IntroductionMagazineWorking with stonesTalismans of love
Talismans of love
The word " talisman " comes from the Arabic word "talsam" or from the similar Greek word "telesma" and means "completion, religious ceremony". A talisman, with its certain magical properties, should ensure happiness and protection to its owner, unlike an amulet, which protects its owner from evil and danger.
Talismans were used in medieval medicine, although very rarely directly for treatment, mainly due to the existence of a wide range of medicines at the time. Historical sources indicate the use of talismans, for example, to ensure the conception of a child.
Love is primarily understood as a strong emotional relationship between two people, based on mutual knowledge and trust. It includes attraction, desire, admiration, affection, devotion...
In the Czech Republic, May 1 is considered the holiday of lovers.
AMETHYST = passion, love, humility, understanding and imagination
Traditionally, amethyst is associated with February, the month the Romans dedicated to Neptune, god of the seas, oceans and all waters. It is also the stone of Saint Valentine and faithful love, it carries the energy of fire and passion, creativity and the logic of moderation and sobriety. It is a suitable gift for partners, in the form of a stone or jewelry. When given as a ring, it is considered a stone of fidelity, and in the form of a locket, it can call back a lost love.
ROSE = symbol of love, beauty and healing, stone of tenderness and sensuality
Pink is the color of new love, new romance and new relationships. It promotes sensuality, can help overcome grief, improve caring for others and the ability to give love to others.
Rosary is a stone of unconditional love , it supports the energy of compassion, tenderness and understanding. It harmonizes the heart chakra, calms emotional wounds, fears and anger. It supports natural love between partners, the ability to give and receive it. Rosary is a traditional talisman of partner, family and friendship relationships . Rosehip was used in ancient times as part of face masks for beautification. The Egyptians used it to cleanse the skin and reduce wrinkles.
Rosary strengthens romantic relationships , placed in the corner of the room it promotes harmony and trust and strengthens unconditional love.
An excellent talisman can be, for example, a guardian angel whose name is Ariel or Hariel and is intended for those born under the sign of Gemini or Scorpio.
PINK THULITE (zoisite with manganese)
Thulit is a talisman for new relationships not only as a partner, but also for friendship, it helps suppress shyness, shyness, induces calmness and self-confidence. Like rose quartz, thulite is a stone of unconditional love , harmonizing the heart chakra and enhancing positive emotions.
RYOLITE – Mexican bird's eye
Rhyolite promotes positive change and communication, increases the ability to listen to others and understand what they say, thereby mitigating potential conflicts. It is a stone of emotional balance, suppresses negativity and thus helps to see and recognize positive things.
Rhyolite harmonizes the solar plexus chakra and the throat chakra, helping to increase the ability to learn, the ability to set boundaries, and build self-confidence and self-control.
It is used to heal the heart and mind, it helps to find the right way to realize one's intentions. It resonates with the frequency of love , compassion and kindness and is the embodiment of harmonious relationships.
Opalite is a synthetic stone (or glass) sometimes also called opalescent fluorite or purple opal. A milky or iridescent color is typical for it.
It harmonizes the frontal and crown chakras, balances the forces of Yin and Yang, i.e. darkness and light, two complementary opposites united into one whole. Yin symbolizes femininity, darkness and passive power, and Yang symbolizes masculinity, light and creative power.
Opalite is considered a stone of love , suitable for cementing mutual romantic relationships and fidelity.
It is used to increase self-confidence, sense of value and understanding of the meaning of being, for the ability to face fears, brings peace and balance.
Also read our article about the Angelic Empire and choose a guardian angel for yourself or someone you care about. You can choose by date of birth and/or by color:
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Aventurine and white pearl bracelet

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Black pearl earrings

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Bracelet made of white pearls 4 mm

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Chopped opal pink bracelet

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Chrysocolla with malachite polished Congo 2

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Citrine and white pearl bracelet

Citrine earrings with seed beads

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Cobaltocalcite drusen Congo 3

Cobaltocalcite drusen Congo 7

Cobaltocalcite Drusus Congo 1

Cobaltocalcite Drusus Congo 5

Colors of Love Bracelet RB Design 88

Congo 4 drusen cobaltocalcite

Congo 6 drusen cobaltocalcite

Conical Rose quartz pendant on a waxed cord

Coral with mother of pearl bracelet RB Design 177

Crystal and rosewood beaded bracelet

Crystal and steel with rose gold fashion bracelet wide wrap

Crystal love bracelet RB Design 83

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Crystal strawberry nugget bracelet

