IntroductionMagazineFeng ShuiLiving according to Feng Shui

Living according to Feng Shui

Feng Shui rules for every room of your home

Rush, stress, poor eating habits, little exercise ... With our current fast lifestyle, many of us long for peace, relaxation, well-being both physically and mentally, for good health and happiness, and we are looking for ways to achieve this in our daily lives. The spaces in which we live and spend a large part of our lives, the spaces in which we seek background and refuge - our homes - contribute significantly to peace, well-being and a sense of harmony. Feng Shui is one of the ways to create an environment with positive energy, which we will look forward to, we will be happy to spend our free time in it and we will perform our daily duties with zeal and joy.

If you want to create a harmonious home with Feng Shui , we have a few tips for you on how to support its positive energy.

The entrance to every space we call our home is called the mouth of qi, which means that the front door is the gateway to all qi energy, or life force, to help us enter our home. This is one of the most important areas to focus on from a Feng Shui perspective. Keep this part tidy so that qi energy can flow undisturbed. A table with live flowers will enliven these spaces and have a harmonizing effect. It is not recommended to place a mirror in the hall so that it does not reflect the inwardly flowing energy from home.
Traditionally, a three-legged money frog with a coin in its mouth is placed in a corner that is diagonally opposite the front door and is considered the primary corner of wealth.


It is a symbol of prosperity, wealth and money. It should be on an elevated spot, with money pointing inside the dwelling. The second frog can be placed directly next to the entrance door, again with the money pointing inwards, not outwards from the door. Other suitable rooms for placing a frog are a bedroom or a bathroom. You can also place black stone or mineral next to the front door to protect the home. Black tourmaline (skoryl) , for example, is suitable.


The living room is designed to relax, it is a space where people meet with family, friends. It is an ideal place for living according to feng shui. This room should be airy and, if possible, open. Feng Shui rules are far from just about the shapes and layout of different things, but also about living in terms of color and their combinations. Decorate the living room with five different colors, add green houseplants to create a pleasant atmosphere. Among the chosen colors should be blue or black, which represent the element of Water, they are suitable for spaces designed for rest, meditation, relaxation or prayer. Choose colors and combine them according to your taste so that you feel good in them and so that their shades do not create an aggressive impression. Avoid plants that are labeled poisonous and those that evoke negative images, such as "mother-in-law's tongue" (sanseviera, tenura). The dominant element of the room should be a sofa, armchairs and / or chairs. You can place a rug in the middle of the room, which creates a link between everyone who spends free time together in the room.
The green color provides unbridled life energy and supports the deepening of the feeling of happiness.

Another room is a dining room or dining area, where we eat together. The dining room represents friendship between loved ones. If you use the dining table for purposes other than those for which it is intended, do not forget to clean it. Fresh flowers stimulate positive energy and release harmony to the surroundings.

The kitchen is, next to the entrance area, another of the most important rooms, not only from the point of view of Feng Shui. It represents wealth, abundance and health. The way we eat is directly related to how the environment perceives us. The heat source is associated with prosperity, health and well-being. Keep the stove or hob always clean and in good condition. Regularly remove expired food from the refrigerator and pantry. Have a bowl of fresh fruit in the kitchen.



The bedroom is a great place to start with the elements of Feng Shui, because this room is a picture of who uses it, who sleeps in it. The dominant element of the bedroom is the bed, ideally with a firmly connected headboard. If possible, leave the room open so that positive qi energy can flow.


A home office is especially important if it is the main workspace, for example when working from home. Our desk and space generally symbolize our career, so Feng Shui can have a significant impact on work success. The dominant element of the room is the table. The chair must be comfortable, with a backrest and there must be enough space between the table and the chair.

The bathroom is a space with a large amount of water element. The energy of water is symbolized by blue and black. Keep these areas clean so that they are a place of rest and recovery, as if you were visiting a spa. A living green houseplant can convert descending water energy into ascending life energy. Leave the toilet bowl seat down. Keep all mirrors and personal mirrors clean to transmit a clear image.


Cabinets represent hidden areas of our lives and require the same attention as living spaces. Remove dust regularly, never fill the cabinet completely, but leave space in it.

Corridors are the arteries through which qi energy circulates in our homes. Keep corridors clean and clear. Decorate them with photographs and drawings and illuminate them with bright light.

To have Feng Shui housing , remember that every thing should have its place, so if you don't need it right away, store it where you can always find it when you need it. Create a harmonious home, airy, bright, with positive energy, so that you can return to it gladly and get rid of the worries of everyday life.

We have prepared for you other articles from the field of Feng Shui, eg about the garden.

She wrote the article for you on July 3, 2021: Mgr. Radka Brichcínová

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