Stones, minerals with a 30% discount
aquamarine (21)beige (146)white (190)black (251)red (214)dark red (12)clear (91)rainbow (4)purple (294)Brown (295)amber (14)creamy (6)copper (2)honey (8)milky (5)blue (224)blue-white (33)blue-green (31)multicolored (136)olive (1)Orange (65)transparent (55)transparent (33)transparent (55)purple (113)pink (199)silver (3)silvery black (4)Light blue (59)scarlet (5)grey (233)dark green (83)turquoise (22)green (299)green-brown (28)golden (88)yellow (303)
Stone type
Agate (63)Agate lagoon lace (84) (2)Actinolite (1)Aquamarine (20)Amazonite (7)Ametrine (2)Amethyst (142)Ancestralite (1)Andalusian (1)Angelite (3)Anthophyllite (1)Apatite (4)Aragonite (10)Arfvedsonite (1)Auralite (1)Adventurous (13)Azurite (1)Barite (1)Bismuth (1)Bornit (1)Bronze (3)Bustamite (1)Bull's eye (1)Celestine/Celestit (15)Citrine (25)To enchant (25)Danburite (10)Diopside (1)Dioptas (2)Dolomites (1)Ravage (1)Dumortierite (2)Epidote (1)Eudialyte in syenite (1)Eudialyte/Eudialite (1)Fluorite (42)Phosphosiderite (2)Fuchsite (5)Gagat/Jet (2)Galena (1)Sunflower (2)Garnet/Garnet (3)Garnet/Grosular (2)Heliotrope/Crevel (1)Hematite (5)Hematoid quartz (10)Howlite white/Magnesite (3)Blue Howlite/Tyrkenite (1)Hypersthene (1)Chalcedony (3)Chalcopyrite (1)Chiastolite (1)Chromium diopside (18)Chrysocolla (14)Chrysoprase (14)Chrysotile (2)Jade (1)Jadeite/Nephrite (18)Amber (14)Jasper (55)Calcite (30)Capillititis (1)Cornelian (28)Kimberlite (1)Cobaltocalcite (6)Coral (4)Corundum (1)Crystal with rutile (22)Crystal with tourmaline (11)Crystal/Quartz (87)Kunzite (15)Kyanite (8)Labradorite (63)Lapis Lazuli (4)Larimar/Pectolite (28)Larvikitis (1)Lava stone (1)Lepidolite (6)Lizardite (10)Magnetite (1)Malachite (54)Copper (2)Moon stone (4)Moonstone/Opalite (3)Meteorite (1)Moqui Marbles (1)Morganite (5)Marble (1)Mtorolite (1)Nundoorit (1)Obsidian (14)Olivine/Peridot (1)Onyx (2)Opal (42)Orpiment (1)Orthoclase (1)Flint (1)Pietersit (10)Pinolite (1)I'm a pig (1)Rot (9)Rot with Epidote (1)Purpurite (3)Pyrite (20)Pyrite in slate (1)Pyrolusite (1)Quantum quattro (1)Rhodochrosite (7)Rhodonite (13)Rubellite (2)Ruby (27)Ruby in Zoisite (9)Ruby in Fuchsite (2)Rosenín (26)Rhyolite (1)Gypsum plasterer (7)Sapphire (3)Sagenite (22)Sardonyx (2)Saussurite (1)Selenite (5)Septaria (108)Seraphinite (5)Serpentine (6)Shattuckit (3)Sillimanite (1)Sunstone (3)Emerald (3)Sodalite (6)hawk eye (1)Staurolite (3)Stich (32)Stilbite (4)Stromatolite (1)Strontyanite (1)Sugilite/Luvulite (10)Shiva lingham (1)Shungite (3)Tanzanite (8)Tektite/Libyan Desert Glass (8)thulit (2)Tiffany (1)Topaz (9)Triplet (1)Tourmaline (18)Turritela/fossils (1)Tiger's eye (6)Turquoise (5)Unakit (1)Vanadinite (1)Variscite (1)To pay (1) (1)Vltavín (1)Wagnerite (1)A mess (17)Petrified wood (8)Zoisit (2)Granite/Azurite (1)

Extra quality raw chrysocol from Peru. Chrysocolla is a traditional symbol - a stone of peace. It is said to calm emotions, provide strength and balance, attract love and strengthen relationships
Chrysocolla raw extra quality Peru
XL - approx. 3 - 4 cm+3 versions
in stock
11.96 €

In the folk tradition, saffron is an excellent stone against depression and other negative emotions, which is said to help reduce stress
Drummed brownie
XL - approx. 3 - 4 cmXXL - approx. 4 - 5 cm
in stock
2.70 €