Cubic zirconia bow tie drawstring bracelet in chocolate color

Cubic zirconia heart pendant and key

Damascus rose - petals

Damascus yellow rose - buds

Dawn of love bracelet RB Design 82

Designer bracelet in pink-purple tone RB Design 153

Double charm bracelet

Dream catcher with rose quartz

Drummed brown garnet

Drummed rhyolite

Earrings with gold-plated plum-colored pearls

Elastic bracelet made of colored pearls

Elephant cubic zirconia drawstring bracelet

Evil eye keychain

Exclusive women's pearl necklace made of colored pearls 120 cm

Exclusive women's pearl necklace made of white pearls 114 cm

Exclusive women's pearl necklace made of white pearls 158 cm

Eye of Horus Pendulum Pad

Fashion bracelet leather cord with white pearls

Fashion bracelet red cord with pearl

Fashion bracelet with rosewood with Shamballa clasp

Fashion earrings with a bunch of pearls

Fashion earrings with slices of Mother of Pearl

Fashion waxed cord bracelet with amethyst

Fashionable earrings with a large keshi pearl and freshwater pearls

Fashionable earrings with pearls

Fashionable earrings with slices of Mother of Pearl white

Fashionable earrings with three pearls

Fashionable long earrings Mother of pearl

Flexible bracelet made of flake obsidian and wooden beads

Flexible bracelet made of rosemary and wooden beads

Flower cubic zirconia colored chain bracelet

Fluorite heart pendant

Fluorite massage heart against stress

Fluorite pendant Heart 1.5 cm

Fold cut pendant shape drop color silver

Garnet and coconut bracelet

Garnet and white pearls with metal beads chain bracelet

Garnet bracelet made of irregular stones

Garnet bracelet made of nuggets

Garnet chopped bracelet - nuggets

Garnet cut necklace

Garnet cut necklace 3.5 mm

Garnet necklace made of beads

Garnet necklace made of pebbles

Garnet vesuvian matrix drummed

Glittering bracelet made of large white pearls and cut glass beads

Glittering elastic bracelet made of colored pearls and glass Aura beads

Glittering gold-plated bracelet Key in the lock with cubic zirconia

Glittering gold-plated bracelet with multicolor cubic zirconia 25 cm

Glittering gold-plated bracelet with white cubic zirconia

Glittering silver bracelet with multicolor cubic zirconia

Glittering silver bracelet with white cubic zirconia

Glittering Wings bracelet with cubic zirconia

Green-pink lotus candlestick

Gua sha on a red jasper Mushroom face

Gua sha on the face of a tiger's eye Mushroom

Gua sha on the face of the Jasper Dalmatian Mushroom

Hand carved rose quartz skull

Hanging earrings with four pearls

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Hematite faceted bracelet with lapis lazuli beads

