7,7 cm, 93,2 g
not in stock
12.34 €
Stichtit and serpentine patty
A patty made of stichtite and serpentine is a protective stone, a talisman for new paths, beginnings, changes and relationships.

Stichtit and serpentine patty

approx. 4 cm
not in stock
6.13 €
Stromatolite tumbled
Stromatolite gives meaning to our lives, helps to act in accordance with our needs. It allows you to change your life for the better.

Stromatolite tumbled

M - approx. 2 - 2,5 cmXL - approx. 3 - 4 cm
not in stock
1.54 €
Polished septaria Madagascar large Heart P8-3
Polished heart-shaped septaria from Madagascar in select quality will please many a mineral collector. The heart brings love, happiness and harmony into life.

Polished septaria Madagascar large Heart P8-3

approx. 8,7 x 8,1 cm, 331 g
not in stock
25.45 €
Carnelian polished freeform small Madagascar 4
Polished freeform carnelian from Madagascar. Red is the color of passion, love, energy and courage.

Carnelian polished freeform small Madagascar 4

approx. 5 x 6,8 cm, 190 g
not in stock
27.77 €
Polished rose quartz ball Madagascar 11
Polished ose quartz ball in selection quality from Madagascar. ose quartz is considered a talisman of love and beauty.

Polished rose quartz ball Madagascar 11

approx. ø 7 cm, 519 g
not in stock
57.47 €
New Guinea raw ruby 4
Raw ruby mineral from New Guinea. Ruby has been considered a stone of wealth and protection for centuries. It is believed that its deep red color stimulates the desire for life and sexual activity. It is said to ward off sadness and negative thinking.

New Guinea raw ruby 4

1,8 x 3,7 cm
not in stock
23.10 €
Madagascar polychrome tumbled jasper 2
Hand-tumbled, polished polychrome jasper of choice quality from Madagascar.

Madagascar polychrome tumbled jasper 2

4,8 x 5,1 cm
not in stock
14.62 €
Moqui Marbles Utah birthstones
Moqui Marbles are amazing birthstones. They protect, ground, regenerate, give joy, happiness, balance and harmony.

Moqui Marbles Utah birthstones

price per pair, size stone approx. 2 cm
not in stock
38.53 €
Crystal freeform Madagascar TP4 1
Decorative freeform crystal in select quality from Madagascar. The crystal is considered a universal crystal, a talisman bringing energy into absolute harmony.

Crystal freeform Madagascar TP4 1

approx. 5,7 x 9,1 cm, 295 g
not in stock
41.65 €
Tumbled sugilite South Africa 1
Tumbled sugilite from the Republic of South Africa. Sugilite is a protective and strengthening stone, protects against stress, disappointment and trauma.

Tumbled sugilite South Africa 1

3 cm
not in stock
14.23 €
Jasper bumblebee drummed Indonesia
Drummed bumblebee jasper from Indonesia. Bumble bee jasper promotes positive thinking and self-confidence. It is a stone suitable for the sacral and solar plexus chakras.

Jasper bumblebee drummed Indonesia

M - approx. 2 - 2,5 cm+2 versions
not in stock
10.03 €
Yellow tumbled jasper
Yellow jasper is a stone in folk tradition that brings peace, support and help in stress, positive energy, perseverance and understanding. As a talisman, it is said to be a protective stone.

Yellow tumbled jasper

S - approx. 1,5 - 2 cm+4 versions
not in stock
0.77 €
Chalcedony Ocher Turkey Heart
Attractive smooth heart of ocher chalcedony from Turkey. It brings love and harmony into life.

Chalcedony Ocher Turkey Heart

3 cm
not in stock
6.52 €
Jasper polychrome polished flame Madagascar 1
Polished flame-shaped polychrome jasper from Madagascar. A beautiful decoration and collector's item for all mineral lovers.

Jasper polychrome polished flame Madagascar 1

approx. 5,1 x 12,9 cm, 297 g
not in stock
38.53 €
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