IntroductionMagazineFeng ShuiHow to Use Crystals and Stones in Feng Shui

How to Use Crystals and Stones in Feng Shui

One of the best ways to ensure feng shui harmony in your home (or office, garden, etc.) is to use natural semi-precious stones and minerals. It is precious stones and crystals that can bring strong positive feng shui energy into your space. A number of these stones have a specific effect in feng shui on individual parts of our home or individual areas of our life.

Natural precious and healing stones are very effective and mostly really beautiful, however, in many cases just one stone is not enough and you need to buy more, often even from the same kind. Sometimes there is also a problem with their appropriate placement, for example, semi-precious stones are more difficult to hang if they do not have a pre-drilled hole.

Feng shui semi-precious stone and flowers

Feng shui crystals and their uses

Therefore, a very good solution today are the very popular hanging cut crystals made of lead glass, having different shapes and sizes with a number of cut surfaces - the so-called Feng shui rainbow crystals . Because they are produced in a number of shapes – spheres , pyramids, the sun, the moon, stars, etc., they can be used to solve practically all specific needs for the harmony of your home and life. The best quality feng shui crystals on the market are produced by the well-known company Swarovski.

Feng shui crystals are used in many ways and for many reasons. You can hang a feng shui crystal ball (or any other shape of feng shui crystal) in a sunny window to bring positive energy to your space, or you can use feng shui crystals to dispel negative energies in dark rooms, hallways and corners where natural sunlight does not reach . Feng shui crystals can be hung either individually, preferably on a red string, which enhances their positive effect - red is the color of passion and vitality. And also a traditional and significant color in feng shui. Often, these crystals are also hung on so-called Feng Shui window curtains , which allow one or more shapes to be hung. A slowly rotating spiral with different crystals then radiates their energy in all directions and lets it flow through your home. The individual shapes of the crystals will support your specific needs - for example, the moon helps to calm down and sleep undisturbed. Over time, you can get a beautiful decoration from the crystals hung in this way, which will delight your eyes with its play of sparkling colors when the light reflects on the cut crystal surfaces.

Feng shui rainbow crystals

But, even if you just hang these feng shui crystals in a sunny window, you will still watch the beautiful play of rainbow lights in your home, which will induce a sense of well-being and relaxation. And above all, it will bring beautiful and positive energy to you. It is not necessary to have a feng shui crystal in every window, just place it in the window that gets the most sunlight. Similarly, you can hang one or more crystals on a tree branch in the garden so that you can also enjoy the play of colors and positive energy that a feng shui crystal will bring to your garden.

Where to use feng shui crystals:

in the window through which Sha Chi energy flows to us

in a long narrow corridor or room with little or no direct light

in dark corners of rooms or heavily shaded parts of the garden, where unwanted stagnant energy usually collects

in parts of your house or apartment where there is too much chaotic energy, such as small spaces with many doors

in the space behind the entrance door so that happiness and harmony enter you (it is best to use a crystal in the shape of a sun or a star for this purpose).

Don't forget to cleanse your crystals from time to time of negative energies that can gradually accumulate in them; this is very important to keep them active and radiating only positive energy. You can clean and recharge the crystals easily under running water. If you want to be absolutely sure that you have rid them of all negative energies, you can then purify them with the best possible method - smoking. You can find the procedure here.

The fact that you get natural stones and semi-precious stones or feng shui crystals for your home does not mean that everything will be in order immediately the next day and your home will be permeated with good feng shui energy. It always takes some time - sometimes less, sometimes more - for positive energy to permeate your home with harmony and positive energy. And you need to let them influence your mind so that it too is positive and balanced. And your personal energy needs to be strengthened, not just the energy of your home. Therefore, in addition to using feng shui crystals, try to use natural semi-precious stones in your home, for example in the form of jewelry, and see if you notice a positive change in your daily energy level when you wear either a bracelet or a pendant with a semi-precious stone .

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