Hematite faceted bracelet with rose quartz beads

Howlit blue and white pearl bracelet

Howlit white bracelet with pearl hearts

Howlite white and aventurine double row bracelet with glass beads

Howlite white and carnelian double row bracelet with glass beads

Incense sticks Archangel Chamuel

Incense sticks Archangel Haniel

Incense sticks Sagrada Madre Anise, Cinnamon and Olibanum

Incense sticks Sagrada Madre Palo Santo and Jasmine - jasmine

Incense sticks Sagrada Madre Palo Santo and Rose - rose

Incense sticks Sagrada Madre Roses and Olibanum

Indian red leather strap 1 m

Jasper dalmatian crystal pendant with snake

Jasper dalmatian massaging tactile heart

Jasper dalmatian roller pendant

Jasper picture tambled pendant 1.2 - 1.4 cm

Jasper red circle pendant with Tree of Life

Jasper red crystal pendant with chain

Jasper red donut with string

Jasper red heart pendant

Jasper red heart pendant with Tree of Life

Jasper red heart-shaped pendant

Jasper red massage tactile heart

Jasper red massage tactile large oval

Jasper red pendant Heart 1.6 cm

Jasper red pendant Merkaba star

Jasper red tambled pendant 1.5 - 2.4 cm

Jasper red teddy bear pendant

Jewelry box travel petrol 10 cm

Jewelry box travel red 10 cm

Keshi pearl in a wire frame

Keshi pearl large hoop earrings

Keshi pearl long chain earrings

Keshi pearl with bunch of pearl earrings

Key chain made of turquoise with a heart and an angel

Key ring with rosary

Keychain Circle with a dragon

Keychain Tree of life with roses

Keychain with a heart made of tyrkenite, size M

Keychain with a rosette heart 2.5 cm

Keychain with rosary and tree of life

Keychain with rosette heart size M

Kunzit with hematite beaded bracelet

Kunzite and foil glass bracelet RB Design 208

Kunzite and metal three-row bracelet

Kunzite bracelet made of AA quality beads

Kunzite luxury bracelet extra AA quality 10 mm

Kunzite plate bracelet AA quality

Labrador figurine made of rose quartz

Lapis lazuli and white pearls with metal beads chain bracelet

Lapis lazuli earrings brass round

Lapis lazuli earrings brass square

Lapis Lazuli earrings in the shape of drops

Lapis Lazuli flat earrings

Lapis Lazuli Half Moon Earrings

Lapis Lazuli oval earrings

Lava stone and amazonite bracelet

Lava stone bracelet in Tibetan style with lotus flower

Lava stone bracelet in Tibetan style with skull

Lava Stone Bracelet with Amazonite and Tree of Life

Lava stone bracelet with mother of pearl hearts

Lava stone bracelet with pearls

Lava stone bracelet with rose quartz

Lava stone bracelet with rosemary beads

Lava stone bracelet with rosewood and Tree of Life

Lava stone bracelet with white pearls

Lava stone chakra necklace with tassel

Lava stone necklace and bracelet with amethyst

Lava stone necklace with amazonite

Lava stone necklace with amethyst

Lava stone necklace with rose gold

Lava stone necklace with satin amethyst

Lava stone necklace with tassel

Leather strap color dark pink 1 m

Leather strap color pink pearl 1 m

Leather strap color red burgundy 1 m

Leather strap light coral color 1 m

Lepidolite pendant with Tree of Life

Love and happiness smoker set made of flowers, leaves and resin

Luxurious bracelet made of large and small keshi pearls

Luxurious elastic bracelet made of beads and smoothed pieces of rose quartz

Luxurious pearl necklace made of multicolored pearls and beads in Swarovski style

