IntroductionMagazineHoroscopesVirgo in the color language of orange

Virgo in the color language of orange

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Orange gemstones are traditionally assigned to people born between August 23 and September 22, i.e. VIRGO.

Virgo is an earth sign ruled by the planet Mercury. A sense of order and system, practicality and the ability to focus on a given task are typical for the Virgo sign. People born under this sign are inquisitive, their lives are governed by reason and expediency, order and harmony are the basis of thinking. They tend to be critical of others, but in principle they are tolerant and sensitive.

Precious stones for the sign of Virgo

The most suitable stones for the sign of Virgo are: agate (especially moss), amethyst, aventurine, amazonite, beryl, citrine, charoite, dioptas, epidote, eudialyte, garnet, heliotrope, chalcedony, chrysocolla, amber, jasper, orange calcite , carnelian , lapis lazuli , nebula, moonstone, olivine, onyx, opal, prehnite, ruby, sapphire (blue), sardonyx, sunstone , sodalite, sugilite, shungite, tiger's eye, vanadinite, petrified wood.

Orange-colored crystals are a symbol of joy, friendship, pleasure, and family togetherness. Orange is the most amazing color for its natural power and action. It is the color of people born at the end of summer, i.e. August 23 to September 22 under the sign of VIRGO.
Orange is the color of joy, friendship and physical pleasure. The passion of these rays is a combination of red and gold. Joy is a pure emotion, elusive but heartfelt. As people get older, sometimes they lose the ability to rejoice, and yet it is a way of very easy pleasure or a deep, lasting feeling.
Orange is the color of sharing and orange stones are called "home" or "community stones".

When do you need darker orange stones?
If you want to support the ability to rejoice , increase pleasure and experiences, support sharing, strengthen mutual partner relationships , but also suppress manifestations of depression, anxiety and sadness.

Lighter shades of orange symbolize the ray of friendship . Use these gemstones if you want to make new friends, stay in touch with existing ones and keep friendships alive. These stones are excellent aids for friendship, loyalty, encouragement, sharing and affection. They are suitable for suppressing sadness, for highlighting selflessness, for overcoming shyness and for strengthening dedication.

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Darker orange gemstones are used to deepen belonging and home as a background. They are therefore called "home stones". They help ensure the hospitality of the home and hearth and support a happy family. They are suitable for promoting benevolence, for bonding the family, a sense of belonging, domestic well-being, and strengthening mutual relationships. They are used to suppress homesickness.

Orange stones are suitable for increasing the ability to overcome mistrust, shyness or shyness.

Even though orange gemstones , semi-precious stones and crystals are especially intended for people born under the sign of Virgo, this does not mean that someone else cannot have them. Each of us can buy any stone for pleasure and joy!

Healing stones

Important notice: all the information given here about the healing properties of precious stones, semi-precious stones and minerals is only informative, drawn from generally known information and sources. They are not instructions for bypassing classical treatment . Always remember that the use of precious healing stones is not an alternative method to conventional medical care! If you feel the symptoms of any illness, always see your doctor! Use healing stone abilities only as a supplement to conventional healing, not as a replacement.

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