IntroductionMagazineWorking with stonesChakras
In order for the human body to be healthy, its chakras need to be in balance, function properly and receive bioenergy. The word chakra comes from Sanskrit (one of the oldest known languages) and translates to circle or wheel. According to Hinduism, chakras are the energy centers of a person located along the vertical axis of the body. We divide them into main and secondary . They are connected by the main meridians (a system of pathways through which energy flows inside the body). Seven major chakras and seven pairs of minor chakras are important. There are several thousand chakras in total, but only about 40 of them are of greater importance.
Chakras resemble funnel-shaped flower calyxes (often likened to lotus flowers) that are constantly spinning in the form of a vortex. This causes the necessary ambient energy to be drawn in and the unsuitable energy to be blown out. Mostly the chakras rotate to the right and their average size is 10-15 cm in a healthy individual. Each chakra is assigned one corresponding color.
Disorders, blockages and various deformations in the activity of the chakras are manifested as diseases, bad interpersonal relationships or difficult life situations. If all the chakras are unblocked, cleansed and in harmony, a person's life is also harmonious.
- 1st Chakra – Root, Basic, in Sanskrit Muladhara (Muladára)
- 2nd Chakra – Sexual, Cross, in Sanskrit Swadhisthana (Svadisthana)
- 3rd chakra – Solar plexus, in Sanskrit Manipura (Manipura)
- 4th Chakra - Heart, in Sanskrit Anahata (Anaata)
- 5th Chakra – Throat, in Sanskrit Vishuddha (Vishuda)
- 6th Chakra – Third Eye, Frontal, in Sanskrit Ajna (Ajna)
- 7th Chakra – Crown, Crown, in Sanskrit Sahasrara (Saásrara)
- palm chakras
- foot chakras
- organ chakras
Root Chakra – The first chakra
Title: Muladhara; root or base chakra
Location: the lower end of the spine between the genitals and the anus
The chakra's scope includes: the lower end of the spine, the coccyx, the large intestine, the legs and feet
Color: red, red
Manifestations of poor function: constipation, obesity, hemorrhoids, loss of appetite, sciatica, bone disease, knee and leg problems in general. If there is a blockage in the first chakra, the chakras at higher levels cannot even fully develop.
The first chakra – the base – glowing bright red and marked with the four-petaled lotus symbol, connects us to the physical world. It is connected with the earth, its energy and with activities related to the earth. It connects us to Mother Earth and ensures our survival. Building existence, material security, preservation of one's own species fall into its domain.
The proper function of the first chakra allows us to feel our own stability, grounding, prosperity and psychological health.
Improper function or blockage in the first chakra causes a person to have little strength, both physical, mental and spiritual. Furthermore, it leads to egoism, excessive materialism, problems of openly giving and taking, frequent feelings of insecurity, fear and apprehension, feelings of restlessness and nervousness.
Crystals that can be used to unblock, clear and harmonize the first chakra:
Boji stones, Bronzite, Garnet, Heliotrope, Hematite, Jasper red and dark shades, Carnelian, Red coral, Moqui stones, Magnetite, Obsidian, Ruby, Tourmaline Skoryl, Tiger's eye - red, Zahneda.
Sacral, sexual - the second chakra
Name: Swadhisthana (Svadisthana); sacral or sexual chakra
Location: in the lower abdomen, between the pubic bone and the navel
Chakra jurisdiction includes: buttocks, reproductive organs, kidneys, bladder, body fluids and glands.
Color: orange
Manifestations of poor function: from rejection and denial of sexuality to sexual addiction, impotence, frigidity, feelings of isolation and loneliness, coarse feeling, impenetrability of emotions, sexual coldness.
The second chakra - sexual - glowing orange in color and marked with the lotus symbol with six petals, is the center of original unfiltered emotions, interpersonal relationships, sexual energy and creative powers. It is assigned to the element of water, which corresponds to emotions in astrology. The basic principle is to feel and creatively multiply. It decisively affects our interpersonal relationships - especially with the opposite sex.
The correct functioning of the second chakra gives us pleasure in life, we are full of optimism and relaxation, we are able to adapt to life's demands and make fruitful not only our life, but also the lives of others.
Improper function or blockage in the second chakra causes coldness, suppression of emotions. On the physical level, these blockages cause the suppression of all bodily manifestations, but also, for example, the need for excessive cleanliness and order.
Crystals that can be used to unblock, clear and harmonize the second chakra:
Agate (orange to yellow shades), Citrine, Jasper orange shades, Calcite orange, Carnelian red-orange, Sardonyx red-orange, Opal fire, Unakite, Topaz gold.
Related products