Magical Aromatherapy: Healing the Body, Mind and Spirit

Malachite bead bracelet extra A quality

Malachite bead bracelet extra AA quality 10 mm

Malachite bead bracelet extra AA quality 12 mm

Malachite bracelet AA quality cut beads extra

Malachite bracelet made of beads 10 mm

Malachite bracelet made of beads 6 mm

Malachite bracelet made of ovals extra A quality

Malachite Congo Oval 1

Malachite Congo Oval 2

Malachite Congo Oval 3

Malachite Congo Oval 4

Malachite Congo Oval 5

Malachite Congo Oval 6

Malachite Congo Stalactite cut 1

Malachite Congo Stalactite cut 2

Malachite Congo Stalactite cut 3

Malachite Congo Stalactite cut 4

Malachite Congo Stalactite cut 5

Malachite Congo Stalactite cut 6

Malachite Congo Stalactite cut 7

Malachite heart MS 1

Malachite heart MS 2

Malachite heart MS 3

Malachite heart MS 4

Malachite plate bracelet extra

Malachite polished Congo 1

Malachite Polished Congo 2

Malachite polished Congo 3

Malachite polished Congo 4

Malachite polished Congo 5

Malachite polished slice 13

Moon pendulum pad

Morganite - beryl pink emerald bracelet with hearts

Morganite - beryl pink emerald elastic ring

Mother and daughter bracelets made of apricot colored pearls

Mother and daughter bracelets made of colored pearls

Mother of pearl bead bracelet 7 mm

Mother of pearl fashion earrings

Mother of Pearl sparkling fashion bracelet

Mtorolit drummed Norway

Necklace with white pearls

Obsidian bracelet and earrings set

Obsidian bracelet with Tibetan style ornaments

Obsidian polished extra oval plate bracelet

Obsidian smoke bracelet cut beads 4 mm

Obsidian snowflake circle pendant with Tree of Life

Obsidian snowflake heart pendant

Obsidian snowflake heart shaped pendant

Obsidian snowflake pendant crystal double sided silvery color

Obsidian snowflake tambled pendant 1.4 - 2.1 cm

Olivín fashion earrings with stones long

Opal brown raw Oregon

Opal green oval bracelet

Opal pink bracelet made of beads 12 mm

Opal pink bracelet made of oval stones

Opal pink bracelet with cut beads 2.5 mm

Opal pink disc bracelet

Opal pink drummed Peru 1

Opal pink drummed Peru 2

Opal pink drummed Peru 3

Opal pink drummed Peru 4

Opal pink drummed Peru 5

Opal pink drummed Peru 6

Opal pink drummed Peru 7

Opal pink drummed Peru 9

Opal pink raw Peru

Opal pink Rose Queen with crown bracelet RB Design 49

Opalite cut bead necklace

Opalite guardian angel 7.5 cm

Organza gift bag 10 x 12 cm silver with hearts

Organza gift bag 10 x 12 cm silver with roses

Organza gift bag 10 x 12 cm turquoise with hearts

Organza gift bag 13 x 18 cm dark blue

Organza gift bag 13 x 18 cm purple with hearts

Organza gift bag 13 x 18 cm red with hearts

Organza gift bag 7 x 9 cm turquoise with hearts

Orgonite pendant with rose quartz and Tree of Life dark

Orgonite pyramid with red jasper with crystal

Orgonite tricolor obelisk

Orthoclase pink drummed

Our lucky stones

Pad for the Three Suns pendulum

Pad under the Big Sun pendulum

Paper gift box blue for rings and earrings 7.5 x 7.5 cm

Paper gift box blue with ribbon bow and earrings 6.3 x 9.3 cm

Paper gift box Drawer 7.8 cm

Paper gift box flower black for rings and earrings 8 x 5 cm

Paper gift box green green for rings and earrings 8 x 5 cm

Paper gift box pink for rings and earrings 7.5 x 7.5 cm

Paper gift box pink pink for rings and earrings 8 x 5 cm

Paper gift box pink-blue for rings and earrings 7.5 x 7.5 cm

Paper gift box pink-blue for rings and earrings 9.2 x 9.2 cm

Paper gift box red for rings and earrings 7.5 x 7.5 cm

Paper gift box yellow for rings and earrings 7.5 x 7.5 cm

Passion of Love bracelet RB Design 79

Paua abalon mother of pearl Wheels bracelet with beads

Paua abalon nacre Hearts bracelet with beads

Pearl black stud earrings

Pearl bracelet in the shape of rectangles

Pearl bracelet with colored pearls and cubic zirconia drawstring

Pearl bracelet with copper wires and cubic zirconia

Pearl bracelet with copper wires and cubic zirconia drawstring

Pearl peach stone earrings

Pearl pearl earrings

Pearl plum stone earrings

Pearl white stud earrings

Pearls and metal beads triple leather bracelet

Pearls with cross cord drawstring bracelet black

Pendant Glass heart with rose quartz

Pendulum mat Butterfly

Pendulum mat Pentagram and letters

Pendulum mat Sun and Moon with a face

Pendulum pad black Phases of the moon

Pendulum pad Triple Moon

Pentagram Pendulum Pad

Pink and white lotus candlestick Extra

Pink caress of bracelets RB Design 81

Pink lotus candlestick

Pink pearl bracelet with stainless steel cross

