IntroductionMagazineWorking with stonesChakra harmonization - how to do it?

Chakra harmonization - how to do it?

arks - symbols and location on the body


Chakras - harmonization

"Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being that is not limited to the absence of disease, weakness or infirmity." This is the definition of "health" formulated by the World Health Organization (WHO) on July 22, 1946, adopted in the Preamble to the WHO Constitution, and put into practice on April 7, 1948. it is also World Health Day.

The definition has not yet been changed, only supplemented by additional health characteristics.
Health, resp. Feelings of physical, mental and social well-being can be achieved in many ways. There are many currents of opinion, various treatment approaches such as allopathic treatment such as conventional treatment, alternative treatments such as homeopathy, acupuncture, etc. These are therapeutic approaches that have evolved often over millennia, or at least for centuries, in the case of phytotherapy - Thus, herbal treatment is a traditional method that must be used in practice for at least 30 years.

The chakras are similar to lotus flowers, constantly rotating in the vortex. Each chakra is assigned a symbol, color and also a typical scent. Diseases, poor interpersonal relationships or difficult life situations are considered to be the result of imbalances. The chakras must be unlocked and in full compliance.
And how to achieve harmonization of chakras?

How can we achieve chakra harmonization? We present a simple guide in a few points.

1. Meditate
- Choose a quiet, peaceful place
- focus on your breath - start with a few deep breaths,
- focus on your feelings, try to get rid of stress and tension,
- focus on the basic chakra , which is located in the places cauda equina - literally a horse's tail, at the end of the spine, and which has a bright red color,
- move your attention to the navel area and imagine a glowing orange light spinning, radiating and pulsing with each breath,
- move your attention a few centimeters above the navel, where the bright yellow chakra is located and where feelings such as love, excitement, fear and anxiety are manifested,
- in the middle of the chest there is a green, heart chakra, imagine a pulsating green light and place your palm where the heart is,
- move your attention to the throat, to the hole called the jugulum, and imagine a turquoise swirling light,
- focus on the area between the eyebrows where the Third Eye chakra is located, which is moda to indigo in color,
and finally focus your attention on the top of your head, where you can imagine a rotating purple light.

2. Practice yoga
Chakra harmonization is a traditional process with roots in ancient India. Yoga is used, among other things, to unblock chakras and release energy flow.

3. Use mantras (man-think, tra-instrument, or literally a true word). The mantras, which are words and especially their sound, are used for repeated recitation or meditation (repetition only in the mind), the goal is to calm the mind.

The mantras for each chakra are as follows:
- root chakra: laahm (pronounce: lam),
- sacral chakra: vaahm (pronounce: vam),
- solar plexus chakra: raahm (pronounce: ram),
- heart chakra: yaahm (pronounce: jam),
- throat chakra: haam (pronounce: ham),
- Third Eye chakra: ohmm or aumm (pronounce: om),
- crown chakra: silent contemplation.

4. Design your own affirmations, ie claims that something is true. They can be said out loud or in thought to influence our lives for the better. Words or short phrases that refer to personal goals or perceived blocks will suffice.
An example is the affirmation for the root chakra: I am filled with humility, for the sacral chakra: I am sensitive and strong, for the solar plexus chakra: I accept my strengths, I accept my weaknesses, for the throat chakra: my words are clearer, for the Third Eye chakra: I wise, etc. Harmonization of the heart chakra - I am loved, I love and I am capable of love, I am patient, peaceful and calm, I radiate pure love, light and positivity.

5. Pay attention to your diet.

The following foods and herbs are recommended for each chakra.

Root chakra - eg elderberries, strawberries, tomatoes and raspberries. Tea and other elderberry extracts should not be used by people who are being treated for high blood pressure.

Sacral chakra - eg parsley, oranges and peppers. Parsley should not be eaten and brewed by pregnant women.

Solar plexus chakras - eg chamomile, bananas, lemons.

Heart chakra - eg green apples, vegetables that are green - lettuce, spinach, cabbage, kohlrabi, etc. Leaf vegetables should not be increased to a greater extent by people treated with warfarin, so as not to take higher amounts of vitamin K.

Throat chakras - such as blueberries and black currants.

Chakra of the Third Eye - such as eggplant and purple cabbage.

Crown Chakra - Herbal teas, natural juices and pure water.

The seven basic chakras represent 7 colors, and therefore it is possible to combine them at will in the form of soups, salads, rice, pasta, but also drinks, etc.

Harmonization of chakras can be achieved, for example, by using essential oils designed for individual chakras, by choosing the right minerals, etc., which also cleanse the chakras. You can find the article we have prepared for you on the given topic here.

She wrote the article for you on August 21, 2021: Mgr. Radka Brichcínová

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