A lotus candle for the throat chakra

A smoking mixture for harmonizing the sacral chakra - Svádhisthana

Agate black chakra bracelet double with Shamballa clasp

Agate Indian bracelet chopped with chakra beads

Aladdin's metal oriental lantern candlestick for tea candles

Amazonite beaded chakra bracelet with Buddha head

Amazonite bracelet chopped chakra with lava

Amber beads for children chakra

Amber beads for children polished in the color of chakra cherry

Amber beads for children polished in the color of cognac chakra

Amber beads for children satin-finished in the color of cognac chakra

Amber natural raw Borneo

Amethyst bracelet cut with chakra beads

Amethyst Buddha chakra bracelet with Buddha head

Amethyst Buddha Tibetan Chakra Necklace

Amethyst Chakra Bracelet Double with Shamballa Clasp

Amrita Feng Shui window curtain made of colored crystals

Ananda smoking mixture to remove negativity

Anastasia smoking mixture

Anise fruit

Aventurine chakra necklace

Ayurveda smoking mixture

Baltic amber

Benzoe Siamese

Blue lotus meditation pillow

Blue quartz tambled pendant 1.4 - 2.6 cm

Blue-violet lotus candlestick

Bowl brass color gold decorated 5.5 cm

Bowl brass color silver decorated 5.5 cm

Bracelet made of blue quartz beads

Brass candlestick for tea and ghee candles Diya Heart

Brass oil ghee lamp

Brass tea and ghee candle holder Diya Om

Brocade Double Tablecloth 22 cm

Brown-yellow meditation cushion

Buddhist lava stone chakra bracelet

Candle for the 1st chakra with the scent of cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves

Candle for the 2nd chakra with the scent of cedar, fir and rosemary

Candle for the 3rd chakra with the scent of bergamot, lemon and grapefruit

Candle for the 4th chakra with the scent of lavandin, orange and tangerine

Candle for the 5th chakra with the scent of rose, argan oil and chamomile

Candle for the 6th chakra with the scent of lavender, chamomile and fir

Candle for the 7th chakra with the scent of patchouli, labdana and incense

Candle light blue lotus

Candle lotus orange-gold Extra

Candlestick lotus cyclamen

Candlestick lotus dark pink

Candlestick lotus open flower pink

Candlestick made of talc for tea lights Heart

Candlestick metal Flower of life for tealights

Candlestick metal lantern Flower of life on tea candles gold color

Candlestick metal lantern Flower of life on tealights color antique silver

Candlestick metal lantern Tree of life on tea candles

Candlestick metal oriental lantern Medina for tea candles

Carillon with a happy Buddha for happiness and prosperity

Carillon with a money frog for wealth, happiness and abundance

Carillon with a money frog for wealth, luck and abundance red metal

Carillon with Chinese coins for wealth, fortune and abundance

Ceramic candle holder for table candles Gardenia pink

Ceramic candle holder for table candles Gardenia white

Ceramic candlestick for table candles Lotus flower pink

Ceramic candlestick for table candles Lotus flower white

Ceramic candlestick Woman 15 cm

Chakra bead pendant with chain

Chakra beaded bracelet Shamballa style

Chakra beaded bracelet with amethyst and Tree of Life

Chakra beaded necklace

Chakra beaded strength bracelet

Chakra bracelet chopped amethyst and seven beads

Chakra bracelet chopped citrine and seven beads

Chakra bracelet chopped with metal ornaments

Chakra bracelet cut crystal and seven beads

Chakra bracelet cut with beads

Chakra bracelet made of beads of precious stones, braided

Chakra bracelet made of Buddhist aventurine with rings

Chakra bracelet made of carnelian with Shamballa fastening

Chakra bracelet made of lava beads and semi-precious stones

Chakra bracelet with a tiger's eye bead

Chakra bracelet with cut rose gold and seven beads

Chakra bracelet with semi-precious stone beads

Chakra bracelet with semiprecious beads and lotus symbol

Chakra bracelet with the Tree of Life

Chakra bracelet with Tree of Life and rosary

Chakra candle Extra in glass with the scent of cedar and honeysuckle

Chakra candle Extra in glass with the scent of rosemary, fir and cedar

Chakra crystal set with chakra lingam chakra symbols

Chakra drop Feng Shui window curtain made of glass and rainbow crystal

Chakra earrings circles in an oval silver Ag 925

Chakra earrings Infinity silver Ag 925

Chakra earrings Koru spiral silver Ag 925

Chakra earrings leaves silver Ag 925

Chakra earrings long silver Ag 925

Chakra earrings petals rhodium plated silver Ag 925

Chakra earrings rhodium-plated Koru spiral silver Ag 925

Chakra earrings wavy silver Ag 925

Chakra flower pendant

Chakra grape pendant

Chakra grape pendant with jeweled handle

Chakra heart pendant made of semiprecious stones

Chakra keychain with lotus flower

Chakra keychain with the tree of life

Chakra Keychain with Tree of Life II.