Pink velvet crystal bracelet RB Design 75

Pink-red lotus candlestick

Plate bracelet with pieces of malachite

Polished rose quartz ball Madagascar 1

Polished rose quartz ball Madagascar 10

Polished rose quartz ball Madagascar 11

Polished rose quartz ball Madagascar 12

Polished rose quartz ball Madagascar 2

Polished rose quartz ball Madagascar 3

Polished rose quartz ball Madagascar 4

Polished rose quartz ball Madagascar 5

Polished rose quartz ball Madagascar 6

Polished rose quartz ball Madagascar 7

Polished rose quartz ball Madagascar 8

Polished rose quartz ball Madagascar 9

Prehnit Tree of Life pendant 3 cm

Raw rose quartz on a base - decoration

RB Design 163 pink-grey jadeite bracelet

Red heart jasper with chakra symbols

Rhodochrome cut, glass and metal beads 4 bracelets in one

Rhodochrosite bracelet chopped AA quality

Rhodochrosite bracelet with the tree of life RB Design 30

Rhodochrosite Free form Argentina 1

Rhodochrosite Free form Argentina 2

Rhodochrosite Peru Heart

Rhodochrosite rondelki pull bracelet

Rhodochrosite Stalactite Cut Argentina 1

Rhodochrosite Stalactite Cut Argentina 2

Rhodochrosite Stalactite Cut Argentina 3

Rhodonite and Lava Stone Tree of Life Bracelet

Rhodonite and rose gold bracelet with the tree of life RB Design 46

Rhodonite drummed Peru

Rhodonite pendant extra oval

Rhodonite pendant Heart 1.6 cm

Rhodonite pink and black pendant Heart 1.5 cm

Rhodonite raw mineral Brazil 1

Rhodonite raw mineral Brazil 3

Rhodonite raw mineral Brazil 4

Rhodonite raw mineral Brazil 5

Rhodonite tumbled Zimbabwe AA quality

Rhyolite disc bracelet

Rodonit pendant Heart 1.5 cm

Rodonite beaded bracelet

Rodonite raw Peru

Rosalina bracelet extra beaded with the tree of life

Rosary and amethyst beaded necklace

Rosary and garnet earrings with hearts

Rosary and lava stones bracelet RB Design 19

Rosary and strawberry crystal earrings with hearts

Rosary beaded bracelet 8 mm

Rosary beaded with chopped pieces bracelet with Shamballa clasp

Rosary beads with pearl bracelet cut beads

Rosary bracelet beads

Rosary bracelet Buddhist beads and rings

Rosary bracelet with pearl hearts

Rosary circle pendant with Tree of Life

Rosary circle with Tree of Life pendant stainless steel with chain

Rosary decoration in the shape of an apple

Rosary drop design pendant with chain

Rosary grape pendant with a large bead

Rosary grape pendant with angel wings

Rosary grape pendant with bijou handle

Rosary heart pendant with healing symbol

Rosary keychain with heart and angel

Rosary pendant ball made of small beads

Rosary pendant circle with Yin Yang symbol

Rosary pendant heart

Rosary pendant in the shape of a heart

Rosary pendant star

Rosary pyramid with Flower of Life

Rosary, beads and steel fashion three-row bracelet

Rose gold beaded bracelet

Rose gold bracelet with metal beads with Shamballa clasp

Rose gold bracelet with pearls

Rose gold bracelet with Shamballa clasp

Rose gold chain bracelet with pearls

Rose gold chakra bracelet double with Shamballa clasp

Rose gold cut glittering bracelet made of beads

Rose gold earrings brass round

Rose gold glittering fashion pendant in the form of an owl

Rose gold luxury bracelet

Rose quartz agate Botswana and jadeite bracelet RB Design 102

Rose quartz and crystal brass pendulum

Rose quartz and howlite white bracelet RB Design 21

Rose quartz and white pearl bracelet

Rose quartz balls in a gift box

Rose quartz bracelet and earrings set

Rose quartz bracelet with a heart

Rose quartz chakra bracelet with Buddha head

Rose quartz chakra pendulum symbol of the Triple Goddess

Rose quartz crystal pendant with chain

Rose quartz crystal pendant with snake

Rose quartz cut bracelet made of disks

Rose quartz cut bracelet with extra plate rectangles

Rose quartz cut pendant shape drop color silver

Rose quartz decoration in the shape of an apple 2.8 cm

Rose quartz drop pendant on a string

Rose quartz earrings Tree of Life

Rose quartz earrings Tree of Life

Rose quartz egg home decoration

Rose quartz extra plate bracelet

Rose quartz fashionable pull-on bracelet

Rose quartz heart with chakra symbols

Rose quartz in the shape of the moon

Rose quartz leaf massage tactile

Rose quartz massage heart against stress

Rose quartz massage tactile heart

Rose quartz oval massage tactile

Rose quartz pebble with an edge

Rose quartz pendant Angel

Rose quartz pendant ball with chain or cord

Rose quartz pendant Drop cut

Rose quartz pendant Heart 1.5 cm

Rose quartz pendant Leaf

Rose quartz pendant Lock with key

Rose quartz pendant Merkaba star

