IntroductionMagazineSpiritual developmentSymbols - esotericism, esotericism, magic, protection

Symbols - esotericism, esotericism, magic, protection

A symbol is a sign, visual emblem, sign, pictogram or emblem referring to a particular meaning. There are symbols denoting currency, road signs, symbols for handling packaging, cosmetics, for timekeeping ... Even animals, birds and flowers represent symbolism, eg an owl is considered a symbol of wisdom, a cat is a symbol of courage to explore the unknown and find balance, dragonfly is a symbol of beauty, happiness and courage, jasmine is a symbol of love, beauty and sensuality, the mythical unicorn is a symbol of magic, miracles and magic. The skull is a symbol of strength, courage, wisdom. The meaning is attributed to elements such as fire, earth, wood, water and metal and individual colors. The tradition of symbols varies in length, their meaning is more or less important, and is crucial for a group of people of different sizes.


Esotericism refers to various spiritual movements and currents in Western culture, and includes mainly Renaissance magic, the teachings of Paracelsus (alchemist, astrologer and physician, real name Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus Bombastus von Honehheim, 1493-1541), Christian Kabbalah, Freemasonry, etc. with the occult, which, however, refers to hidden properties or forces in nature. Esotericism is derived from Greek. esóteros, which means inner, closed.

One of the most important esoteric symbols is the Kabbalistic Tree of Life.

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The Kabbalistic Tree of Life is made up of Sephiroth, which can be interpreted as vessels or foundations. The Sephirs represent the 10 paths that form the basis of everything that exists.

Meaning of Sephir:

- Keter: the highest sefirah is the crown, the border beyond which infinity lies, symbolizing unity and will,
- Hochma: the wisdom that springs from Keter, the active intellect,
- Bina: understanding, passive intellect, Source of the female principle, also called mother,
- Da'ta: knowledge
- Chesed: grace, also called Gedula, symbolizes generous behavior.
- Gevura: a force that symbolizes a strict but just judgment, which is why it is sometimes called Din.
- Tif'eret: beauty, also called Rachamim - mercy, is a principle that balances Chesed and Gevura.
- Necach: eternity or victory.
- Throw: gloss, reflection.
- Yesod: base.
- Malchut - kingdom, government. This sefirah is closest to the earthly world. 

Esoterics as we know it today - pendulums , symbols, crystals, amulets, etc., has nothing to do with esotericism. This does not mean, however, that it is irrelevant, that it has an insignificant group of followers, that it does not have an irreplaceable social role.

Magic protection symbols

Magic is associated with influencing the world through occult, ie hidden, forces in nature, or through contact with spiritual beings. The goal may be to gain power, love, knowledge, wealth, healing or protection from danger, or, conversely, it may be to cause harm and spiritual transformation. From the point of view of religion and science, magic is perceived rather negatively.
Magic includes spells, curses, talismans, amulets, pendulums, ceremonies, etc.

Protective symbols

Pentagram - often incorrectly associated with devil worship. But the beginnings of the pentagram are related to something else. The origin of the word is in Greek, and means "penta" (five) and "gram" (drawing, or written). It was used as early as the 6th century BC by the Greek philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras and the Greek thinker Pherecyd of Syros, to illustrate important ideas about the cosmos and also to illustrate the 5 elements that the ancient Greeks believed to be in the human body: Earth, Air , Fire, Water and Aether. In Judaism, the Pentagram represents the five books of the Torah.

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The pentagram can also be found in the Christian religion. The pentagram symbolizes many things - creation, perfection in the human body, but also in mathematics and finds use in magic and rituals.

Wiccans and neo-pagans use the Pentagram as follows: it represents the 4 elements - Earth, Air, Fire and Water, the fifth vertex denotes the spirit. The pentagram pointing the odd point upwards is associated with the spirit rising above the mass, and the pentagram pointing the odd point downwards represents the spirit descending to the ground.

Triskelion (triskele, from the Greek "tripod") - sometimes also known as the "triple moon" is a symbol that consists of three bent human legs, or generally of three interlocking spirals, respectively. similar symbol with three protrusions. Triskelion was found in many ancient civilizations, most often in Malta (4400-3600 BC). The meaning of this symbol comes from Greek and is associated with three legs bent at the knee. However, the symbol can be found around the world, including Japan, Tibet and Korea. It is a traditional symbol of Sicily, Italy and the Isle of Man in the United Kingdom. The Celtic spiral acts as a biogenerator - it has very strong harmonizing and calming effects. By applying to certain places on the body, it is used to positively affect life energy.

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Today, the Celtic spiral is used as a means of replenishing and directing energy, suppressing harmful radiation, etc. It is supposed to give the body vitality and stabilize vital functions.

Celtic gable knot - this is an ancient symbol of protection. This node was placed near sick people or on the shields of warriors to ward off evil spirits and other dangers. It can have different designs, the uniqueness is in four different corners. This symbol is usually shaped as a square or square inside a circle. The Celtic knot is a symbol of strength, determination and protection.

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Triquetra means triangle. It represents three inseparable elements and is often associated with other symbols, such as birth - life - death, or body - mind - soul, past - present - future, etc. In the Christian world, this symbol means the Holy Trinity. The purpose of life is to achieve balance, because everything is related to everything and nothing can be understood separately.

Among other protective symbols, we would mention by chance the Celtic symbols for the protection of home, property, abundance, well-being, prosperity and travel.

Meaning of individual symbols:

Home - home, home protection, security and a sense of security (triangle with stylized doors).
Travel (stylized letter Z).
Possesion - property (rhombus with extended two sides).
Wealth - wealth, abundance, well-being, a talisman for wealth and prosperity (intersected semicircles).

Wicca is a neo-pagan religious movement, dating back to the middle of the 20th century in England, it is a form of modern witchcraft. It combines elements of pre-Christian religions, especially Celtic, but also ancient and other, folk traditions and magic. Symbols from various traditions are used in the Wiccan religion. Symbols are powerful and can help us understand the universe in which we live.

Protective symbols

The favorite symbol of life, energy and vitality is the Tree of Life. Tree of Life - a strong protective symbol for life force, energy and vitality.

Tree of life, lat. Arbor vitae has long been perceived as a symbol connecting the underground, the earth and the sky. In Norse mythology, the Yggdrasil tree is depicted, which penetrates the nine worlds and nationalizes the axis of the world - Axis mundi. It symbolizes the life force and victory of life over death.


If you are interested in, for example, Buddhist symbols, you can read the article, which you can find here.

She wrote the article for you on January 21, 2022: Mgr. Radka Brichcínová

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