Chakra orgonite obelisk with semi-precious stones

Chakra Pendant Anch

Chakra pendant Arabesque Ag 925

Chakra pendant Caduceus 2 silver Ag 925

Chakra pendant circle of drops silver Ag 925

Chakra pendant circles in an oval silver Ag 925

Chakra Pendant Crescent Moon Ag 925

Chakra pendant crystal made of semi-precious stones and crystal

Chakra pendant cut with Lotus and chain

Chakra pendant Energy of nature Ag 925

Chakra pendant flower of life Ag 925

Chakra pendant Harmony Ag 925

Chakra pendant hexagram Ag 925

Chakra pendant Infinity silver Ag 925

Chakra pendant Koru spiral large silver Ag 925

Chakra Pendant Kundalini Ag 925

Chakra Pendant Life Force Ag 925

Chakra pendant long silver Ag 925

Chakra pendant Lucky ticket Ag 925

Chakra pendant Lyra silver Ag 925

Chakra pendant made of semi-precious stones ball with chain

Chakra pendant Mandala Ag 925

Chakra pendant of a star in a circle silver Ag 925

Chakra pendant Om symbol

Chakra pendant oval decorated with Ag 925

Chakra pendant Path of Life Ag 925

Chakra pendant pentagram in a circle silver Ag 925

Chakra pendant rhodium-plated Angelic love Ag 925

Chakra pendant rhodium-plated Lotus flower silver Ag 925

Chakra pendant rhodium-plated Mandala Ag 925

Chakra pendant rhodium-plated Om filigree silver Ag 925

Chakra pendant rhodium-plated Phoenix silver Ag 925

Chakra pendant rhodium-plated Rose of Life Ag 925

Chakra pendant Rose of Life Ag 925

Chakra pendant Sacred geometry Ag 925

Chakra pendant star Ag 925

Chakra pendant star in a circle silver Ag 925 limited collection L65215

Chakra Pendant Tree of Life

Chakra pendant with a star

Chakra pendant with crescent moon

Chakra pendant with waxed string

Chakra pendant Woman silver Ag 925

Chakra pendulum

Chakra pyramid extra from seven semi-precious stones

Chakra pyramid of seven semi-precious stones

Chakra pyramid of seven semi-precious stones with the Tree of Life

Chakra ring Anemone rhodium silver Ag 925

Chakra ring elastic with semi-precious stones

Chakra Ring Energy of Life rhodium plated silver Ag 925

Chakra ring Energy of nature rhodium silver Ag 925

Chakra ring filigree rhodium silver Ag 925

Chakra ring floral Mandala rhodium silver Ag 925

Chakra ring leaves rhodium silver Ag 925

Chakra ring Line of life silver with semi-precious stones Ag 925

Chakra ring Lotus flower rhodium silver Ag 925

Chakra ring silver Ag 925

Chakra ring spiral rhodium silver Ag 925

Chakra ring straight line decorated with rhodium silver Ag 925

Chakra ring straight line with spiral rhodium silver Ag 925

Chakra ring Vlnka silver with semi-precious stones Ag 925

Chakra scented candle in glass for the 1st chakra

Chakra scented candle in glass for the 2nd chakra

Chakra scented candle in glass for the 3rd chakra

Chakra scented candle in glass for the 4th chakra

Chakra scented candle in glass for the 5th chakra

Chakra scented candle in glass for the 6th chakra

Chakra scented candle in glass for the 7th chakra

Chakra set of anti-stress stones

Chakra set of crystal pyramids with chakra symbols

Chakra set of heart stones

Chakra set of orgonite stones with chakra symbols

Chakra set of sacred geometry from semi-precious stones

Chakra set of semiprecious cubes with chakra symbols

Chakra set of stones crystals

Chakra set of stones with a free keychain

Chakra set of stones with a keychain

Chakra set of stones with chakra symbols in a Chakraset I bag

Chakra set of stones with chakra symbols in a goddess bag

Chakra set of stones with chakra symbols in a wooden box

Chakra set of stones with chakra symbols in the Chakraset II bag

Chakra set of stones with runes

Chakra set of stones with symbols and names of chakras

Chakra set of stones with traditional Indian chakra symbols

Chakra star in a circle pendant Ag 925

Chakra stone set with Celtic symbols

Chakra stone set with pendulum

Chakra tray mango wood Flower of life - decoration

Chakra tree on agate - decoration for the apartment and office


Chakras and meridians: Symptoms of diseases - diagnosis

Chakras for Beginners: How to Create Energy Balance in the Chakras

Chamomile flower

Cheerful ring made of colored elastic beads

Chest and wood stand for incense sticks Symbols of chakras

Children's chakra bracelet with tree

Children's bracelet green

Children's bracelet multicolor

Children's bracelet Pink Fairy

Children's bracelet purple

Children's bracelet Purple Fairy

Children's bracelet Turquoise fairy

Children's bracelet Two angels pink color

Children's bracelet Two angels purple color

Children's bracelet Two angels turquoise color

Children's bracelet Two angels yellow color

Children's bracelet with colored beads and a flower

Children's bracelet with colored beads and a flower

