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Talismans of love

The word " talisman " comes from the Arabic word "talsam" or from the similar Greek word "telesma" and means "completion, religious ceremony". A talisman, with its certain magical properties, should ensure happiness and protection to its owner, unlike an amulet, which protects its owner from evil and danger.

amethyst-druze-heart-pendant-silver-ls-220-11_1 opalit-andel-guardian-soska-mala-11 amethyst-pendulum-j-11 ruzenin-stromecek-testi-vetsi-11 rhyolite-tromlovany-12 Thulite pink LS 11 11

Talismans were used in medieval medicine, although very rarely directly for treatment, mainly due to the existence of a wide range of medicines at the time. Historical sources indicate the use of talismans, for example, to ensure the conception of a child.

Love is primarily understood as a strong emotional relationship between two people, based on mutual knowledge and trust. It includes attraction, desire, admiration, affection, devotion...
In the Czech Republic, May 1 is considered the holiday of lovers.

AMETHYST = passion, love, humility, understanding and imagination

Traditionally, amethyst is associated with February, the month the Romans dedicated to Neptune, god of the seas, oceans and all waters. It is also the stone of Saint Valentine and faithful love, it carries the energy of fire and passion, creativity and the logic of moderation and sobriety. It is a suitable gift for partners, in the form of a stone or jewelry. When given as a ring, it is considered a stone of fidelity, and in the form of a locket, it can call back a lost love.

ROSE = symbol of love, beauty and healing, stone of tenderness and sensuality

Pink is the color of new love, new romance and new relationships. It promotes sensuality, can help overcome grief, improve caring for others and the ability to give love to others.
Rosary is a stone of unconditional love , it supports the energy of compassion, tenderness and understanding. It harmonizes the heart chakra, calms emotional wounds, fears and anger. It supports natural love between partners, the ability to give and receive it. Rosary is a traditional talisman of partner, family and friendship relationships . Rosehip was used in ancient times as part of face masks for beautification. The Egyptians used it to cleanse the skin and reduce wrinkles.
Rosary strengthens romantic relationships , placed in the corner of the room it promotes harmony and trust and strengthens unconditional love.
An excellent talisman can be, for example, a guardian angel whose name is Ariel or Hariel and is intended for those born under the sign of Gemini or Scorpio.

PINK THULITE (zoisite with manganese)

Thulit is a talisman for new relationships not only as a partner, but also for friendship, it helps suppress shyness, shyness, induces calmness and self-confidence. Like rose quartz, thulite is a stone of unconditional love , harmonizing the heart chakra and enhancing positive emotions.

RYOLITE – Mexican bird's eye

Rhyolite promotes positive change and communication, increases the ability to listen to others and understand what they say, thereby mitigating potential conflicts. It is a stone of emotional balance, suppresses negativity and thus helps to see and recognize positive things.
Rhyolite harmonizes the solar plexus chakra and the throat chakra, helping to increase the ability to learn, the ability to set boundaries, and build self-confidence and self-control.
It is used to heal the heart and mind, it helps to find the right way to realize one's intentions. It resonates with the frequency of love , compassion and kindness and is the embodiment of harmonious relationships.


Opalite is a synthetic stone (or glass) sometimes also called opalescent fluorite or purple opal. A milky or iridescent color is typical for it.
It harmonizes the frontal and crown chakras, balances the forces of Yin and Yang, i.e. darkness and light, two complementary opposites united into one whole. Yin symbolizes femininity, darkness and passive power, and Yang symbolizes masculinity, light and creative power.
Opalite is considered a stone of love , suitable for cementing mutual romantic relationships and fidelity.
It is used to increase self-confidence, sense of value and understanding of the meaning of being, for the ability to face fears, brings peace and balance.

Also read our article about the Angelic Empire and choose a guardian angel for yourself or someone you care about. You can choose by date of birth and/or by color:

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