IntroductionMagazineWorking with stonesHeart Chakra - Anahata

Heart Chakra - Anahata

Heart Chakra Anahata, the 4th chakra positively influences complex emotions, compassion, devotion, unconditional love and well-being . Its color is green or pink. Green symbolizes productivity, progress, prosperity and material success. Green is the color of growth, the embodiment of the life force of birth, development and constant renewal of nature. It is the color of people born in the heart of spring, from April 21 to May 21, i.e. Taurus.

Pink is a symbol of love, beauty and healing, it is a talisman of love and partner relationships.

The fourth chakra forms the center of the chakra system. In it, the three lower physical-emotional centers connect with the three upper spiritual ones. Its symbol is a hexagon. The element is air and the sense of touch, which indicates the fickleness of the heart, contact, touching, receiving touches. Here we find the ability to empathize, to sympathize, to tune in to others, to experience. The role of the chakra is unification through love.

The fourth chakra in its purified form is the heart, the center of true love that cannot be had or hurt.

When the heart chakra is perfectly open and works in harmony with the other chakras, we become a mediator of love. We radiate warmth, love and energy, which opens the heart to others. We are balanced, emotional, open, willing to give and receive. In the case of disharmony or blockage, over-sensitivity, loneliness or dependence on others, excessive criticality, possessive appropriation of others and placing excessive demands on them, imbalance, callousness, recklessness appear.

Location: it is located in the middle of the chest in the area of the heart.

Color: green, but also pink.

Element: Air.

Sensory function: touch.

Basic principle: surrender.

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