Rose quartz pendant Teddy bear

Rose quartz pendant Tree of life from citrine

Rose quartz polished freeform Madagascar 1

Rose quartz polished freeform Madagascar 2

Rose quartz polished freeform Madagascar 3

Rose quartz raw pendant 2.5 cm

Rose quartz raw pendant with metal ornaments

Rose quartz rectangle massage tactile small

Rose quartz ring

Rose quartz rondelki pull-down bracelet

Rose quartz sphere with Tree of Life

Rose quartz tumbled

Rose quartz, tiger's eye and lava stones owl bracelet RB Design 37

Rose-quartz asterisk drummed AA quality

Roses - buds

Roses - petals

Rosette chakra necklace

Rosette pendant extra oval

Rosewood bracelet extra plate square

Rosewood Buddha necklace Tibetan chakra

Rosewood exclusive bracelet with glittering beads

Rosewood heart pendant 2.5 cm

Rosewood Madagascar heart RS 1

Rosewood Madagascar heart RS 2

Rosewood massage tactile large oval

Rosewood massage wand 10 cm

Rosewood massage wand 12 cm

Rosewood pendant flat drop

Round stainless steel bracelet 22 cm

Rozína chopped bracelet with an elephant

Růženín's fashion pendant in the form of a cat

Růženina's exclusive bracelet with Shamballa clasp

Scent cones for flowing smoke Goloka Nature's Nest Backflow Cones

Scent cones for flowing smoke Goloka Nature's Rose Backflow Cones

Scent cones for flowing smoke Goloka White Sage Backflow Cones

Scent cones for flowing smoke Organic Goodness Lavender Backflow Cones

Scent cones for flowing smoke Organic Goodness Patchouli Backflow Cones

Scent cones for flowing smoke Organic Goodness Sandalwood Backflow Cones

Scent cones for flowing smoke Organic Goodness White Sage Backflow Cones

Scented cones for flowing smoke Organic Goodness Nag Champa Backflow Cones

Scented herbal balls Sagrada Madre Olibanum and Cinnamon

Scented herbal balls Sagrada Madre Olibanum and Roses

Set of 2 pull-on fashion bracelets with glass beads and hearts

Set of bracelet made of colored pearls and decorative metal bracelet

Set of mother of pearl bracelets

Set of three attractive amethyst bracelets

Set of three blue aventurine bracelets

Set of three fashionable bracelets with pearls on a gold cord

Set of three rose quartz bracelets

Set of three women's pearl bracelets made of large pearls and cut glass

Set of two bracelets made of lava stone and hematite Lotus

Set of two corded bracelets with hearts

Set of two fashionable leather bracelets with white and black pearls

Set of two pearl and amethyst bracelets

Set of two pearl and black agate bracelets

Set of two pearl and carnelian bracelets

Set of two prehnite and rhodochrosite bracelets

Shells and pearls with larimar

Silver bracelet with cut garnets and zircons Ag 925 029704 GT

Silver bracelet with cut rubies Ag 925 014081 RB

Silver bracelet with cut rubies Ag 925 015393 RB

Silver earrings with chrome diopside and zircons Ag 925 026339 DIO

Silver earrings with chromium diopide and zircons Ag 925 012172 DIO

Silver earrings with chromium diopide and zircons Ag 925 045303 DIO

Silver earrings with cut chrome diopsides and zircons Ag 925 013834 DIO

Silver earrings with cut chrome diopsides and zircons Ag 925 020965 DIO

Silver earrings with cut chrome diopsides and zircons Ag 925 022211 DIO

Silver earrings with cut chrome diopsides and zircons Ag 925 045077 DIO

Silver earrings with cut chromium diopsides Ag 925 014969 DIO

Silver earrings with cut garnets Ag 925 0012889 GT

Silver earrings with cut garnets Ag 925 014969 GT

Silver earrings with cut garnets Ag 925 015728 GT

Silver earrings with cut garnets Ag 925 015915 GT

Silver earrings with cut garnets and zircons Ag 925 010645 GT

Silver earrings with cut garnets and zircons Ag 925 010906 GT

Silver earrings with cut garnets and zircons Ag 925 011529 GT

Silver earrings with cut garnets and zircons Ag 925 012172 GT

Silver earrings with cut garnets and zircons Ag 925 012842 GT

Silver earrings with cut garnets and zircons Ag 925 013834 GT

Silver earrings with cut garnets and zircons Ag 925 016771 GT

Silver earrings with cut garnets and zircons Ag 925 020073 GT

Silver earrings with cut garnets and zircons Ag 925 022211 GT

Silver earrings with cut garnets and zircons Ag 925 023373 GT

Silver earrings with cut garnets and zircons Ag 925 026339 GT

Silver earrings with cut garnets and zircons Ag 925 026541 GT

Silver earrings with cut garnets and zircons Ag 925 043304 GT

Silver earrings with cut garnets and zircons Ag 925 045303 GT

Silver earrings with cut garnets and zircons Ag 925 07539 GT

Silver earrings with cut moldavites Ag 925 014969 MD

Silver earrings with cut morganites Ag 925 014969 MG

