IntroductionMagazineHoroscopesBull in the color language of green

Bull in the color language of green

Taurus sign


People born between April 21 and May 21, i.e. TAURUS, are traditionally assigned green gemstones.

Taurus is an earth sign ruled by the planet Venus . Predominant qualities are strength and energy, as well as endurance, tenacity and decisiveness. Stubbornness and intransigence are typical for Taurus, with often emotional behavior. They are patient and have a feeling and relationship to everything beautiful and pleasant.

Precious stones for Taurus are: agate, actinolite, aquamarine, aventurine , azurite, beryl , Boji and Moqui stones, citrine, epidote , girasol, hiddenite, chalcedony, chiastolite, chrysocolla , jadeite , carnelian, coral, kunzite, kyanite, lapis lazuli , lava stone, malachite , rhodonite, rose quartz, sapphire, sardonyx, selenite, serpentine , shattuckite, emerald , topaz, green tourmaline , tiger's eye, unakite , amethyst.

Malachit tromlovanýSerpentin (atlantisit   stichtit) - stříbrné náušniceSmaragd - stříbrný přívěsek

Just as the intensification of the sun's rays continues in spring, the awakening of nature transforms barren landscapes into fresh nature, when the leaves of plants and trees begin to appear in countless shades of green. Fresh nature is represented not only by the greenery of the vegetation, but also by green-colored precious stones and minerals, which are called "growth crystals". They are the embodiment of the life force of birth, development and constant renewal of nature. They are the personal stones of people who were born in the heart of spring, i.e. TAURUS.

Green precious stones are suitable for supporting new relationships, education, business activities and are symbols of life in all its manifestations. They support growth and development and in this respect are excellent talismans for the realization of plans, but also for increasing efforts for a new life in the family.

Green stones are a ray of productivity, progress, prosperity, material success and hope for promotion at work. They are used for new beginnings , growth and strength. They are suitable talismans for promoting new life, fertility and general renewal, and for increasing efforts aimed at career advancement.

When do we need green stones of darker shades?

Aventurine or green tourmaline has a strong element of growth within it, subdued by deeper and more pronounced tones of energy, power, perspective and the mystery of the black color caused by iron admixtures. They are crystals of physical growth and excellent aids in efforts to become stronger and get in better shape.


Chryzopras tromlovanýBuddha náramek - zelený avanturín Epidot a prehnit tromlovanýUnakit tromlovaný

Dark green precious stones are used to support abundance, material security, wealth, to increase and strengthen financial background and family hearth, to attract profit and wealth. They help physical growth, promote health, are protective stones against fear and thereby increase the feeling of security. They provide unbridled life energy and deepen happiness.

Light green stones are excellent for promoting spiritual growth and moving new beginnings towards a higher purpose. They will help us focus our efforts to improve commitment to our high ideals and determination to gradually fulfill them.
The light green color of the crystals supports spiritual growth and development, highlights the strength of character and the value and importance of each of us.

Although green gemstones, semi-precious stones and crystals are especially intended for people born under the sign of Taurus, they can of course be acquired by anyone else. Not only for their positive effects in the physical, mental and spiritual realms, but perhaps just because they are beautiful, or for joy and pleasure!

Healing stones

Important notice: all the information given here about the healing properties of precious stones, semi-precious stones and minerals is only informative, drawn from generally known information and sources. They are not instructions for bypassing classical treatment . Always remember that the use of precious healing stones is not an alternative method to conventional medical care! If you feel symptoms of any illness, always see your doctor! Use healing stone abilities only as a supplement to conventional healing, not as a replacement.

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