IntroductionMagazineSpiritual developmentTOP 3 effects of meditation
TOP 3 effects of meditation
From this article, you will learn what meditation is, what the effects of meditation are, and whether meditation can have any effects at all.
This term means everything that leads to an increase in concentration, ie concentration. The goal is to calm the mind. In some religions, the term meditation refers to certain types of prayers. Various aids are used for meditation, such as mandalas , meditation pillows and cushions , grinders, singing bowls , japa mala beads, etc. aids.
What is the effect?
The effect can be desirable, undesirable, side, aesthetic, wanted, unwanted ... surely we could add a lot of other attributes.
In connection with meditation, we mean the effect for which meditation is intended. Examples include bedtime meditation, soothing , where the goal is to achieve calm, reduce stress, and improve sleep and sleep quality for non-serious causes of insomnia. We do not mean a pharmacological, immunological or metabolic effect attributed to medicinal substances for which it must be demonstrated in a clinical trial, in accordance with the Act on Medicinal Products and other legal regulations. Thus, meditation can have a positive effect on the human body, but it must not be classified as therapeutic or curative.
Meditation can be helpful alone or in combination with therapeutic approaches, whether it is medicines, balneology, phytotherapy, homeopathy, etc.
Confidence in the method and patience are certainly in order.
If you can reduce the stress and tension that are the cause of insomnia in the sense of not falling asleep, poor quality of sleep or length of sleep, then sleep itself will improve. Meditation can be of great benefit in this case. However, it does not affect sleep disorders such as sleep apnea or narcolepsy. It will help you feel more relaxed and calm. Meditation for restful sleep and meditation for calming the mind include soothing sounds, where the sound of chimes or music can be used to create a relaxing environment. The meditation itself should last from 10 to 30 minutes / day. You can choose a simple technique, such as inhaling when counting to 4 and exhaling when counting to 4. There are also guided meditations. There are a number of applications that will help you with meditation.
Healing meditation or healing meditation
There are review studies to evaluate the effects and risks of meditation. The effect of meditation on anxiety and pain was evaluated. The risk is meditation for some purpose by people who suffer from severe manifestations of the disease, and in addition expect a positive effect of the meditation itself, without following the prescribed medication, or even seeking medical intervention itself. It is not possible to draw a clear conclusion from the review study: a low number of subjects without a control group, the existence of a large number of variables, a lack of information on the length and intensity of meditation were evaluated. Each person is individual, it is necessary to take into account not only gender, age, constitution, possible associated diseases, and each of us can be affected not only by treatment, but also by meditation in different ways.
It is necessary to act on the organism comprehensively, because the physical side and the mental side are closely related. Many diseases are classified as so-called psychosomatic, an example may be high blood pressure, where a significant factor is stress or the already mentioned insomnia.
Guided meditations find their application, when the meditator follows the instructions of another person, whom he visualizes. An example is the idea that white blood cells fight cells that are unwanted in the body. The goal is a positive perception of the whole process that should lead to healing. Everyone can create and imagine images themselves and then meditate on them at least once a day.
Preparation for healing meditation
Meditation - types, ways, possibilities
In this article you will find meditation for beginners, you will find that it is important not only a pleasant position, but also the environment in which you want to meditate. To create a pleasant environment, we recommend scenting the air with essential oils or scented waxes, whether through an aroma lamp, aroma diffuser or scented spray.
Sit in a chair with a straight back, with your head forward, your knees bent at a right angle, your hands on your thighs. If it suits you, you can sit cross-legged, or in the lotus position, if the flexibility of your joints allows it.
If you are not comfortable sitting on a chair, lie down on the floor. To keep your attention, you can chant the Om Mani Padme Hum mantra. It is the most famous six-syllable Tibetan mantra of Tibetan Buddhism, the mantra of compassion. The mantra is supposed to transform negative emotions. Om - pride and egoism, jealousy and envy, ni - attachments and egoistic desires, pad - ignorance and confusion, me - greed and greed and hum - hatred and anger. Instead of this mantra it can say, for example, calm, one, ohm, etc. You can keep your eyes closed or open, concentrating on one point - the candle flame, the statue, etc. Concentrate on your breathing, inhale slowly through your nose and exhale through your mouth. When relaxing in meditation, focus on relieving muscle tension from the head to the fingertips.
Meditate for a few minutes a day: 10 - 20, as it is relatively difficult to maintain attention, at least initially.
You can also meditate actively, for example with the help of tai chi and yoga, which is also used to unblock the chakras.
The advantage of meditation is that it can help relieve stress, improve the ability to concentrate and lead to a better understanding of one's own thought processes. Some people use meditation to reduce chronic pain or to encourage creativity.
Meditation to purify the chakras
To meditate on chakra purification, focus on the chakra and repeat the mantras that are intended for the chakras. As an example, we present the basic - root chakra:
Imagine a swirling red color and repeat it out loud or in thought:
I'm safe.
I'm fearless.
I feel stable.
I am worthy of love.
I feel a connection with Mother Earth.
I'm safe.
Mantra: laahm (pronounce lam), 4x.
You can find more in the article Chakras and ways to clean them.
Don't forget to combine meditation with lifestyle adjustments, such as a healthy diet, regular exercise, enough sleep, spending time in the fresh air, time spent with loved ones, trying to compensate for possible stress.
There is a lot of information about different types of meditations, such as meditation of slimness, meditation on abundance, etc. It is up to each of us for what purpose we meditate, what we expect from meditation and whether it is at least partially realistic to achieve the desired goal.
She wrote the article for you on October 2, 2021: Mgr. Radka Brichcínová
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