IntroductionMagazineWorking with stonesChakra colors [Color chakras and their meaning]
Chakra colors [Color chakras and their meaning]
The 7 chakra colors are one of the integral characteristics of each chakra, as are their symbols. In this article, we describe the colors of the chakras and their meaning.
The colors of the basic chakras are as follows, from basic to crown: red, orange, yellow and golden yellow, green and pink, turquoise and light blue, indigo, purple and gold and white. Certainly few of us will be surprised that at the same time the color of the chakras is assigned to one of the signs of the Zodiac. A stone or mineral of that color is then the personal stone of people born in a given sign.
Muladhara - the root or also the basic chakra.
Chakra color: bright red. Red symbolizes energy, passion, strength, courage and love.
It is the color of people born in mid-autumn, ie from October 24 to November 22, in the sign of Scorpio.
The basic, root chakra connects us to the physical world. It gives us the strength to assert ourselves and persevere. The basic chakra is the vital basis and source of vital force for the higher chakras.
Svadhisthana - sacral or also sexual and cross chakra.
Chakra color: orange. Orange symbolizes joy, friendship, family togetherness and physical pleasure. Orange is the most amazing color for its natural strength and effect, it is the color of people born at the end of summer, ie from August 23 to September 22 in the sign of Virgo.
The Svadhisthana chakra is the center of original, unfiltered emotions, sexual energy and creative forces.
Manipura - solar plexus chakra or umbilical chakra.
Chakra color: yellow or golden yellow. Yellow symbolizes optimism, enlightenment, warmth and intelligibility. Yellow is the color of the coming and growing sunbeams and the warmth it brings with it. It is the color of people born in the days of the beginning of summer, in the period from June 22 to July 22, ie in the sign of Cancer. It is thus the color of the middle of the year, the successful beginning of a new journey, promises and fulfilled promises and "sunny" optimism.
The third chakra is the seat of emotions - anger, fear, guilt, selfishness, unhealthy desires.
Anahata - the heart chakra, or also the heart chakra.
Chakra color: green and pink. Green symbolizes productivity, progress, prosperity and material success. Green is the color of growth, the embodiment of the life force of birth, development and constant renewal of nature. It is the color of the people who were born in the heart of spring, from April 21 to May 21, the Bulls.
Pink is a symbol of love, beauty and healing, it is a talisman of love and relationships.
The fourth chakra forms the center of the chakra system. It connects the three lower physical-emotional centers with the three upper spiritual ones. Its symbol is a hexagon.
Vishuddha - throat chakra or also neck or communication chakra.
Chakra color: turquoise and light blue. Turquoise symbolizes balance, emotional stability, harmony and calm. It is a fresh color that has calming effects, the color of people born between March 21 and April 20, ie in the sign of Aries.
Blue is the color of ice reflecting the slowly brightening blue sky, as when the sun's rays begin to penetrate the color of violets and winter begins to slowly recede into the beginning of spring, it is a time of trust and fidelity, a color of sincerity and responsibility. Light blue symbolizes patience, the ability to forgive and reconcile. It is the color of the personal stones of people born during the winter solstice, from 21 February to 20 March, ie in the sign of Pisces .
The neck chakra is the center of human expressive abilities, communication and inspiration. The fifth chakra connects the lower chakras with the head chakras. It serves as a bridge between our thoughts and feelings, between our impulses and our reactions to them.
Ajna - the chakra of the Third Eye or also the frontal chakra.
Chakra color: indigo (royal blue). The color indigo is a symbol of wisdom, openness, intelligibility and better communication. It is the color of people born during the winter solstice, from January 21 to February 20, ie in the sign of Aquarius.
The sixth chakra is the seat of awareness processes in our lives, so we can create new realities and disrupt old ones. It is the seat of higher spiritual powers, intellectual abilities, discernment, memory and will.
Sahasrara - the crown chakra or also the parietal chakra.
Chakra color: purple, white and gold.
White is a symbol of purity , unity and innocence, a symbol of energy, it encourages self-knowledge, thought processes and the perception of one's own consciousness.
Purple symbolizes creativity, new beginnings and knowledge. Purple is the color of people born when the old year leaves and the new year reaches the winter solstice, ie December 22 to January 20, people born in the sign of Capricorn. Purple combines the fiery passion of a red ray and the intuition of purple. It helps to gain insight into our emotions and logic, it is the color of understanding and self-knowledge.
Gold symbolizes success, enthusiasm, happiness and power. The vibrant combination of pure yellow with the orange color of joy brings together royal gold, which is the color of people born in the magical month in mid-summer, ie July 23 to August 22, in the sign of the Lion.
The crown chakra is the seat of the highest perfection in man, it contains all the energies of the lower centers. The seventh chakra is the starting point for the manifestations of the energies of all other chakras. It is the place where our journey through life began, we will return here at the end of our development. As the seventh chakra develops, the last blockages in the other chakras are also released and their energies begin to oscillate at the highest frequencies possible for them.
Colors - chakras - stones
Each chakra is assigned stones and minerals in a given color . It will probably not surprise us that a grenade is intended for Muladhara, for example citrine is intended for Manipur, for example aventurine for Anahata ...
You can choose minerals not only according to the color of the chakra, but also according to the signs of the Zodiac.
She wrote the article for you on August 7, 2021: Mgr. Radka Brichcínová
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Septaria egg home decoration 2