Silver earrings with cut morganites and zircons Ag 925 029862 MG

Silver earrings with cut nanozultanites and zircons Ag 925 010906 ZUL

Silver earrings with cut nanozultanities Ag 925 014969 ZUL

Silver earrings with cut nanozultanities Ag 925 09813 ZUL

Silver earrings with cut Pink topazes and zircons Ag 925 019520 PT

Silver earrings with cut roses and zircons Ag 925 010645 RQ

Silver earrings with cut roses and zircons Ag 925 045303 RQ

Silver earrings with cut rubelites Ag 925 014969 RUBE

Silver earrings with cut rubies Ag 925 012889 RB

Silver earrings with cut rubies Ag 925 014969 RB

Silver earrings with cut rubies Ag 925 015915 RB

Silver earrings with cut rubies Ag 925 016641 RB

Silver earrings with cut rubies Ag 925 042031 RB

Silver earrings with cut rubies and zircons Ag 925 015728 RB

Silver earrings with cut rubies and zircons Ag 925 025929 RB

Silver earrings with cut rubies and zircons Ag 925 026541 RB

Silver earrings with cut rubies and zircons Ag 925 031091 RB

Silver earrings with cut rubies and zircons Ag 925 043304 RB

Silver earrings with cut rubies and zircons Ag 925 045303 RB

Silver earrings with Egyptian turquoise cabochons and zircons Ag 925 012019 ETQ

Silver earrings with Egyptian turquoises and zircons Ag 925 021201 ETQ

Silver earrings with garnets and zircons Ag 925 014442 GT

Silver earrings with prehnite cabochons and zircons Ag 925 012019 PREH

Silver earrings with prehnite cabochons and zircons Ag 925 021201 PREH

Silver necklace with polished chrome diopsides and zircons Ag 925 030029 DIO

Silver pendant with a cut ruby Ag 925 044173 RB

Silver pendant with African amethyst Ag 925 014252 AFAM

Silver pendant with African amethyst and zircons Ag 925 020118 AFAM

Silver pendant with African amethyst and zircons Ag 925 020160 AFAM

Silver pendant with African amethysts Ag 925 034766 AFAM

Silver pendant with African amethysts and zircons Ag 925 010906 AFAM

Silver pendant with African amethysts and zircons Ag 925 043063 AFAM

Silver pendant with Brazilian amethyst and zircons Ag 925 020065 BRAME

Silver pendant with Brazilian amethysts Ag 925 046600 BRAME

Silver pendant with chromium diopide and zircons Ag 925 020160 DIO

Silver pendant with cut African amethyst and zircons Ag 925 021831 AFAM

Silver pendant with cut African amethyst and zircons Ag 925 023185 AFAM

Silver pendant with cut African amethyst and zircons Ag 925 026951 AFAM

Silver pendant with cut African amethyst and zircons Ag 925 039244 AFAM

Silver pendant with cut African amethysts and zircons Ag 925 016803 AFAM

Silver pendant with cut African amethysts and zircons Ag 925 029355 AFAM

Silver pendant with cut Brazilian amethyst Ag 925 06086 BRAME

Silver pendant with cut Brazilian amethysts and zircons Ag 925 039244 BRAME

Silver pendant with cut Brazilian amethysts and zircons Ag 925 07885 BRAME

Silver pendant with cut chrome diopsides and zircons Ag 925 029355 DIO

Silver pendant with cut garnet and zircons Ag 925 039244 GT

Silver pendant with cut garnets Ag 925 015924 GT

Silver pendant with cut garnets and zircons Ag 925 020166 GT

Silver pendant with cut garnets and zircons Ag 925 027511 GT

Silver pendant with cut garnets and zircons Ag 925 043063 GT

Silver pendant with cut grenades Ag 925 034766 GT

Silver pendant with cut grenades and zircons Ag 925 010906 GT

Silver pendant with cut grenades and zircons Ag 925 07885 GT

Silver pendant with cut morganite and zircon Ag 925 026584 MG

Silver pendant with cut morganite and zircons Ag 925 026951 MG

Silver pendant with cut nanozultanites and zircons Ag 925 010906 ZUL

Silver pendant with cut nanozultanites and zircons Ag 925 025796 ZUL

Silver pendant with cut nanozultanites and zircons Ag 925 07885 ZUL

Silver pendant with cut Pink amethysts and zircons Ag 925 07885 PAM

Silver pendant with cut rubies Ag 925 014252 RB

Silver pendant with cut rubies Ag 925 034766 RB

Silver pendant with cut ruby and zircons Ag 925 021831 RB

Silver pendant with cut ruby and zircons Ag 925 026951 RB

Silver pendant with garnet and zircons Ag 925 020065 GT

Silver pendant with garnet and zircons Ag 925 020118 GT

Silver pendant with garnet cabochons Ag 925 017206 GT

Silver pendant with large cut amethyst Ag 925 015657 AME

Silver pendant with large cut nanozultanite Ag 925 015657 ZUL

Silver pendant with large cut Pink amethyst Ag 925 015657 PAM

Silver pendant with polished chrome diopside and zircons Ag 925 021831 DIO

Silver pendant with polished chrome diopside and zircons Ag 925 026951 DIO

Silver Ring Set with Brazilian Amethyst and Zircons Ag 925 046587 BRAME