Children's cyclamen bracelet

Children's cyclamen bracelet

Children's pink bracelet

Children's yellow bracelet

Chopped agate bracelet

Chopped chakra bracelet with white pearls

Cinnamon and orange 30 g in a can

Cleanliness and protection set of smokers from the root, roots and resins

Colorful jasper beaded bracelet

Combustion mixture for harmonizing the crown chakra - Sahasrara

Combustion mixture for harmonizing the frontal chakra - Ajna

Combustion mixture for harmonizing the navel chakra - Manipura

Copal Congo resin

Crystal Pyramid with Tree of Life

Crystal set of stones with four elements

Dark gray meditation pillow

Decorative sticker Healing chakras

Double chakra crystal bracelet with Shamballa clasp

Dragon blood resin

Dragon blood resin 60 g in a can

Drop chakra Feng Shui window curtain made of glass with a rainbow drop

Egyptian musk fumigant resin mixture 60 g in a can

Elephant stand for incense sticks made of burnt clay

Enchant bracelet chopped

Energy chakras smoking mixture

Energy chakras smoking resin mixture 60 g

Extra chakra candle in glass without fragrance

Feng Shui Angels chakra hinge to the window made of cut crystals and metal

Feng Shui flower curtain in the window made of metal and crystal

Flower of Life Chakra Feng Shui Window Curtain Made of Metal and Rainbow Crystal

Flower of Life Feng Shui window curtain made of colored crystals and metal

Flower of life Feng Shui window hanging made of colored crystals and gold metal

Gayatri mantra meditation pillow

Ghee candles 170 g 50 pcs

Gift set of raw semi-precious stones in a box - 6 pieces

Gift set of raw stones in a box - 25 pcs random mix

Gift set of semi-precious stones in a box - 12 pieces

Gift set of semi-precious stones in a box - 15 pieces

Gift set of semi-precious stones in a box - 16 pieces

Gift set of semi-precious stones in a box - 24 pieces

Gift set of semi-precious stones in a box - 3 x 24 types

Gift set of semi-precious stones in a box - 31 pieces

Gift set of semi-precious stones in a box - 36 pieces on a brown background

Gift set of semi-precious stones in a box - 36 pieces on a white background

Gift set of semi-precious stones in a photo frame - 35 pieces

Girl's bracelet of 7 semi-precious stones

Glass candle holder with chakra symbols for tea and votive candles

Gnome porcelain candlestick for table candles

Gold brass bowl decorated

Gold-black Lotus meditation cushion

Greek Temple Incense Cedar Smoke Mix 20 g

Greek temple incense Cypress smoking mixture 20 g

Greek Temple Incense Honey Smoke Mix 20 g

Greek temple incense Jasmine smoke mixture 20 g

Greek temple incense Lemon blossom fumigation mixture 20 g

Greek Temple Incense Lily Smoke Mix 20 g

Greek temple incense Pine fumes 20 g

Green-pink lotus candlestick

Guggul India

Harmony Chakra Feng Shui Pendant with Tree of Life

Harmony Feng Shui window curtain made of colored crystals

Health Chinese meditation balls against stress Butterfly

Health Chinese meditation balls against stress Dragon and Phoenix dark blue

Health Chinese meditation balls against stress Dragon and Phoenix Green

Health Chinese meditation balls against stress Dragon and Phoenix white

Health Chinese meditation balls against stress Elephants red/white

Health Chinese meditation balls against stress Yellow Dragon

Health Chinese meditation balls against stress Yin Yang red

Health Chinese meditation balls against stress Yin Yang white/green marbled 4 cm

Health Chinese Qi Xin Ylang Anti Stress Meditation Balls

Heart Chakra Feng Shui Hanging with Tree of Life

Heart Chakra Singing Bowl

Heart stand for incense sticks and cones

Heavenly laurel smoking mixture

Hematite Om Symbol Chakra Bracelet with Shamballa Clasp

Hemisphere Orgonite for Chakra Harmonization

Horus Wing Chakra Pendant Ag 925

Howlit White Buddha wore a chakra bracelet

Howlit white chakra double bracelet with Shamballa clasp

Howlit white chakra necklace for protection against negativity

Howlit white double pendant bracelet with Shamballa clasp


Incense Greek temple acacia fumigant

Incense Greek Temple Balsam Smoke Mix

Incense Greek temple Bethlehem smoke mixture

Incense Greek temple Byzantium smoking mixture

Incense Greek temple Cinnamon smoking mixture

Incense Greek Temple Gardenia Smoke Mix

Incense Greek Temple Jerusalem Smoke Mix

Incense Greek Temple Lavender Smoke Mix

Incense Greek Temple Magnolia Smoke Mix

Incense Greek temple Mastix smoking mixture

Incense Greek temple Myrrh smoking mixture

Incense Greek temple Nazareth smoking mixture

Incense Greek temple Saharan flower fumes

Incense Greek temple violet smoking mixture

Incense resin 60 g in a can


Jerusalem 60 g in a can

Kamasutra fumigation mixture 70 g