Tumbled Manganocalcite from India. Manganocalcite is a heart stone in folk tradition. It is said to calm, concentrate and ground, helping to overcome various psychological traumas and anxieties.
Manganocalcite tumbled India
L - approx. 2,5 - 3 cm+2 versions
in stock
10.03 €

Selenite in the shape of a roller. Named after the Greek goddess of the moon Selene, selenite is a stone of protection and purity.
Selenite tumbled roller
L - approx. 2,5 - 3 cmXL - approx. 3 - 4 cm
in stock
6.17 €

Raw rose quartz on a base - decoration. Rose quartz is a symbol of love, beauty and healing. It is said to stimulate life energy with its color. It is said to help with long-term illnesses...
Raw rose quartz on a base - decoration
11 cm
in stock
7.67 €

According to folk tradition, fluorite is an ideal stone for relieving stress and anxiety, it is said to support spiritual and physical integrity. It is said to bring truth, protection and peace of mind
Rainbow fluorite drummed
XL - approx. 3 - 4 cm
in stock
3.86 €

Beautiful blue toned falcon eye stones. It strengthens willpower, brings prosperity and happiness. Suppresses depression, adds strength.
Falcon's eye tumbled
XL - approx. 3 - 4 cm
in stock
1.93 €

Sunstone is said to bring joy and light into life. Folk tradition also says that it acts against depression, feelings of abandonment and gives self-confidence.
Sun Stone Tumbled Tanzania
XL - approx. 3 - 4 cmXXL - approx. 4 - 5 cm
in stock
4.63 €

Amethrin contains the alleged properties of amethyst and citrine. It gives itself, cleanses the mind from stress, tension and calms it, protects it.
Ametrin tumbled
XXL - approx. 4 - 5 cm
in stock
5.79 €

Raw crystal on a pedestal - decoration. Crystal is a very strong and universal stone, it is said to protect against all evil and negativity. He is also said to carry a peaceful sleep.
Raw crystal on a pedestal - decoration
11 cm
in stock
8.83 €

According to traditions, lava stone is a powerful protective amulet, which should be dedicated to the healing of the mind.
Lava stone tumbled pieces
M - approx. 2 - 2,5 cmL - approx. 2,5 - 3 cm
in stock
1.93 €

According to folk traditions, blue fluorite restores emotional balance, suppresses strong emotions, settles despair, depression or anger, it is said to help with learning.
Fluorite blue raw
XL - approx. 3 - 4 cmXXL - approx. 4 - 5 cm
in stock
3.09 €

Angelite is a stone that is said to bring truth, protect against cruelty, increase compassion and reconciliation with things that cannot be changed.
Angelite tumbled
XL - approx. 3 - 4 cm
in stock
3.47 €

Semi-precious stone pink opal - in folk tradition it is a stone of cordiality, friendliness, hope, great success and for faithful lovers also a stone of love.
Opal pink raw Peru
JUMBO - approx. 5 - 6 cm+2 versions
in stock
11.96 €

Hand-tumbled, polished septaria from Madagascar. A traditional helper for communication and motivation.
Septaria trumpet Madagascar
XXL - approx. 4 - 5 cmJUMBO - approx. 5 - 6 cm
in stock
10.03 €

Raw purpurite from Portugal. Purpurite supplies life force, helps remove obstacles that can limit personal growth, and is also suitable for suppressing work problems
Purpurite raw Portugal box
XL - approx. 3 - 4 cm
in stock
7.71 €

In folk tradition, pink opal is a stone of cordiality, friendliness, hope, great success and, for faithful lovers, also a stone of love.
Pink tumbled opal
XL - approx. 3 - 4 cmXXL - approx. 4 - 5 cm
in stock
5.79 €

Petrified wood is traditionally used as a protective amulet. It is said to reflect negativity back to the originator and increase the joy of life.
Petrified wood drummed Brazil
XL - approx. 3 - 4 cm
in stock
3.09 €

Breccia jasper according to folk traditions brings peace, support and help in stress, positive energy, perseverance and understanding. As a talisman, it is said to be a protective stone.
Breccia jasper tumbled
XXL - approx. 4 - 5 cm+2 versions
in stock
3.09 €

Raw green calcite from Mexico. Green calcite helps to support new relationships, it is a symbol of life in all manifestations. It promotes growth, development and effort.
Calcite green raw Mexico
approx. 4 - 5,5 cm
in stock
3.82 €

Raw tiger's eye on the base - decoration. Red jasper is a well-known stone of protection. According to folk traditions, it calms troubled feelings. Energizes the soul and mind.
Raw red jasper on the base - decoration
11 cm
in stock
8.83 €