Silver Ring Set with Cut Ruby and Zircon Ag 925 046587 RB

Silver ring with a cut ruby Ag 925 015992 RB

Silver ring with African amethyst and large zircons Ag 925 012108 AFAM

Silver ring with African amethyst and zircons Ag 925 016430 AFAM

Silver ring with African amethyst and zircons Ag 925 017195 AFAM

Silver ring with African amethyst and zircons Ag 925 026069 AFAM

Silver ring with African amethyst and zircons Ag 925 026296 AFAM

Silver ring with African amethysts and zircons Ag 925 026097 AFAM

Silver ring with Brazilian amethyst and zircons Ag 925 010436 BRAME

Silver ring with Brazilian amethyst and zircons Ag 925 026068 BRAME

Silver ring with Brazilian amethyst and zircons Ag 925 036636 BRAME

Silver ring with Brazilian amethyst and zircons Ag 925 048101 BRAME

Silver ring with brushed nanozultanite and zircons Ag 925 031131 ZUL

Silver ring with cut garnet and zircon Ag 925 031121 GT

Silver ring with cut garnet and zircons Ag 925 010436 GT

Silver ring with cut garnet and zircons Ag 925 011580 GT

Silver ring with cut garnet and zircons Ag 925 013424 GT

Silver ring with cut garnet and zircons Ag 925 015992 GT

Silver ring with cut garnet and zircons Ag 925 016430 GT

Silver ring with cut garnet and zircons Ag 925 016796 GT

Silver ring with cut garnet and zircons Ag 925 026068 GT

Silver ring with cut garnet and zircons Ag 925 026295 GT

Silver ring with cut garnet and zircons Ag 925 030163 GT

Silver ring with cut garnet and zircons Ag 925 048101 GT

Silver ring with cut moldavites and zircons Ag 925 020711 MD

Silver ring with cut moldavites and zircons Ag 925 038934 MD

Silver ring with cut orange kyanite and zircons Ag 925 031131 ORK

Silver ring with cut rosette and zircons Ag 925 026068 RQ

Silver ring with cut rubies Ag 925 023241 RB

Silver ring with cut rubies Ag 925 023319 RB

Silver ring with cut rubies and zircons Ag 925 025371 RB

Silver ring with cut ruby and zircon Ag 925 031121 RB

Silver ring with cut ruby and zircons Ag 925 012108 RB

Silver ring with cut ruby and zircons Ag 925 026295 RB

Silver ring with cut ruby and zircons Ag 925 026296 RB

Silver ring with cut ruby and zircons Ag 925 036636 RB

Silver ring with cut ruby and zircons Ag 925 048101 RB

Silver ring with large cut nanozultanite and zircons Ag 925 015554 ZUL

Silver ring with large cut rosette and zircons Ag 925 015554 RQ

Silver ring with morganite and zircon Ag 925 031121 MG

Silver ring with morganite and zircons Ag 925 026295 MG

Silver ring with turquoise and zircons Ag 925 031131 TQ

Silver-plated Rose quartz pendulum

Stainless steel chain bracelet with Love pendant

Sun and Moon Pendulum Pad

Sun and Moon Pendulum Pad

Sun pendulum mat

Sweet Love bracelet RB Design 89

Tan guardian angel

Tan the Tree of Life pendant made of rose quartz

Thulit chopped bracelet

Thulite drummed choice quality

Thulite raw Norway

Tiger eye heart pendant 1.6 cm

Tiger eye heart pendant 2 cm

Tiger eye pendant heart

Tiger eye pendant Heart 1.5 cm

Tourmaline multicolor cut bracelet

Tourmaline multicolor cut necklace 3.3 mm

Tourmaline rubellite in mother rock tumbled Madagascar

Tourmaline rubellite in parent rock AA quality 1

Travel jewelry box green Rectangle

Travel jewelry box pink 10 cm

Travel jewelry box red Rectangle

Travel petrol jewelry box Rectangle

Tree of Life Chopped Chakra Bracelet

Twelve nights set of fumes from roots and berries

Votive scented candle Joy and love

White howlite and kunzite double row bracelet with glass beads

White pearl bracelet with amethyst

White pearl bracelet with amethyst and butterfly

White pearl bracelet with aventurine and butterfly

White pearl bracelet with pearl chain

White pearl bracelet with red jasper and butterfly

White pearl bracelet with strawberry crystal

Wisdom Rose Quartz Pendulum

Women's bracelet made of pearls and rose gold

Women's pearl bracelet double white pearls with rose gold

Women's pearl bracelet white pearl 8 mm A Grade quality

Women's pearl bracelet made of black pearls with Shamballa fastening

Women's pearl bracelet made of large pearls and cut glass

Women's pearl bracelet made of white pearls in the shape of ovals

Women's pearl bracelet made of white pearls with Shamballa clasp

Women's pearl bracelet of white pearl with carnelian 5 mm

Women's pearl bracelet pearls 9 mm

Women's pearl bracelet white pearl with amethyst 5 mm

Women's pearl bracelet white pearls 7 mm A Grade quality

Women's pearl bracelet white pearls potatoe 1 cm AA Grade quality

Women's pearl bracelet with amazonite

Women's pearl bracelet with rose quartz