Keychain Circle of green aventurine

Keychain with green aventurine and dragon

Labradorite bracelet chopped chakra with lava

Labradorite chakra necklace to protect against negativity

Lamp - metal candlestick Lotus for tea candles

Lamp - metal candlestick Mandala for tea candles

Lapis lazuli chakra bracelet double with Shamballa clasp

Large orgonite chakra pyramid with chakra crystal

Lava stone Buddha necklace Tibetan chakra

Lava Stone Chakra Bracelet Double with Shamballa Clasp

Lava Stone Chakra Bracelet with Shamballa Clasp

Light gray meditation pillow

Lilac lotus candlestick

Long chakra earrings with a tip silver Ag 925

Lotus candle for the crown chakra

Lotus candle for the frontal chakra

Lotus candle for the heart chakra

Lotus candle for the root chakra

Lotus candle for the sacral chakra

Lotus candle for the solar plexus chakra

Lotus Flower Feng Shui Chakra Crystal Window Curtain

Lotus flower Feng Shui crystal window curtain

Lotus flower Feng Shui curtain to the window made of metal and crystal

Lotus flower Feng Shui window curtain made of colored crystals and metal

Lotus flower with purple beads Feng Shui curtain to the window made of crystals

Lotus meditation pillow with Om symbol

Lotus turquoise meditation pillow

Love and happiness smoker set made of flowers, leaves and resin

Love Feng Shui window curtain made of colored crystals

Love Feng Shui window curtain made of cut crystals

Luxury bracelet made of precious stones and pearls

Luxury bracelet made of precious stones and pearls with jade

Luxury bracelet made of precious stones and pearls with lapis lazuli

Luxury chakra bracelet made of precious stone beads

Luxury chakra bracelet wrap made of precious stones

Mandala glass scented candle

Mat under the singing bowl round blue-red 12 cm

Medical Chinese meditation balls against stress Yin Yang red 4 cm

Meditation cushion blue with elephants

Meditation cushion brown

Meditation cushion golden color Lotus

Meditation cushion green with elephants

Meditation cushion indigo

Meditation cushion purple with elephants

Meditation pillow black

Meditation pillow burgundy

Meditation pillow crescent Lotus red-black

Meditation pillow for the 1st chakra

Meditation pillow for the 2nd chakra

Meditation pillow for the 3rd chakra

Meditation pillow for the 5th chakra

Meditation pillow for the 6th chakra

Meditation pillow for the 7th chakra

Meditation pillow red

Meditation Pillow Symbol Om

Meditation pillow Symbol Om with the symbols of the seven chakras

Meditation pillow Tree of Life

Meditation pillow white Flower of life

Metal candlestick 11 cm

Metal candlestick decorated for tea and votive candles

Metal candlestick decorated for tea candles variant A

Metal candlestick decorated for tea candles variant B

Metal candlestick decorated for tea candles variant C

Metal candlestick Fan-shaped pattern for tea and votive candles

Metal candlestick Fan-shaped pattern for tea and votive candles deep pink

Metal candlestick for tea lights Lotus flower gold

Metal candlestick hanging on tea candles Star of the Orient

Metal candlestick with stylized Flower of Life

Metal lantern for tea candles Fairy tale of the Orient

Metal lantern for tea candles Magic moment

Metal lantern for tea candles Shimmering joy

Metal lantern for tea lights Nights of the Orient

Morning glory Amrita Feng Shui window curtain made of colored crystals

Morning glory Feng Shui window curtain made of colored crystals

Morning glory heart Feng Shui window curtain made of colored crystals

Muira puama

Nag Champa smoking powder 20 g

Namaste hanging fabric painting

Obsidian chakra necklace for protection against negativity

Old pink meditation pillow Moon phase

Om symbol glass candlestick for tea and votive candles

One thousand and one night mixture of resins

Onyx Buddha had a chakra bracelet

Onyx Buddha Tibetan Chakra Necklace

Onyx chakra necklace with amethyst beads

Orange meditation pillow

Orange-yellow lotus candlestick

Orgonite ball with crystal and Flower of Life

Orgonite chakra ball with power symbol

Orgonite chakra pyramid

Orgonite chakra pyramid

Orgonite chakra pyramid in the shape of a cone

Orgonite chakra pyramid small

Orgonite chakra pyramid with crystal crystal

Orgonite Grand Chakra Pyramid

Orgonite Great Chakra Pyramid Limited Edition

Orgonite Hexagram for Chakra Harmonization

Orgonite pyramid with rose gold large with crystal and chakra symbol

Orgonite pyramid with small turquoise

Oriental metal candlestick magic lantern on big candles

Palo Santo crushed

Palo Santo scented candle in glass

Palo Santo stick

Palo Santo wood crushed

Pendant Snake colored cubic zirconia


Peruvian Golden Smoker (Incienso)

