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In order for the human body to be healthy, its chakras need to be in balance, function properly and receive bioenergy. The word chakra comes from Sanskrit (one of the oldest known languages) and translates to circle or wheel. According to Hinduism, chakras are the energy centers of a person located along the vertical axis of the body. We divide them into main and secondary . They are connected by the main meridians (a system of pathways through which energy flows inside the body). Seven major chakras and seven pairs of minor chakras are important. There are several thousand chakras in total, but only about 40 of them are of greater importance.


Chakras resemble funnel-shaped flower calyxes (often likened to lotus flowers) that are constantly spinning in the form of a vortex. This causes the necessary ambient energy to be drawn in and the unsuitable energy to be blown out. Mostly the chakras rotate to the right and their average size is 10-15 cm in a healthy individual. Each chakra is assigned one corresponding color.

Disorders, blockages and various deformations in the activity of the chakras are manifested as diseases, bad interpersonal relationships or difficult life situations. If all the chakras are unblocked, cleansed and in harmony, a person's life is also harmonious.


  • 1st Chakra – Root, Basic, in Sanskrit Muladhara (Muladára)
  • 2nd Chakra – Sexual, Cross, in Sanskrit Swadhisthana (Svadisthana)
  • 3rd chakra – Solar plexus, in Sanskrit Manipura (Manipura)
  • 4th Chakra - Heart, in Sanskrit Anahata (Anaata)
  • 5th Chakra – Throat, in Sanskrit Vishuddha (Vishuda)
  • 6th Chakra – Third Eye, Frontal, in Sanskrit Ajna (Ajna)
  • 7th Chakra – Crown, Crown, in Sanskrit Sahasrara (Saásrara)
  • palm chakras
  • foot chakras
  • organ chakras

Root Chakra – The first chakra

The first Muladhara root chakra, also called basic

Title: Muladhara; root or base chakra

Location: the lower end of the spine between the genitals and the anus

The chakra's scope includes: the lower end of the spine, the coccyx, the large intestine, the legs and feet

Color: red, red

Manifestations of poor function: constipation, obesity, hemorrhoids, loss of appetite, sciatica, bone disease, knee and leg problems in general. If there is a blockage in the first chakra, the chakras at higher levels cannot even fully develop.

The first chakrathe base – glowing bright red and marked with the four-petaled lotus symbol, connects us to the physical world. It is connected with the earth, its energy and with activities related to the earth. It connects us to Mother Earth and ensures our survival. Building existence, material security, preservation of one's own species fall into its domain.

The proper function of the first chakra allows us to feel our own stability, grounding, prosperity and psychological health.

Improper function or blockage in the first chakra causes a person to have little strength, both physical, mental and spiritual. Furthermore, it leads to egoism, excessive materialism, problems of openly giving and taking, frequent feelings of insecurity, fear and apprehension, feelings of restlessness and nervousness.

Crystals that can be used to unblock, clear and harmonize the first chakra:

Boji stones, Bronzite, Garnet, Heliotrope, Hematite, Jasper red and dark shades, Carnelian, Red coral, Moqui stones, Magnetite, Obsidian, Ruby, Tourmaline Skoryl, Tiger's eye - red, Zahneda.

Sacral, sexual - the second chakra

Second chakra sexual cross Swadhisthana

Name: Swadhisthana (Svadisthana); sacral or sexual chakra

Location: in the lower abdomen, between the pubic bone and the navel

Chakra jurisdiction includes: buttocks, reproductive organs, kidneys, bladder, body fluids and glands.

Color: orange

Manifestations of poor function: from rejection and denial of sexuality to sexual addiction, impotence, frigidity, feelings of isolation and loneliness, coarse feeling, impenetrability of emotions, sexual coldness.

The second chakra - sexual - glowing orange in color and marked with the lotus symbol with six petals, is the center of original unfiltered emotions, interpersonal relationships, sexual energy and creative powers. It is assigned to the element of water, which corresponds to emotions in astrology. The basic principle is to feel and creatively multiply. It decisively affects our interpersonal relationships - especially with the opposite sex.

The correct functioning of the second chakra gives us pleasure in life, we are full of optimism and relaxation, we are able to adapt to life's demands and make fruitful not only our life, but also the lives of others.

Improper function or blockage in the second chakra causes coldness, suppression of emotions. On the physical level, these blockages cause the suppression of all bodily manifestations, but also, for example, the need for excessive cleanliness and order.

Crystals that can be used to unblock, clear and harmonize the second chakra:

Agate (orange to yellow shades), Citrine, Jasper orange shades, Calcite orange, Carnelian red-orange, Sardonyx red-orange, Opal fire, Unakite, Topaz gold.

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