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Septaria egg home decoration 5

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Septaria egg home decoration 6

Septaria egg home decoration 7

Septaria egg home decoration 8

Septaria flame Madagascar 1

Septaria flame Madagascar 10

Septaria flame Madagascar 11

Septaria flame Madagascar 2

Septaria flame Madagascar 3

Septaria flame Madagascar 4

Septaria flame Madagascar 5

Septaria flame Madagascar 6

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Septoria Dragon Egg Madagascar TP12 No. 1

Septoria Dragon Egg Madagascar TP12 No. 2

Septoria Dragon Egg Madagascar TP12 No. 3

Septoria Dragon Egg Madagascar TP12 No. 4

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Septoria drusa Madagascar 4

Septoria drusa Madagascar 5

Septoria drusa Madagascar 6

Septoria drusa Madagascar 7

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Septoria flame Madagascar 7

Septoria polished ball Madagascar 10

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Septoria polished freeform Madagascar TP8 No. 7

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Septoria polished freeform Madagascar TP8 No. 9

Septoria polished freeform Madagascar TP9 No. 4

Septoria polished freeform Madagascar TP9 No. 5

Septoria polished freeform Madagascar TP9 No. 6

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Serpentine olive drummed

Seven Chakra Incense Stick Stand

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Smoking mixture Holy Smokes - Combination with its own strength variant I. 50 ml

Smoking mixture Holy Smokes - Communication with angels variant I. 50 ml

Smoking mixture Holy Smokes - Communication with angels variant II. 50 ml

Smoking mixture Smoking power - Aura cleansing 60 ml

Smoking mixture The power of smoking - Awareness 60 ml

Smoking mixture The power of smoking - Consolation of the soul 60 ml

Smoking mixture The power of smoking - Happy child 60 ml

Smoking mixture The power of smoking - Home cleaning 60 ml

Smoking mixture The power of smoking - Knowledge 60 ml

Smoking mixture The power of smoking - Meditation 60 ml

Smoking mixture The power of smoking - Self-confidence 60 ml

Smoking mixture The power of smoking - The wheel of love 60 ml

Smoking set - Kyphi

Smoking set Magic rituals

Stand for incense sticks and 7 chakra cones

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Stand for incense sticks and cones Lotus and chakras

Stand for incense sticks and cones Lotus and Om symbol

Stand for incense sticks and cones Lotus in lotus

Stand for incense sticks and Ganesha cones

Stand for incense sticks and meditation cones

Stand for incense sticks and Yin and Yang meditation cones

Stand for incense sticks Symbol Óm

Talc stand for incense sticks Symbol Óm

Tibetan Cymbal with chakra symbols

Tibetan Cymbal with eight symbols of good luck

Tiger Eye Chakra Pendulum Symbol of the Triple Goddess

Tiger eye fashion long earrings with rings

Tiger eye heart with chakra symbols

Tiger's Eye Orgonite Pyramid Olivine Tree of Life

Tree of Life dream catcher with carnelian and strawberry crystal

Triplet Wagnerite Pyrite tumbled Nevada

Tyrkenite brass round earrings

Tyrkenite fashion long earrings with rings

Tyrkenite square brass earrings

White and Dark Gray dream catcher

White Butterfly dream catcher