Petal chakra pendant silver Ag 925

Phytos Advent mixture of 100% essential oils 10 ml

Phytos Christmas dream mixture of 100% essential oils 10 ml

Phytos Magnolia leaf 100% essential oil 5 ml

Phytos Petitgrain Bigarade 100% essential oil 10 ml

Phytos Respirol Veil Spray A mixture of 100% essential oils 20 ml

Phytos Silent Night mixture of 100% essential oils 10 ml

Phytos Spray for veils Polar bear mixture of 100% essential oils 20 ml

Phytos Sweet relaxation mixture of 100% essential oils 10 ml

Phytos White Christmas mixture of 100% essential oils 10 ml

Phytos Yang mixture of essential oils 10 ml

Phytos Yin blend of essential oils 10 ml

Pillow under the singing bowl blue with gold embroidery 12 cm

Pillow under the singing bowl blue with gold embroidery 14 cm

Pillow under the singing bowl red with gold embroidery 12 cm

Pillow under the singing bowl red with gold embroidery 14 cm

Pine limba bark shavings

Pink and white lotus candlestick Extra

Pink lotus candlestick

Pink meditation pillow

Pink-red lotus candlestick

Pink-red meditation cushion

Porcelain candle holder for Santa Claus table candles

Porcelain candlestick for tea candles White angel with a bell 22 cm

Porcelain candlestick for tea candles White angel with a star 22 cm

Porcelain candlestick for tea candles White angel with flute 22 cm

Porcelain candlestick for tea candles White angel with violin 22 cm

Prosperity and blessings of Feng Shui cut crystal string for window black

Prosperity and blessings of Feng Shui cut crystal window blue

Prosperity and blessings of Feng Shui cut crystal window pink

Prosperity and blessings of Feng Shui cut into the window of cut red crystals

Prosperity and blessings of Feng Shui string into the window of cut golden crystals

Prosperity and blessings of Feng Shui string into the window of cut green crystals

Prosperity and blessings of Feng Shui string into the window of cut turquoise crystals

Pure Resins - Resin Pine 60 ml

Purple lotus candlestick

Pyramid extra of seven semi-precious stones

Quartz pebbles with a burr

Raw rose quartz on a base - decoration

Red lotus candlestick

Red-orange meditation cushion

Reiki set of amethyst stones with Reiki symbols

Reiki set of lapis lazuli stones with Reiki symbols

Reiki set of stones with Reiki symbols in a wooden box

Ritual bell with a large dorice

Ritual Bell with dorge 17 cm

Ritual Bell with Dorje 11 cm

Ritual Bell with Dorje 12.5 cm

Ritual Bell with dorje 13.5 cm

Ritual Bell with dorje 18 cm

Ritual Bell with Dorje small 11 cm

Ritual mixture of essential oils The Four Thieves 15 ml

Root Chakra Singing Bowl

Rosary bracelet Buddhist beads and rings

Rose gold chakra bracelet double with Shamballa clasp

Rose quartz and yellow quartz tree on a chakra base

Rose quartz chakra bracelet with Buddha head

Rose quartz pebble with an edge

Rose quartz polished freeform Madagascar 1

Rose quartz polished freeform Madagascar 2

Rose quartz polished freeform Madagascar 3

Rose quartz tumbled

Rose-quartz asterisk drummed AA quality

Rosette chakra necklace

Rudraksha Chakra Bracelet with Om Pendant

Sacred Crystals: 50 crystals to heal body and soul

Sal Nepal

Sal Nepal resin

Sandalwood smoking powder

Sandarak resin

Scented candle in a glass with the scent of lavender, tangerine and vanilla Flower of life purple

Scented candle in a glass with the scent of mint, lemongrass and incense Flower of life white

Scented candle in glass Meditation

Scented candle in glass Om symbol

Scented candle in glass Yin and Yang

Scented candle in Nag Champa glass

Scented table chakra candle

Scented Votive Calming Candle

Scented Votive Canadian Forest Candle

Scented votive candle Calm

Scented votive candle Sweet dreams

Semi-precious stone chakra necklace with pearls

Semi-precious stone chakra pendant

Set of 6 Feng Shui Coasters Tree of Life

Set of 6 Feng Shui Moon Phases

Set of incinerators made of herbs, woods, resins, roots and nuts

Set of stones in a box - 20 pcs random mix

Set of stones in a box - 5 raw minerals

Shanti smoking compound for home harmony

Silver earrings with cut aquamarines Ag 925 014969 AQ

Silver pendant with aquamarine and zircons in the shape of a leaf Ag 925 020160 AQ

Silver pendant with cut aquamarines Ag 925 015924 AQ

Singing bowl for the crown chakra

Singing bowl for the frontal chakra

Singing bowl for the sacral chakra

Singing bowl for the solar plexus chakra

Smoke mixture for harmonizing the heart chakra - Anáhata

Smoking mixture for neck chakra harmonization - Vishuddha

Smoking mixture for root chakra harmonization - Muladhara

Space chakra decorative stickers set

Stars and blessings Feng Shui window curtain made of cut crystals

Sun and Star Chakra Pendant Ag 925

Sun Chakra Pendant Ag 925

Talc stand Elephants in a circle on incense sticks

The Amazon Buddha had a chakra bracelet with a Buddha head

The Amethyst Buddha wore a chakra bracelet

The Secret of the Twelve Nights After Christmas smoker set

The unity and blessings of Feng Shui curtain to the window of colored crystals

Three legged money frog on coins for wealth, luck and abundance

Throat Chakra Singing Bowl

Tibetan Cymbal with chakra symbols

Tibetan Cymbal with eight symbols of good luck

Tibetan Cymbal with mantra

Tibetan Cymbal with mantra Om Mani Padme Hum 6 cm

Tibetan Cymbal with mantra Om Mani Padme Hum 6.7 cm

Tibetan Cymbal with symbols of prosperity

Tiger Eye Buddha had a Buddha head chakra bracelet

Tiger eye Buddha had a chakra bracelet

Tiger eye chakra bracelet with shamballa clasp

Tree of life chakra Feng Shui window curtain made of metal and rainbow crystal

Tree of life Feng Shui curtain to the window made of metal and colored crystals

Tree of Life Feng Shui curtain to the window of metal and chakra crystals

Tree of life Feng Shui curtain to the window of metal and rainbow crystal

Tree of Life Feng Shui Hanging Seven Chakras

Tree of life scented candle in glass

Tulasi sacred basil

Tulasi sacred basil stem

Turquoise chakra necklace to protect against negativity

Twelve nights set of fumes from roots and berries

Votive Black Forest scented candle

Votive candle scent A thousand and one nights

Votive chakra scented candle in glass for the 1st chakra

Votive chakra scented candle in glass for the 2nd chakra

Votive chakra scented candle in glass for the 3rd chakra

Votive chakra scented candle in glass for the 4th chakra

Votive chakra scented candle in glass for the 5th chakra

Votive chakra scented candle in glass for the 6th chakra

Votive chakra scented candle in glass for the 7th chakra

Votive Harmony scented candle

Votive Indian summer scented candle

Votive scented candle Joy and love

Wealth and prosperity Feng Shui window curtain made of cut crystals

White birch bark

White sage Cinnamon smoke bunch 10 cm

White sage Patchouli smoking bundle 10 cm

White sage scented candle in glass

Wicca set of aventurine stones with Celtic symbols

Wood box and stand for incense sticks with chakra symbols

Wood box and stand for incense sticks with Flower of Life

Wood box and stand for incense sticks with Ganesha

Wood box and stand for incense sticks with Om symbol

Wooden mallet with black suede for singing bowls 15 cm

Wooden mallet with black suede for singing bowls 17 cm

Wooden mallet with black suede for singing bowls 19 cm

Wooden mallet with black suede for singing bowls 3.5 x 17 cm

Wooden mallet with felt for singing bowls 13 cm

Wooden mallet with felt for singing bowls 27 cm

Wooden mallet with felt for singing bowls 33 cm

Wooden mallet with felt for singing bowls 33 cm - 300 g

Wooden mallet with red suede for singing bowls 15 cm

Wooden mallet with red suede for singing bowls 19 cm